Baidu Mobile Search is the world's largest Chinese mobile search engine, with billions of Internet traffic directed to it every day, so the mobilization of websites is imperative. This article aims to provide mobile site owners with authoritative and clear mobile search optimization standards, to help websites reasonably and sustainably increase mobile traffic, achieve long-term and stable development, and thus promote the healthy development of the entire mobile Internet. Let’s learn more about it with Dongguan SEO editor Feng Chao!
Section 1: Technology Selection How to layout your PC site and mobile site, and express the corresponding relationship between the content of the two There are currently three ways to configure PC sites and mobile sites with high traffic. From the perspective of search engines, Baidu calls these three types jump adaptation, code adaptation, and self-adaptation. The following is an explanation of the terms and a comparison of the differences and similarities of these three configuration methods. 1. Jump adaptation : This method uses a separate URL to provide different codes to each device. This configuration attempts to detect the device or ua that the user is using and then redirects to the appropriate page using HTTP redirects and the Vary HTTP header. 2. Code adaptation : This method uses the same URL (regardless of the device used by the user), but generates different versions of HTML for different device types based on the server's understanding of the user's browser (ua). 3. Adaptive : A website design method that provides the same HTML code through the same URL. This approach is independent of the device the user is using (PC, tablet, mobile device), but can render (i.e. adapt) the display differently depending on the screen size.
Analysis of three configuration methods Baidu has made some comparisons and analyses on the three configuration methods of jump adaptation, code adaptation, and self-adaptation from the perspective of search engines only, hoping to help sites choose the most suitable and cost-effective way to go mobile.
Optimization suggestions for three configuration methods 1. Jump adaptation In this configuration, each PC version URL has a corresponding different URL to provide content optimized for mobile devices. To help our algorithms understand separate mobile URLs, we recommend using the following annotations: On the desktop version of the page, add a special link rel="alternate" tag pointing to the corresponding mobile version URL. This helps in discovering where the mobile version of your site is located. On the mobile version of the page, add a link to the corresponding desktop version URL rel="canonical" tag. For example, if the desktop URL is and the corresponding mobile URL is, the annotation in this example would look like this: On the PC version of the webpage (, add: <link rel="alternate" media="only screen and(max-width: 640px)" href="" > On the mobile version of the page (, the required annotation would be: <link rel="canonical" href="" > You can also use the original open adaptation submission method. 2. Code adaptation In order to let Baidu know when your page changes and needs to be re-crawled with a different UA, please add the Vary HTTP header. The Vary HTTP header has two very important and useful purposes: a) It indicates to cache servers used by ISPs and other locations that they should consider the user agent when deciding whether to serve a page from cache. If you don't use the Vary HTTP header, caches may mistakenly serve cached versions of your PC-based HTML pages to mobile device users (or vice versa). b) It helps Baidu Spdier discover mobile-optimized content more quickly, because when we crawl a URL optimized for mobile content, we use a valid Vary HTTP header as one of the crawling signals, and we increase the priority of crawling this page with other UAs. Example: And add in the head of the pc's response <meta name="applicable-device" content="pc"> Add in the mobile response header <meta name="applicable-device" content="mobile"> 3. Adaptive Adaptive design has its general principles: add the following code in the head and use the <picture> element to handle adaptive images: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> Adaptive pages should also be identified in the head: <metaname="applicable-device" content="pc,mobile"> Indicates that the page is suitable for viewing on both mobile devices and PCs. Regarding mobile configuration, Baidu does not recommend this practice 1. Please use the same configuration method (jump adaptation, code adaptation, self-adaptation) under a single domain name. For example, do not configure the mobile site page as a subdirectory in the PC site URL. 2. If you use the jump adaptation method, please do not use JS to adapt and jump the UA. This approach has two disadvantages: a) For users: It increases the latency caused by the redirected client; this is because the client needs to download the page first, then parse and execute the JavaScript before triggering the redirect. There will be no such delay for 301 or 302. b) For search: The crawler also needs to use a crawler that supports JS rendering to discover this redirection. Section 2 : Preliminary Preparation Baidu mobile search optimization preliminary preparation domain name: Just like PC websites, the domain name is the user's first impression of a website. A good mobile domain name is not only easy to remember and input, but also convenient for users to recommend it to others. The domain name should be as short and easy to understand as possible. The shorter the domain name, the lower the memory cost. The easier to understand domain name can allow