All questions and solutions for App Store listing

All questions and solutions for App Store listing

1. How much does it cost to list an app on the app store?

This varies depending on the product, but is generally RMB 6,000-10,000.

2. How long does it take to be listed on the app store?

This varies from product to product. Normally, it will be approved within a week. If the product always has problems and is rejected by Apple, it is hard to say. Generally, our customers pass the review within two weeks, so it is not a big problem.

3. App store listing process

1. Submit 2. Review 3. If approved/if not approved, continue to optimize 4. Put on shelves

4. App Store Listing Rules

《2016 Latest Version of App Store Application Review Guidelines Full Version》 We are glad that you are willing to invest your talent and time in making applications for iOS. For tens of thousands of developers, this is a very beneficial experience in terms of career and economy. We hope to help you join this successful group. We have released the App Store Review Guidelines, hoping to help you avoid problems in the process of developing apps and speed up the approval process when submitting apps. We think of apps differently than we do books and songs, which we don't make. If you want to criticize a religion, write a book; if you want to describe sex, write a book or the past or create a medical app, it gets complicated, but we decided not to allow certain kinds of content on the App Store. So it may be helpful to understand our broad topics: There are a lot of children downloading apps from our store and parental controls are great for protecting children, but you also need to cooperate, so please be aware that we have policies in place to protect children. We have over a million apps in the App Store, and if your app doesn't have utility, uniqueness, or provide some lasting entertainment, or if your app is just terrible, it probably won't be accepted. If your app looks like it was thrown together in a few days, or if you were trying to publish your first practice app on the store to show off to your friends, be prepared to be rejected. There are a lot of serious developers out there who don't want their high-quality apps to be buried under apps that were made in their spare time. We will reject any content or application behavior that crosses the bottom line. You may ask, what is the bottom line? As one Supreme Court Justice said, 'I know it when I see it,' and we think you will know it when it crosses the line. If your app is rejected, we have a Review Board for you to review, and it won't help if you go to the media and slander us. If you attempt to cheat the system, such as attempting to game the review process, steal user data, plagiarize other developers' work, or manipulate user reviews, your app will be removed and you will be excluded from the developer program. This is a living document. New regulations may be added at any time because new applications may cause new problems, and your application may change the rules. Finally, we love the App Store and your work, and we're really working hard to create the best platform in the world for you to showcase your talents and make a living at the same time. If this guide sounds like we’re control freaks, that’s probably because we’re obsessed with our users and want to make sure they have a great experience using our products, just as most of you do. 1. Terms of Use 1.1 As an App Store app developer, you must comply with the Program License Agreement (PLA), Human-Computer Interaction Guidelines (HIG), and any other agreements and contracts signed between you and Apple. The following rules and examples are intended to help your app get approved for the App Store and do not modify or delete the terms of any other agreement. 2. Apps that crash with feature 2.1 will be rejected. 2.2 Applications with obvious bugs will be rejected. 2.3 Apps that do not match what the developer advertises will be rejected. 2.4 Apps that add unknown or hidden functions that do not match the description will be rejected. 2.5 Applications that use non-public APIs will be rejected. 2.6 Applications that attempt to read or write data outside the permitted range will be rejected. 2.7 Applications that download code in any way or form will be rejected. 2.8 Apps that install or run other executable code will be rejected. 2.9Demo, trial, and test version apps will be rejected. Beta apps can only be submitted through TestFlight and must comply with the TestFlight guidelines. 2.10 iPhone apps must run on iPad at iPhone resolution and at 2x iPhone 3GS resolution without modification. 2.11 Apps that duplicate existing programs in the App Store may be rejected, especially if there are a large number of them, such as Fart, Burp, Flashlight, and Kama Sutra. 2.12 Applications that have no practical use, are not unique, or are simply bundled by the website may be rejected; programs that do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected. 2.13 Applications whose content is primarily marketing material or advertising will be rejected. 