2021 Huoyanshe Pinduoduo Operation Course Collection

2021 Huoyanshe Pinduoduo Operation Course Collection

"2021 Huoyanshe Pinduoduo Operation Course" will be updated throughout 2021, teaching you to develop a refined operation system to plan and analyze the market to quickly create hot products, live broadcast layout to increase store popularity conversion, new product step-by-step activity layout to help create hot products, use scene promotion to increase sales, the most practical and cutting-edge e-commerce courses

2021 Huoyanshe Pinduoduo Operation Course Collection, the most practical and cutting-edge e-commerce courses to increase sales

Course Catalog

├──Famous teachers and famous courses (video courses)

| ├──Duoduo-《Scene Optimization to Achieve High Investment and Production》1.mp4 913.38M

| ├──Duoduo-"Duoduo Flying Car-Scene Promotion-ROI Improvement Practical Course" 1.mp4 858.02M

| ├──Duoduo-"Duoduo Racing-Practical Training Special" 1.mp4 743.27M

| ├──Duoduo-"Duoduo Flying Car Low Price Traffic" 1.mp4 878.74M

| ├──Duoduo-"What to do when driving without free traffic? 》1.mp4 787.52M

| ├──Duoduo-"Search promotion low price violent pull free traffic new gameplay" 1.mp4 925.90M

| ├──Duoduo-Duoduo pyramid traffic climbing method-word selection layout 1.mp4 734.75M

| ├──Duoduo-Flying car low price diversion-actual combat drill special 1.mp4 735.65M

| ├──Duoduo-Paid Promotion Year-end Sprint-Practical Exercise Special 1.mp4 857.30M

| ├──Duoduo-Pyramid Traffic Climbing Method-Activity 1.mp4 753.98M

| ├──Duoduo-Pyramid traffic climbing method 1.mp4 770.84M

| ├──Duoduo Pyramid Traffic Climbing Method-Create Free Visitors Over 10,000 Gameplay Decryption 1.mp4 710.22M

| ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method-Scene Orientation 2.0~.mp4 1.01G

| ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method-Focus on Breakthrough 2.0~.mp4 878.58M

| ├──Shangxuan-731 traffic climbing method 1.0-roi detonation 1.mp4 606.27M

| ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-Report Review 1.mp4 582.52M

| ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-Precise Drainage 1.mp4 820.63M

| ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-Weight Increasing 1.mp4 928.27M

| ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-Crowd Segmentation 1.mp4 917.89M

| ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0 Scene Orientation 1.mp4 450.85M

| └──Shangxuan-731 Series-Practical Exercise Special 1.mp4 748.45M

├──Pinduoduo VIP Live Room (Live Class)

| ├──Original Heart-Duoduo Live Streaming Improves Store Conversion and Weight [Replay] 1.mp4 390.04M

| ├──Original Intention-New breakthrough in multi-channel traffic layout after the New Year [Replay] 1.mp4 758.44M

| ├──Original Intention-New product internal operation quickly approaches the target competitor [Replay] 1.mp4 804.47M

| ├──Original Intention—9.9 yuan, instant sales of millions of hot-selling activities operation strategy [Replay] 1.mp4 461.27M

| ├──Chuanwei-618 mid-year promotion early layout [Replay] 1.mp4 577.88M

| ├──Chuanwei-Daily data analysis of stores to increase traffic [Replay] 1.mp4 889.67M

| ├──Chuanwei-Store overall operation layout【Replay】1.mp4 902.20M

| ├──Chuan Wei-Be familiar with the platform rules and red lines to avoid fines [Replay] 1.mp4 633.26M

| ├──Chuan Wei-Correct SKU layout and product pricing【Replay】1.mp4 696.48M

| ├──Duoduo-Search car regulation to increase keyword free traffic [Replay] 1.mp4 539.06M

| ├──Jiang Che-Store Navigator Data Improvement and Maintenance【Replay】1.mp4 535.85M

| ├──Jiang Che-High-Authority Product Listing Steps【Replay】1.mp4 600.34M

| ├──Jiang Che-How to find the potential models in the summer market【Replay】1.mp4 565.58M

| ├──Jiang Che—How to use scene promotion to increase sales【Replay】1.mp4 673.38M

| ├──Qihang-grasp the rhythm of big promotions to quickly activate traffic [Replay] 1.mp4 864.82M