users to understand the purpose of the website more intuitively. It is recommended to use macom/ as the domain name for mobile sites, and avoid using overly complex or technical forms, such as, etc. server: Choose a regular space service provider to avoid sharing IP with a large number of junk websites and ensure website access speed and stability. I will not go into details about the rest here, and the PC website foundation is assumed. Website Language: According to the development of terminals and technologies, we strongly recommend using HTML5 as the mobile site building language and automatically adapting it to different terminal models. Section 3: Good Collection The basis for obtaining traffic - good inclusion As an ordinary visitor of a website, search engines crawl and index the website, judge the value of the site/page, and rank it based on user experience. Therefore, in principle, any improvement to the user experience on the website is an improvement to the search engine. However, due to the current overall network environment and technical reasons, the specific means of implementing user experience also need to consider search engine friendliness, so that it will be easier for search engines to understand and process while satisfying user experience. Then, website construction for mobile search engines is mainly divided into three parts: how to better allow Baidu mobile search to include the content of the website, how to obtain better rankings in mobile searches, and how to allow users to quickly find and click on your website from numerous search results. To put it simply, it is collection, sorting and display. Let’s start with the collection: Machine readable: Like PC spider, Baidu uses a program called Baiduspider2.0 to crawl web pages on the mobile Internet, and after processing, it builds into the mobile index. Currently, Baiduspider can only read text content, and cannot handle non-text content such as flash and pictures well for the time being. Baidu can only simply recognize the text placed in flash and pictures. It is recommended to use text instead of flash, pictures, Javascript, etc. to display important content or links. Search engines are temporarily unable to recognize the content in Flash, pictures, and complex Javascript. At the same time, web pages that only exist in flash or Javascript and contain links may not be included in Baidu Mobile Search. Don't use Ajax techniques in places you want search engines to read, such as titles, navigation, content, etc. Flat structure: Mobile sites should also have a clear structure and shallower link depth, which allows users to quickly obtain useful information and allows search engines to quickly understand the structural hierarchy of each page in the website. It is recommended to adopt a tree structure for the website structure, which is usually divided into the following three levels: home page - channel - details page. Mesh Link: The ideal website structure is a flat tree, with as few levels as possible from the homepage to the content page, which is more conducive to search engine processing. At the same time, the links within the website should also adopt a mesh structure. Each web page on the website should have links to the upper and lower pages and related content to avoid link islands: the home page has links to the channel page, the channel page has links to the home page and ordinary content pages, the ordinary content page has links to the parent channel and the home page, and content-related web pages have links to each other. Every web page in the website should be part of the website structure and should be linked to by other web pages, so that Baiduspider can traverse the website content as completely as possible. At the same time, important content should be closer to the homepage to facilitate value delivery. Simple and easy to understand URL: A URL that is descriptive, standardized, and simple helps users remember and intuitively judge the content of a web page more easily, and also helps search engines crawl and understand web pages more effectively. When designing a website, you should have a reasonable URL plan. We believe that: 1. For the mobile site homepage, macom/ is generally used; 2. The channel page uses macom/n1/, macom/n2/ (which corresponds to the channel of the PC site). Of course, n1 and n2 are more readable directly; 3. The URL of the detail page should be as short as possible, and invalid parameters should be reduced, such as statistical parameters, etc., to ensure that there is only one set of URL addresses for the same page, and different forms of URLs 301 jump to the normal URL; 4. Robots blocks Baiduspider from crawling URL forms that you do not want to display to users and private data that you do not want to be crawled by Baidu. Anchors that cover the main topic: Anchor is the descriptive text of a link. The simpler and clearer the anchor text is, the easier it is for users to understand the main content of the web page it points to. Users find your web page from links on other web pages, and the anchor text is the only introduction to the web page. Like ordinary users, when a search engine spider first discovers a web page, anchor text is the only factor in its understanding of the page, and it also plays a certain role in the final ranking. Tool "Mobile sitemap": Baidu Webmaster Platform provides a mobile sitemap submission tool. By submitting a sitemap, Baidu can crawl and index website content faster and more completely. Tool "Mobile Index Volume": Baidu Webmaster Platform also provides a mobile index tool that allows webmasters to promptly understand the inclusion status of their websites on mobile terminals. Tool "Move Broken Link Submission": Baidu Webmaster Platform also provides a mobile broken link submission tool. By submitting a broken link sitemap, Baidu can discover broken links on the website more quickly and update and delete them. Valid return codes: When Baidu spider is crawling and processing, it sets the corresponding logic according to the http protocol specification. The commonly used return codes are as follows: 404, Baidu will consider the webpage to be invalid and deleted, usually delete it from the index, and the spider will not crawl it if it encounters it again in the short term. It is recommended to use the 404 return code when content is deleted or the webpage is invalid, to inform Baidu spider that the page is invalid. At the same time, try to reduce the accumulation of dead links on the website. If the website is temporarily closed or the crawling pressure is too high, do not return 404 directly, use 503. 301, permanent redirection, Baidu will think that the current URL permanently jumps to the new URL. When the website is revised or the domain name is changed, it is recommended to use 301 and use the website revision tool of the webmaster platform at the same time. 503, Baidu will consider it temporarily inaccessible and will not delete it directly. It will check again a few more times in the short term. If the website is temporarily closed, it is recommended to use 503. Frequently Asked Questions about Mobile Website Construction Mobile websites have only been around for a short time, and webmasters are facing many similar problems. At the Baidu Mobile Search Salon in November 2014, mobile experts gave unified answers to the questions most frequently asked by webmasters, which were combined with the sporadic answers from previous salons and summarized as follows: Question: The content of my mobile site is the same as that of my PC site. Do I need to block Baidu's PC search spider? Answer: Since Baidu's PC search and mobile search use the same spider and both carry the Baidu logo, do not block them. Spider will identify the page when crawling and automatically determine whether it is a PC page or a mobile page. Therefore, it is recommended that webmasters use the standard HTML5/XHTML protocol language to build mobile sites. Q: Is there any difference for search engines when a mobile site is developed using xhtml or html5? Answer: When you use your mobile phone to search, you will find that when using 2G, mobile search will give you the express version, which ensures that you get the results fast enough, but the result style is simpler. Generally speaking, we will give priority to Xhtml results for the express version, and html5 for the touch screen version, which has a cooler effect. Q: If different templates are identified for URL, PC access and mobile access respectively, for example, we have a URL, PC access is this template, and mobile access is that template. So should we use the same URL or create a separate M site? Answer: Ideally, the same set of URLs is optimal. Currently it is limited by mechanism issues and needs further resolution, but is expected to be completed by the end of 2014. It is still recommended that you use a separate m-link for mobile sites. Also, don't use URLs like: for now. Q: Thank you. This is how we understand it. In the future, based on user habits, would it be better to use the same URL? Answer: From an ideal technical perspective, it is better to have the same URL, but for now try to still use separate m links. Question: A site has an M site and a PC site, and they use exactly the same TDK. Is there any problem? Are the SEO rules for the mobile site the same as those for the PC site? A: TDK stands for Title, Summary, Keywords, right? Understand it first. That's right. The word limits for titles and abstracts displayed in search results on PC and mobile are different. On PC, Chinese characters are truncated only when they are over 30, while on mobile, they are wrapped at less than 20, and more than 20 are omitted and cannot be seen. Therefore, it is recommended to use a separate TDK for mobile stations. Question: If two sites have exactly the same TDK for every page, will that cause the sites to be penalized? Answer: If the two sites mentioned here refer to the PC and mobile of the same site, they will definitely not lead to punishment. Q: Do external links have any effect on mobile sites? Answer: External links are still effective, but don’t create junk external links, such as those in forum tags, or those that buy and sell links, or those that post links in batches, as you may be punished. Regularly exchanging links is helpful. 0 and 1 are clearly different. Q: Baidu mobile search has few indexes of my mobile site. What should I do? Answer: 1. If you have both a PC site and a mobile site, and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the PC and mobile sites, please submit your site using the open adaptation tool, which can both help with the inclusion of the mobile site and help you transfer the ranking of the PC site to mobile search. 