2.14 Apps that contain deceptive or false functionality and are not marked as such will be rejected. 2.15 Apps larger than 100MB will not be able to be downloaded over cellular networks (the App Store will automatically ban them). 2.16 Multitasking apps may only use background services for the following purposes: VoIP, audio playback, positioning, task completion, and local notifications. 2.17 Apps that browse the web are only allowed to use the iOS WebKit framework and WebKit JavaScript . 2.18 Applications that encourage excessive drinking or the use of illegal drugs, or induce minors to drink or smoke will be rejected. 2.19 Apps that provide incorrect system diagnostics or inaccurate device data will be rejected. 2.20 Developers who upload a large number of similar versions of programs to the App Store will be removed from the iOS Developer Program. 2.21 Apps that contain only one song or one movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store, and book apps should be submitted to the iBook Store. 2.22 Apps that arbitrarily restrict user usage, such as by location or operator , will be rejected. 2.23 Apps must comply with iOS data storage guidelines, otherwise they will be rejected. 2.24 Applications provided on Newsstand must comply with clauses 1, 2 and 3 of the Developer Program License Agreement, otherwise they will be rejected. 2.25 Apps that are similar to the App Store, or that recommend other apps instead of displaying their own apps, or that are promoted in a manner similar to or confusingly similar to the App Store will also be rejected. (Added the requirement that the application should not be confused or similar to other applications) 2.26 Only when the application is for special review needs (such as health management, aviation, academic information, etc.) or provides significant added value to special user groups, can it display and recommend applications other than its own. Otherwise, it will be rejected. 3. Metadata (name, description, rating, ranking, etc.) 3.1 Apps or metadata that mention any other mobile platforms will be rejected. 3.2 Apps with placeholder text will be rejected. 3.3 App names, descriptions, screenshots, or previews that are not relevant to the app’s content and functionality will be rejected. 3.4 To avoid confusing users, the app name in iTunes Connect should be consistent with the app name displayed on the device. 3.5 The large and small icons of the application should be consistent to avoid confusion. 3.6 Apps that do not meet the 4+ age rating will be rejected if their icons, screenshots, and previews are displayed at the top of the Apple TV home screen. 3.7 Classification and Content Selection Apps that are not suitable for the content of the application will be rejected. 3.8 Developers are responsible for assigning appropriate ratings to their programs. Inappropriate ratings may be modified or deleted by Apple. 3.9 Developers are responsible for specifying appropriate keywords for their applications. Inappropriate keywords may be modified or deleted by Apple. 3.10 Developers who attempt to manipulate or deceive user reviews, or use fake/paid reviews to cheat in the App Store rankings, or use other improper methods to improve their rankings will be removed from the iOS Developer Program by Apple. 3.11 Apps that recommend users to restart their iOS devices before installing or opening will be rejected. 3.12 All apps submitted for review should include functioning URLs, such as support service URLs and private policy URLs. 3.13 App screenshots, previews, or marketing text that do not clearly indicate that additional content or items require separate purchase (such as using IAP) will be rejected. 3.14 App previews can only be videos, narrations, texts, and design outlines captured by the app itself, otherwise the app will be rejected. 3.15 Applications that display real personal information without permission will be rejected. 3.16 App previews may only use music that is licensed in all selected territories. 3.17 Apps that contain unauthorized use of app playback or live content (such as music, videos and related cover art) for previews or screenshots will be rejected. 4. Location 4.1 Apps that fail to notify and obtain user consent before collecting, transmitting or using location data will be rejected. 4.2 Applications that use the positioning API for animation or automatic control of vehicles, aircraft, or other equipment will be rejected. 4.3 Apps that use the location API for emergency services will be rejected. 4.4 Location data may only be used when it is directly related to the functionality or services provided by the app to users, or to support permitted advertising purposes. 5. Push Notification 5.1 Apps that do not use the Apple Push Notification (APN) API to provide push notifications will be rejected. 5.2 Applications that use APN services without obtaining a Push Application ID from Apple will be rejected. 5.3 Apps that send push notifications without obtaining user consent or that require push notifications for use will be rejected. 