| ├──Qihang-Analysis of the steps and techniques for re-listing high-powered products [Replay] 1.mp4 926.09M

| ├──Qiwen-Market competitor analysis to find a differentiated strategy [Replay] 1.mp4 601.10M

| ├──Shanyu-Adjustment of paid promotion before and after 618【Replay】1.mp4 442.51M

| ├──Shanyu-sku correct layout and pricing【Replay】1.mp4 652.65M

| ├──Shanyu-Summer Blue Ocean Industry Guide [Replay] 1_1.mp4 733.89M

| ├──Shanyu-New product ladder-style activity layout helps create hot products [Replay] 1.mp4 738.45M

| ├──Wish-Multi-channel traffic layout to increase single product traffic [Replay] 1.mp4 439.53M

| ├──Wish—Correctly drive keyword ranking through search engine【Replay】1.mp4 532.22M

| ├──Yanzi-Scene multi-plan fission helps traffic detonation [Replay] 1.mp4 371.30M

| ├──Yanzi-Efficient testing of pictures and styles to create popular products without taking detours [Replay] 1.mp4 659.85M

| ├──Yan Zi-Make good use of marketing tools to increase sales【Replay】1.mp4 475.73M

| ├──Yanzi—Celebrity Stores, Store Promotions and Spotlight Booths【Replay】1.mp4 456.35M

| └──Drug God-Scene high-investment layout maintains stable profitability【Replay】1.mp4 543.18M

├──Pinduoduo Operation Course: 1001 Questions for Newbies (Video Course)

| ├──What is DSR dynamic rating? 1.mp4 56.89M

| ├──Basic application of EXCEL table 1.mp4 389.13M

| ├──SKU profit and registration activities are profitable 1.mp4 59.59M

| ├──What is the function of the white background image? 1.mp4 49.61M

| ├──The difference between scene promotion and search promotion 1.mp4 29.66M

| ├──What exactly is low-price traffic generation? 1.mp4 29.95M

| ├──Duoduojinbao AB single operation 1.mp4 90.69M

| ├──How to play Duoduojinbao1.mp4 54.74M

| ├──Control the product refund rate and solve after-sales problems 1.mp4 7.18M

| ├──Pinduoduo-How to test pictures for scene promotion? 1.mp4 34.25M

| ├──Pinduoduo-How to test pictures for search promotion? 1.mp4 49.07M

| ├──Pinduoduo product pricing logic 1.mp4 167.99M

| ├──Pinduoduo electronic waybill 1.mp4 32.81M

| ├──Pinduoduo store sub-account creation process 1.mp4 25.41M

| ├──How should Pinduoduo set its price? 1.mp4 102.96M

| ├──Pinduoduo live broadcast operation method 1.mp4 80.16M

| ├──Platform Rights and Interests: Speedy Refund 1.mp4 36.80M

| ├──Platform rights and interests: group order cashback 1.mp4 25.14M

| ├──Platform rights and interests: return shipping fee 1.mp4 41.22M

| ├──Weighted single operation layout 1.mp4 125.02M

| ├──Merchant customer service answers questions to help you solve common customer service problems 1.mp4 26.71M

| ├──Merchant's three major services: customer service response, logistics service, after-sales service 1.mp4 112.49M

| ├──What is the use of product turnover rate? 1.mp4 12.54M

| ├──Product inspection helps you find product problems 1.mp4 64.09M

| ├──What is a keyword 1.mp4 30.24M

| ├──What is search promotion 1.mp4 26.42M

| ├──New product operation rhythm 1.mp4 62.47M

| ├──Industry click-through rate and conversion rate 1.mp4 34.63M

| └──Major indicators affecting traffic——Quality refund 1.mp4 70.17M

├──Xiaoetong Pinduoduo VIP courseware

| └──2021 Xiaoetong Pinduoduo VIP courseware

| | ├──VIP live room courseware

| | | ├──2021.2 month courseware

| | | | ├──Original Intention-Multi-dimensional Traffic Analysis Layout Improvement-.zip 1000.98kb

| | | | └──Set sail – Grasp the rhythm of big promotions and quickly activate traffic.zip 134.64kb

| | | ├──Courseware for March 2021

| | | | ├──Original Aspiration-Pinduoduo Golden Inner Strength.zip 3.43M

| | | | ├──Duoduo-Search precise control to increase keyword free traffic.zip 622.90kb