2. If you only have a mobile site, you can also submit your site to Baidu using our mobile sitemap tool. Section 4: Good Sorting How to get good ranking in Baidu mobile search Just like the requirements on the PC side, after the inclusion problem is solved, the next problem to be faced is the sorting problem. Before introducing the sorting principles, let's briefly introduce the composition of mobile search results. Mobile search mainly consists of the following types of results: mobile pages, transcoded pages, and PC pages. In general, the results of mobile searches are further adjusted by adding more mobile features to PC search results, with mobile pages being sorted first. Among them, the mobile page results include mobile pages that correspond one-to-one with PCs and submitted by open adaptation, as well as separate mobile pages. In order to better meet users' information needs, Baidu's mobile search engine will provide users with both PC and mobile web pages. However, the current browsing experience of most PC pages on mobile terminals is poor (interaction, compatibility, traffic, etc.). Therefore, we will convert the format of PC pages in Baidu search results that lack alternative mobile resources into mobile web pages suitable for mobile phone browsing, so that they can have a better browsing experience in mobile terminal browsers. This is the transcoded page. Other PC pages are a type of result that Baidu retains when it finds through various strategies that there are no corresponding mobile page resources and the experience after transcoding is poor. For the latter two, we strongly recommend that webmasters go mobile. Next, we will mainly talk about how to get a good ranking in Baidu mobile search: 1. A title with a clear theme is needed: The title of a web page is used to tell users and search engines what the theme of the web page is. When search engines judge the content weight of a page, the title is one of the main factors. The content of each page is different and should have a unique title. The title of the mobile site should pay attention to the following: 1) The theme is clear and covers the main content of the page; 2) Do not list keywords, so that users can quickly identify the topic. It is best not to exceed 17 Chinese characters, otherwise it will be wrapped in the search results, and more than 24 characters will be truncated; 3) Put important content on the left to keep the semantics smooth; 4) Use terms that users are familiar with or accustomed to Baidu recommends that the titles of pages at different levels be named as follows: ●Homepage title: Website name_Core service or core product ●Channel page title: (Channel Core Service_)Channel Name_Website Name ●Details page title: Article title_Channel name_Website name 2. High-quality original content construction and integrated series services: The website serves users, and the search engine is just one of the ordinary users of the website. Therefore, it is very important to provide users with original content and integrated series of services from the user's perspective. A certain amount of original content should be updated every day, and high-quality content and series of services can be integrated into special topics. However, given the current state of technology, it is still important to note the following points: 1) Do not use Ajax technology where you want search engines to read it; 2) Do not create the main content in an iframe; 3) Many mobile content uses images. Search engines cannot currently understand complex images, so please use alt tags to mark them. 3. Make good terminal adaptation: With the development of mobile Internet, more and more users use mobile devices to visit websites. Baidu mobile search will give priority to mobile sites. For webmasters with PC websites, we strongly recommend that you do the following: 1. Perform self-adaptation and redirect the access from mobile terminals to the mobile version of the site; 2. In order to more quickly inform Baidu Mobile Search of the one-to-one correspondence between your PC website and mobile site content, it is recommended to use the webmaster platform open adaptation tool to submit the adaptation relationship. For help on open adaptation, please refer to: 3. You can also use the following Meta tag protocol specifications: ●If the webpage is only suitable for browsing on a computer, for example (, add the following meta in the HTML: <meta name="applicable-device" content="pc"> ●If the webpage is only suitable for viewing on mobile devices, for example (, add the following meta to the HTML: <meta name="applicable-device" content="mobile"> ●If the web page adopts responsive web design, for example (, it can display the appropriate effect according to the browser screen size without URL self-adaptation jump, and is suitable for browsing on mobile devices and computers. Add the following meta in HTML: <meta name="applicable-device" content="pc,mobile"> 4. Geographic information annotation helps to obtain more accurate traffic: In order to facilitate users to find or use local information and services based on their own locations, Baidu Mobile Search will prioritize displaying content with regional attributes to users based on their geographic location information. If you are a site that provides regional information services, you can add geographic location information Meta tags to your web pages to allow target users to find the content of your website more quickly in Baidu Mobile Search. For specific usage, see the next section "How to add geographic location information to mobile sites" 5. Load as fast as possible: On the mobile Internet, the impact of website opening speed on user experience is more prominent. Experiments show that if a page takes more than 4 to 5 seconds to open, most users will choose to close it. Therefore, loading speed is also an important ranking factor in Baidu mobile search, and webmasters need to make special optimizations in this regard. 6. Transcoding of search results: The experience of browsing PC pages directly on mobile terminals is poor (interaction, compatibility, traffic, etc.). In order to improve the browsing experience of search users, we will convert the PC pages (no mobile sites) in the search results that lack alternative mobile resources into mobile web pages suitable for mobile browsing. For more information, please refer to: Transcoding Statement. We strongly recommend that webmasters who have not yet mobileized their websites make them mobile, submit open adaptations, and take home the transcoded traffic. How to add geographic location information to your mobile site As mentioned above, adding accurate geographic information to a site will help obtain more accurate traffic. Next, we will explain this topic in detail: To facilitate users to find and use local information and services based on their locations, and to help mobile sites increase traffic in a healthy and stable manner, Baidu Mobile Search now provides regional optimization services. If you are a site that provides offline information services, you can add geographic location information to your web pages to help users in your site's location find you faster. The specific method is very simple. You only need to mark the regional page as follows: Meta declaration format <meta name="location" content="province=北京;city=北京;coord=116.306522891,40.0555055968"> The value of the Name attribute is location. The value of Content is province=Beijing;city=Beijing;coord=116.306522891,40.0555055968. žProvince is the abbreviation of province, and city is the abbreviation of city. See the list of provinces and cities below for details. Note: province and city cannot be empty. žcoord is the longitude and latitude coordinates of the page information, using the bd09ll coordinates. If the page information is at the city level, just fill in the city center. If the page information has a specific address, fill in the longitude and latitude coordinates of the specific address (which can be obtained through the Baidu Map's address resolution API). 【Meta Location】 The webmaster needs to put the Meta statement inside the <head> tag of the web page source code, as follows: <head> <meta name="location" content="province=北京;city=北京;coord=116.306522891,40.0555055968"> … </head> 【FAQ】 Question: Do both the PC site and the mobile site need to be labeled? A: First of all, regional tags are mainly used in mobile searches. The mobile search retrieval mechanism supports users to search for PC sites or mobile sites, so both PC sites and mobile sites need to be marked. Question: What are the benefits of marking this? Answer: From the search behavior of Baidu users, we can see that a large number of users prefer local or nearby results. After the webmaster cooperates in marking the regional information, we will match the regional information of the page with the user's location and give priority to displaying results that are close. That is, your site will have a better chance of being seen by local users. Q: Can the latitude and longitude be empty? Answer: A: It can be empty. If there is no longitude and latitude, it can be <meta name="location" content="province=北京;city=北京"> Question: Our site is mostly searched by users from other places. Will there be any problems after adding tags? A: There will be no problem. Baidu Mobile Search will use precise demand identification and special strategies for "out-of-town search" behavior, which will not affect search results in other places. At the same time, webmasters still need to pay attention to only marking regional information for pages whose content or services themselves have strong regional attributes. Q: After the regional optimization tag for mobile search is completed, do I need to submit it separately? A: If the longitude and latitude are not marked, there is no need to submit it separately. If the page is updated, you can submit the sitemap to the webmaster platform to speed up Baidu's inclusion. 【Province and city list】 Baidu Mobile Search Open Adaptation Service In order to improve users' mobile search results browsing experience, Baidu Mobile Search provides "open adaptation" services for PC sites with corresponding mobile sites. If you own both a PC site and a mobile site, and the two sites correspond in content, you can "submit" the correspondence between the PC page and the mobile page to Baidu. If the correspondence is accurate, it will help Baidu replace the original PC page results with the corresponding mobile page results in mobile searches. Actively participating in "open adaptation" will help your mobile site to get better display in Baidu mobile search, and win user reputation with better browsing effects. Baidu's open adaptation service provides three solutions: self-adaptation, annotation of Meta declarations, and submission of corresponding Sitemaps. It also provides open adaptation progress inquiries to sites. 1. Autonomous Adaptation The site itself should adapt between PC and mobile phones, as well as between the various layouts of the mobile site. When a mobile phone user accesses the PC page of a site through Baidu mobile search or other methods, the site automatically adapts it to the mobile page corresponding to the PC page and selects the appropriate page version for it. If the site does not have the ability to adapt itself for the time being, it can use the terminal adaptation service provided by Baidu to achieve self-adaptation simply and quickly. That is, the site calls Baidu's terminal adaptation service API for simple development, and can obtain the visitor's terminal information (including operating system, browser, model information) and adaptation layout suggestions. Based on this information, it can jump on the site server and complete autonomous adaptation. For details, please click here to view the terminal adaptation service introduction Example: 1) Channel page: When a user visits using a mobile phone, the site automatically adapts to 2) Content page: When a user visits using a mobile phone, the site automatically adapts to Effectiveness: Not limited to Baidu mobile search, the adaptation is also effective when users manually enter the URL or access the site through other mobile search engines, navigation sites and other channels. 