| | | | ├──Jiang Che-Single Product Rapid Volume Ladder Operation Method 3.15(1).zip 234.33kb

| | | | ├──Starting the voyage—Analysis of the steps and techniques for re-listing high-authority products.zip 140.26kb

| | | | ├──Qiwen-Market Competitive Analysis to Find Differentiation.zip 79.82kb

| | | | ├──Shanyu-New product step-by-step activity layout helps create hot products.zip 127.78kb

| | | | ├──Yanzi-Efficient testing of pictures and styles to create popular products without taking detours.zip 429.87kb

| | | | └──Medicine God-Scenario high investment layout to maintain stable profit scenario ocpx optimization skills (1).zip 110.87kb

| | | ├──Courseware for April 2021

| | | | ├──Original Intention-9.9, million-dollar hot-selling activity operation strategy.zip 3.09M

| | | | ├──Chuanwei-daily data analysis of stores to increase traffic.zip 332.65kb

| | | | ├──Chuanwei-Store overall operation layout.zip 2.54M

| | | | ├──GuaGua-How to find the potential models in the summer market.zip 201.41kb

| | | | ├──Jiang Che-How to use scene promotion to increase sales.zip 2.39kb

| | | | ├──Shanyu-sku correct layout and pricing.zip 540.91kb

| | | | ├──Shanyu-SKU pricing table-sku correct layout and pricing.zip 8.69kb

| | | | ├──Wish-Five-dimensional One-dimensional Word List.zip 131.99kb

| | | | ├──Wish-Correctly drive keyword ranking through search engines.zip 341.29kb

| | | | └──Yanzi—Celebrity Stores, Store Promotions and Spotlight Booths.zip 10.48M

| | | ├──Courseware for May 2021

| | | | ├──Original Heart-Duoduo Live Broadcasting, a tool for traffic conversion.rar 4.48M

| | | | ├──Chuanwei-618 year-end promotion early layout.rar 428.50kb

| | | | ├──Chuanwei-Correct SKU layout and product pricing.rar 25.07kb

| | | | ├──Duoduo-Search custom car high weight optimization.rar 133.23kb

| | | | ├──Jiang Che-Steps for listing high-powered products.zip 14.24kb

| | | | ├──Shanyu-Summer Blue Ocean Industry Guide.zip 160.96kb

| | | | ├──Xinyuan-Multi-channel traffic layout to increase single product traffic.zip 620.73kb

| | | | └──Yanzi-Make good use of marketing tools to increase sales.zip 36.25kb

| | | └──June 2021 courseware

| | | | ├──Chuan Wei-Know the platform rules and red lines to avoid fines.rar 344.77kb

| | | | ├──Jiang Che-Store Navigator Data Improvement and Maintenance.rar 65.15kb

| | | | ├──Shanyu—Adjustment of paid promotion before and after 618.rar 772.86kb

| | | | └──Yanzi-Scenario multi-plan fission helps traffic detonation.rar 18.03kb

| | ├──VIP courseware for the hot-selling series

| | | ├──Dagang-Quickly master the scene promotion high investment operation-courseware+table.zip 384.38kb

| | | ├──Dagang-The correct operation ideas for turning new products into hot-selling ones.rar 502.12kb

| | | ├──Duoduo-Search promotion stage optimization to increase keyword traffic.zip 155.85kb

| | | ├──Duoduo-New product sales layout quick operation new product basics [table + courseware].zip 1.56M

| | | ├──Kevin-The correct steps to list a high-authority product.zip 743.20kb

| | | ├──How to break through the traffic bottleneck of Pinduoduo stores.zip 279.46kb

| | | ├──Starting the voyage-28 days of pushing single product hot-selling planning.zip 169.38kb

| | | ├──Qihang-Product High Conversion Main Picture Detail Picture Layout.zip 407.67kb

| | | ├──Qihang-daily data statistics and maintenance of the store.zip 116.94kb

| | | └──Qihang-Master the key points of Pinduoduo rules to avoid pitfalls.zip 75.67kb

| | ├──Famous teacher and famous courseware

| | | ├──Duoduo-Duoduo pyramid traffic climbing method-word selection layout.zip 2.71M

| | | ├──Duoduo-Flying car low price diversion-actual combat drill special.zip 103.14kb

| | | ├──Duoduo-Paid Promotion Year-end Sprint-Practical Exercise Special.zip 379.49kb