2. Marking Meta Declarations If the site has difficulty adapting itself, you can make simple modifications on the PC page and Baidu will assist you in achieving the adaptation effect. That is, the webmaster embeds one or more lines of Meta information in the source code header of the site's PC page. The Meta information indicates the URL of the mobile page corresponding to the PC page, as well as the format of the page corresponding to the URL. Baidu will select the most suitable page for display based on the user's terminal type. (No need to add Meta to PC pages without corresponding relationship) 1. Meta declaration format: <meta name="mobile-agent" content="format=[wml|xhtml|html5]; url=url"> Note: A. The bold font part is the content that needs to be customized by the site. [wml|xhtml|html5]——Select one of them according to the protocol language of the mobile page. url=url——The latter represents the mobile page url corresponding to the current PC page, and the two must be one-to-one corresponding Meta declaration example: <meta name="mobile-agent" content="format=html5;url="> <meta name="mobile-agent" content="format=xhtml;url="> 2. The webmaster needs to put the Meta statement inside the PC page source code, as follows: <head> <meta name="mobile-agent" content="format=html5;url="> … </head> Effectiveness: Mark the Meta statement to indicate that this adaptation solution is only effective in Baidu mobile search, that is, the adaptation will only take effect when users visit the site through Baidu mobile search; it will not take effect through other channels. If the markings are accurate and the correspondence is correct, it will take about seven days to take effect, and there will be delays for old pages. However, Baidu does not guarantee that it will be able to replace the corresponding relationship you marked in the mobile search results. 3. Submit the corresponding relationship Sitemap When the site has difficulty promoting PC page annotation, you can choose to submit a PC page-mobile page correspondence Sitemap to help Baidu replace it in mobile search results. The page correspondence can be at the URL level or pattern level. The site can also aggregate URLs with certain rules into patterns according to its own situation. Those that cannot be aggregated will still exist in the form of URL correspondence and be submitted separately on the webmaster platform. URL-level sitemap: describes the correspondence between PC pages and mobile pages at the URL level through XML files. (Click here to view the production method) Pattern-level sitemap: A pattern-level correspondence can often represent thousands of URL correspondences. Submitting corresponding relationships in batches in the form of patterns can greatly reduce the amount of data submitted by the webmaster. (Click here to view the production method) Submission method: Use the webmaster platform-correspondence submission tool to submit (please click here to view the tool usage) Effectiveness: Same as the meta plan, only effective in Baidu mobile search. If the submitted correspondence is correct, it will take about seven days to take effect, and there will be delays for old pages. Baidu does not guarantee that it will be able to make replacements in the mobile search results according to the corresponding relationship you submitted. 4. Open Adaptation Progress Query It provides open adaptation progress data including mobile site clicks and adaptation clicks, so that sites can timely understand the progress of open adaptation and control their own traffic data. At the same time, it provides a ranking list of pages/channels that have not yet been adapted by the site. It is recommended that the site give priority to adaptation and continuously build more new correspondences. Query method: 1. Register and log in to Baidu Webmaster Platform 2. Submit the PC website and verify the ownership. For specific methods of verifying the ownership of the website, please refer to the help document 3. Click the PC site that needs to be adapted under the website name, and go to "Site Tools" - "Open Adaptation Tools" - "Open Adaptation Progress Query" 5. Common Problems with Open Adaptation Baidu Mobile Search Ranking FAQ First of all, we must admit that there is not enough content about mobile search on Baidu Webmaster Platform, and the existing number of questions and answers is very small. Don’t worry, we will supplement it as soon as possible. We hope that everyone will continue to pay attention to our official course content. Q: What should I do if I find that the mobile site traffic fluctuates? Answer: Generally speaking, small fluctuations in website traffic over a short period of time are normal. When traffic fluctuations last for a long time and are large in magnitude, you need to investigate the cause. It is recommended that the webmaster: 1. Check whether the mobile site is operating normally and whether the traffic statistics channel is accurate 2. If you have participated in open adaptation, you can use the progress query tool to understand the traffic brought by open adaptation; 3. Also confirm the traffic changes of the PC site in Baidu web search. (Mobile site traffic fluctuations may be associated with PC site traffic fluctuations) 4. Finally, please confirm whether you have over-optimized your website. If so, the anti-cheating system of mobile search will automatically take certain actions on your website. Q: Does Baidu Mobile give any preference to the ranking of sites with mobile styles? After the mobile terminal is successfully adapted, can many sites that have not been adapted be squeezed out? Answer: Mobile-adapted sites are better than PC sites. If everything else is the same, we will give priority to displaying mobile-adapted sites. The system tends to display mobile sites first. Q: When users search on, the rankings on different terminals are inconsistent. For example, the search results on iPhone and Android phones are inconsistent, and some rankings are far different from Baidu accessed on PC. Answer: We will make some fine-tuning for the different systems of iOS and Android, but the theoretical difference will not be particularly large. For example, when searching for the same app, the corresponding results need to be given in Android and iOS systems. The second question is that there are obvious differences between PC and mobile in terms of people, devices, usage scenarios and mobile site characteristics. Therefore, the difference between the ranking of mobile terminals and PC terminals will be more obvious in the future. Baidu Mobile Search Adaptation FAQ Question: My mobile site is mixed with the PC site on Baidu mobile search. How can I tell the search engine to give priority to the mobile site? Answer: First of all, it is best to adapt on your website so that users on different ends can get the best experience page; secondly, if the content of the mobile station can be fully corresponding to the PC station, it is recommended to replace it through open adaptation. Baidu encourages mobile resources and is exclusionary to PC resources on mobile terminals and does not give priority to displaying them. Q: After submitting the open adaptation, why did the PC page in the search results not jump to the mobile page? It will even be transcoded. Answer: When the open adaptation does not take effect, Baidu will still think that the result is a PC page, so it is possible to transcode it. There are several reasons why open adaptation has not taken effect: 1. The data submission process is incorrect. Including the data submission format, submission entry, regular rules, etc.; the corresponding relationship is incorrect. Including whether the PC page and the mobile page do not correspond one by one, the mobile page is dead link or jump, and the content of the mobile page and the PC page are inconsistent; 2. The mobile page protocol is not written in standard and Baidu cannot recognize it normally; 3. When adapting independently, using javascript to jump is not conducive to Baidu crawler crawling. It is recommended to jump 301. 4. Reference for other adaptation issues: Q: Does Baidu Mobile take care of the ranking of mobile-style sites? After the mobile terminal adaptation is successful, can we squeeze out many sites that have not been adapted? Answer: We have made mobile adapted sites than PC websites. When the rest are the same, we will give priority to display mobile adapted sites. The system is more inclined to give priority to mobile stations. Q: The mobile site has two layouts: html5 and xhtml, but the domain names visited are macom. How should the meta tags of PC pages be marked? Answer: You can mark multiple layouts on the same url. For example: meta name="mobile-agent"content="format=xhtml; url=http://macom/" meta name="mobile-agent"content="format=html5; url=http://macom/" Q: Will the PC page also have meta information that has other functions other than Baidu's requirements affect the effectiveness of Baidu's mobile search optimization? Answer: In the corresponding relationship, Baidu only extracts meta information that meets the standards set by Baidu. Meta name="mobile-agent" content="format=[wml|xhtml|html5];url=url" . Other information will not be affected as long as it does not conflict with the standards. Q: Can relative paths be used in the url field in the meta tag? For example, a format like url=/3g/? Answer: No, the url field in the meta tag does not support relative paths, only absolute paths Q: Why did I make a meta tag, but it didn’t take effect in Baidu Mobile Search? Answer: The labeling is not effective in mobile search, which may be caused by the following reasons: it is still within the meta information processing period. When the correct correspondence is correct, the processing time of meta information is about 7 days, and old pages will be delayed. Or the format of the Meta annotation is incorrect, such as the wrong position of the annotation or the wrong spelling of the url. It may also be that the PC page-mobile page correspondence itself is incorrect. For example, the mobile page is not available (no content/reported an error), the PC page and the main content of the mobile page are inconsistent, etc. Q: Are there any other things to pay attention to when using open adaptation services? Answer: Let go of the ban and blocking of Baidu Spider robots to facilitate Spider to obtain the corresponding relationship between your PC and mobile stations. At the same time, do a good job in reserving mobile station traffic and confirm the server's carrying capacity in advance. (You can go to Baidu statistics to understand the current traffic of your PC station in Baidu Mobile Search, and estimate the traffic peak that your mobile station may reach after adaptation) Q: How to improve the effect of open adaptation Answer: First, continue to adapt the existing correspondence relationships, and at the same time, continuously build new correspondence relationships to increase the scope of adaptation coverage. Secondly, make sure that the corresponding relationships that have been marked/submitted are accurate. The following are common corresponding inaccurate errors. Please check the website and modify it in time. 1. The mobile page is not available, such as the dead link. 2. Robots are banned. Release the ban and blocking of Baidu Spider robots so that Spider can obtain the correspondence between your PC and mobile stations. 