| | | ├──Duoduo-Pyramid traffic climbing method.zip 317.54kb

| | | ├──Duoduo-Practical Exercise-Create Free Visitors Over 10,000 Gameplay Decryption Courseware and Table.zip 1.18M

| | | ├──Duoduo: "Duoduo Flying Car-Scene Promotion-ROI Improvement Practical Course".zip 384.24kb

| | | ├──Duoduo: "Duoduo Racing - Practical Training Special".zip 419.45kb

| | | ├──Duoduo: "Duoduo Flying Car Low Price Traffic".rar 148.11kb

| | | ├──Duoduo: "What to do when driving without free traffic? 》.rar 43.77kb

| | | ├──Duoduo: "New way to violently drive free traffic at low prices through search promotion".zip 135.29kb

| | | ├──DuoDuoFlyingCar-Scene Optimization to Achieve High Production.zip 461.08kb

| | | ├──Duoduo Pyramid Traffic Climbing Method-Activity Edition.zip 357.06kb

| | | ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method-Scene Orientation 2.0.zip 281.05kb

| | | ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method-Focus on Breakthrough 2.0.zip 478.37kb

| | | ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-roi Detonation.zip 69.36kb

| | | ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-Report Review.zip 285.92kb

| | | ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-Precise Drainage.zip 63.42kb

| | | ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-Focus on Breakthrough.zip 67.18kb

| | | ├──Shangxuan-731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0-Crowd Segmentation-Mind Map.zip 60.71kb

| | | ├──Shangxuan-731 Series-Practical Exercise Special.zip 1.91M

| | | ├──Shangxuan: 731 traffic climbing method 1.0-weight increasing.zip 75.71kb

| | | └──Shangxuan: 731 Traffic Climbing Method 1.0 Scenario Orientation.zip 44.47kb

| | ├──Basic Operation Courseware

| | | ├──Dagang-Daily analysis of store items and learning digital operations.zip 394.52kb

| | | ├──Dagang-Activities that can be signed up by novices.rar 478.51kb

| | | ├──Duoduo-"New store registration process and precautions".zip 108.13M

| | | ├──Duoduo-OCPX price optimization layout for beginners [table + courseware].zip 65.92kb

| | | ├──Duoduo: Pinduoduo situation and background framework + professional terminology explanation.rar 59.40kb

| | | ├──Kevin-Accurate word selection and combination of product titles [table + courseware].zip 419.76kb

| | | ├──Kevin-In-depth explanation of the store backend operation process entrance.zip 149.68kb

| | | ├──Kevin-Pre-sales and after-sales customer service processing skills.zip 304.11kb

| | | ├──Starting the voyage—Analysis of the steps and techniques for re-listing high-authority products.zip 140.26kb

| | | ├──Qihang-Unbreakable platform rules to avoid fines-courseware.zip 129.72kb

| | | ├──Qihang-Product High Conversion Main Picture Detail Picture Layout.zip 407.67kb

| | | ├──Qihang-Duoduojinbao sales promotion layout.zip 97.21kb

| | | ├──May-How to find the right source of goods for yourself.zip 478.29kb

| | | └──Yanzi-Efficient testing of pictures and styles to create popular products without taking detours.zip 429.87kb

| | └──Advanced Operation Courseware

| | | ├──YOYO-Global traffic click-through rate improvement.zip 314.81kb

| | | ├──Original Intention-Pinduoduo Conversion and Product Marketing Selling Points.zip 1.64M

| | | ├──Duoduo-weight dimension optimization continues to drive traffic growth.zip 421.39kb

| | | ├──Nanxing – High-yield activity planning to boost Pinduoduo traffic.zip 398.13kb

| | | ├──Nanxing-How to quickly increase free traffic for new products [Courseware + Table].zip 869.91kb

| | | ├──Set sail – Grasp the rhythm of big promotions and quickly activate traffic.zip 134.64kb

| | | ├──Setting sail – Deep mining of Pinduoduo search and intelligent promotion.zip 157.05kb

| | | ├──Starting the journey – Live streaming layout to improve store popularity conversion.zip 1.37M

| | | ├──Qihang-daily data statistics and maintenance of the store.zip 116.94kb

| | | ├──Qihang-Store dynamic sales layout improves comprehensive weight.zip 110.00kb

| | | ├──Qihang-Activity Registration Rules and Layout.rar 111.76kb

| | | ├──Starting the journey-Pinduoduo platform featured activities layout bidding activities 10 billion subsidies.rar 53.09kb

| | | └──Yanzi-Scene intelligent promotion to maintain single product profits.zip 72.34kb