3. The mobile page uses asynchronous loading methods such as ajax to load the content body. 4. The format is wrong. Including the location and format errors of meta annotations, the corresponding sitemap format errors, etc. 5. Corresponding relationship error 1) When the PC page is a content page, it should be adapted to the corresponding mobile page content page, but in fact it should be adapted to the home page/list page of the mobile page. For example, the PC page is, and the adapted mobile page is 2) The mobile page itself has no subject content/the subject content is too small. 3) You need to log in to browse the main content on the mobile page. 4) There is no one-to-one correspondence between the content of the PC page and the content of the mobile page. Example of correct correspondence: PC page Mobile page Baidu Mobile Search Transcoding FAQ Q: Can you share the scenario of Baidu transcoding - which type of page will be transcoding? Now we find that our touch screen version of mobile page will also be transcoded. Answer: Since the user experience of PC pages on the mobile terminal is poor, Baidu may transcode all PC page types, but it will decide whether to transcode the final based on the quality of the transcoded page and whether the service is normal. If the webmaster has done self-adaptation but finds that it is still transcoded, the reason is that the website's autonomous adaptation has not been recognized by Baidu for the time being. Q: What should I do if I don’t want Baidu to transcode? Answer: Baidu's transcoding service actually has a piece of code that forces Baidu to not transcoding, and you can write this in html. Methods to prohibit Baidu Mobile Search from transcoding web pages In Baidu mobile search engine, in order to better meet user needs, it will provide users with PC web pages and mobile web pages at the same time. However, due to factors such as interaction, compatibility and traffic, the direct browsing experience of PC pages in mobile terminals is poor. Therefore, Baidu Mobile Search formats PC pages that lack alternative mobile resources and converts them into mobile pages suitable for mobile browsing, so that it can have a better browsing experience in mobile terminal browsers. In order to maximize the browsing experience of PC pages on your mobile phone, the content that cannot be browsed on the mobile browser in the PC page will be removed when transcoding, and the interactive function of mobile is not applicable to the change of status. At present, not only Baidu Mobile Search provides transcoding technology, but major search engines have and provide similar technologies. So, what should I do if the webmaster does not want his site to be transcoded and still wants mobile users to browse PC pages? You can use the no-transform protocol, which is in the following two forms: The first type is explicitly declared in HTTP Response that Cache-control is no-transform. The second type is explicitly declared in the meta tag that Cache-control is no-transform, and the format is: <head> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" "no-transform " /> </head> If the site does not want the page to be transcoded, you can add this protocol. When the user enters the website through Baidu Mobile Search, he will enter the original web page to browse. There is another situation where the site itself has a corresponding mobile page so if it does not want to be transcoded, establish an open adaptation service for webmasters to use Baidu Mobile Search. Baidu will help users directly enter the corresponding mobile page. Section 5: Good performance Things to note when getting good performance on mobile search display side Many aspects of mobile website optimization and PC websites are similar or even the same, but due to the limited size of the mobile search interface, there are many cases where mobile websites have different PC terminals in writing titles and summary. 1. Attractive title When a user enters query in Baidu Mobile Search and searches for your page, the title is the most important content in the search results. A title with a clear and eye-catching theme can enable the user to understand whether the theme of your page meets his needs as soon as possible, and then select you from the numerous search results to click you more quickly. Therefore, the TITLE of a mobile web page should be: ●The subject is clear; ●Simple and concise, do not list, try not to exceed 17 Chinese characters, otherwise it will be broken; ●If your brand is well-known, it is best to be able to show the brand words; ●At the premise of matching the content, attract attention 2. Not unique description, As one of the important choice goals for search result summary, you must not use the default form and further describe the page in appropriate language. Further supplementing titles can enable users to further understand whether the content of your page matches its needs, allowing your target user to find you and click you faster. ●A further supplement to the title, accurately describe the page content, but do not pile up keywords, otherwise it may be considered suspected of cheating; ●ž Each page should have a different description, and try not to apply the default same; ●As appropriate length, if it exceeds it, it will be truncated. |
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