├──A series of courses on how to create hot-selling items in new stores (video courses)

| ├──YOYO-How to break through the traffic bottleneck of Pinduoduo store [Replay] 1.mp4 584.28M

| ├──Dagang-Quickly master the scene promotion high investment and production operation [Replay] 1.mp4 684.12M

| ├──Dagang-The correct operation ideas for turning new products into hot-selling products 1.mp4 1.03G

| ├──Duoduo-Search promotion stage optimization to increase keyword traffic [Replay] 1.mp4 581.82M

| ├──Duoduo-New product sales layout quick operation new product basics [Replay] 1.mp4 635.00M

| ├──Starting the voyage-28 days of pushing single product sales plan 1.mp4 743.66M

| ├──Qihang-Product high conversion main picture details picture layout [Replay] 1.mp4 806.41M

| ├──Qihang-daily data statistics and maintenance of the store [Replay] 1.mp4 839.42M

| ├──Qihang-Master the key points of Pinduoduo rules to avoid pitfalls [Replay] 1.mp4 821.66M

| ├──May-Pinduoduo search promotion precise word selection and optimized layout [Replay] 1.mp4 515.00M

| └──May-The correct steps to list a high-authority product [Replay] 1.mp4 528.03M

├──Basic operation course for beginners (video course)

| ├──Dagang-Daily analysis of store items and learning digital operations 1.mp4 890.74M

| ├──Dagang-Activities that can be signed up by novices 1.mp4 906.30M

| ├──Duoduo-Newbie OCPX price optimization layout gameplay 1.mp4 421.01M

| ├──Kevin-Accurate word selection and combination of product titles 1.mp4 772.82M

| ├──Kevin-In-depth explanation of the store backend operation process entrance 1.mp4 964.07M

| ├──Kevin-Pre-sales and after-sales customer service processing skills 1.mp4 872.83M

| ├──Pinduoduo 37 sales rapid increase method 1.mp4 381.15M

| ├──Pinduoduo situation and background framework professional terminology explanation 1.mp4 1.03G

| ├──Qihang-Unbreakable platform rules to avoid fines 1.mp4 1.13G

| ├──Qihang-Product high conversion main picture details picture layout 1.mp4 806.41M

| ├──Qihang-Duoduojinbao sales promotion layout 1.mp4 754.30M

| ├──Qihang-Analysis of the steps and techniques for re-listing high-authority products 1.mp4 926.09M

| ├──Starting the journey-Pinduoduo search and intelligent promotion in-depth mining 1.mp4 619.03M

| ├──May-How to find the right source of goods for yourself 1.mp4 494.42M

| ├──New store registration process and precautions 1.mp4 380.50M

| └──Yanzi-Efficient testing of pictures and styles to create popular products without taking detours1.mp4 659.85M

└──Advanced Operation Course (Video Course)

| ├──YOYO-Click rate improvement and global traffic explosion 1.mp4 519.92M

| ├──Original Intention-Pinduoduo Conversion and Product Marketing Selling Points 1.mp4 594.34M

| ├──Duoduo-weight dimension optimization continues to drive traffic growth 1.mp4 611.48M

| ├──Nanxing-High-yield activity planning explodes Pinduoduo traffic 1.mp4 543.50M

| ├──Nanxing-How to quickly increase free traffic for new products 1.mp4 874.09M

| ├──Starting the voyage - Grasping the rhythm of big promotions to quickly activate traffic 1.mp4 864.80M

| ├──Qihang-daily data statistics and maintenance of the store 1.mp4 839.42M

| ├──Qihang-Store dynamic sales layout improves comprehensive weight 1.mp4 755.31M

| ├──Starting the voyage-Activity registration rules and layout 1.mp4 878.16M

| ├──Starting the voyage-Pinduoduo platform featured activities layout bidding activities 10 billion subsidies 1.mp4 742.06M

| ├──Qihang-Live broadcast layout store popularity conversion improvement 1.mp4 598.18M

| └──Yanzi-Scene intelligent promotion to maintain single product profit 1.mp4 750.02M

<<:  6 tips for attracting new customers in 2020!

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