5.4 Apps that use push notifications to send sensitive personal or confidential information will be rejected. 5.5 Apps that use push notifications to send unsolicited messages or are used for phishing or spam will be rejected. 5.6 The App may not use push notifications to send advertisements, promotions, or any type of direct marketing. 5.7 Applications may not charge users for push notification services. 5.8 Apps that use excessive network or APN service bandwidth through push notifications or place an excessive burden on the device will be rejected. 5.9 Apps that transmit viruses, files, computer codes, or programs that may harm or disrupt the normal operation of the APN service will be rejected. 6. Game Center 6.1 Applications that display player IDs to end users or any third party will be rejected. 6.2 Any use of the Player ID for any purpose not approved by the Game Center Terms will be rejected. 6.3 Developers who attempt to reverse query, track, correlate, mine, obtain or exploit player IDs, nicknames or other information obtained through Game Center will be removed from the iOS Developer Program. 6.4 Game Center information (such as leaderboard scores) can only be used in applications that are approved to use Game Center. 6.5 Applications that use the Game Center service to send unsolicited messages, or are used for phishing or spam will be rejected. 6.6 Applications that use excessive Game Center network traffic or bandwidth will be rejected. 6.7 Applications that transmit viruses, files, computer codes or programs that may damage or disrupt the normal operation of the Game Center service will be rejected. 7. Advertisements 7.1 Applications that artificially increase ad views or ad click-through rates will be rejected. 7.2 Apps containing blank iAd banner ads will be rejected. 7.3 Apps designed specifically for the purpose of displaying advertisements will be rejected. 8. Content and Intellectual Property 8.1 The Application must comply with all terms and conditions set forth in the Apple Trademark and Copyright Usage Guidelines and the Apple Trademark List. 8.2 Any application that misleads and implies that Apple is the source or supplier, or that Apple in any way endorses its quality or functionality will be rejected. 8.3 Applications that are similar or confusingly similar to existing Apple products or advertising themes will be rejected. 8.4 Any application that misspells the name of an Apple product in the application (e.g. GPS for Iphone, iTunz) will be rejected. 8.5 The Application must not use protected third-party materials, such as trademarks, copyrights and patents, or violate third-party terms of use. Permission to use these materials must be provided upon request. 8.6 Apps that store or download music or video content from third parties such as YouTube, SoundCloud, and Vimeo will be rejected without explicit authorization. 9. Media Content 9.1 Applications that retrieve media content from the music library without using the media player framework will be rejected. 9.2 Any application that mimics the iPod or iTunes interface will be rejected. 9.3 Audio streaming content transmitted over cellular networks must not exceed 5MB per 5 minutes. 9.4 Video streaming content longer than 10 minutes over cellular networks must use the HTTP Live Streaming protocol and include an HTTP Live Stream with a base rate of 192 kbps or lower. 10. User Interface (rules extended to all Apple devices) 10.1 The application must comply with all terms and conditions explained in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines, including platforms such as iOS, OS X, Apple TV and Apple Watch . 10.2 Applications that look similar to native iOS or Watch OS applications (such as AppStore, iTunesStore, and iBookstore) will be rejected. 10.3 Apps that do not use or do not use system-provided items, such as buttons or icons, in accordance with the Apple Human Interface Guidelines will be rejected. 10.4 Apps that create alternative desktop/home screen environments or simulate a multi-app widget experience will be rejected. 10.5 Apps that modify functionality or standard switches, such as volume and ring/silent functions, will be rejected. 10.6 Apple and our customers highly value simple, elegant, creative, and well-designed user interfaces. It takes more effort, but it’s well worth it. Apple has set the bar high. If your UI is too complex or not good enough, it may be rejected. 10.7 Watch apps that are primarily used for telling time will be rejected 10.8 Apps that display activity ringtones must not modify the ringtones or the data they represent 11. In-app purchases and currency 11.1 Apps that use channels other than the App Store to unlock or enable additional attributes and features will be rejected. 11.2 Apps that use systems other than in-app payment (IAP) to purchase content, features, or services will be rejected. 11.3 Applications that use IAP to purchase physical goods or goods and services outside the application will be rejected. 11.4 Applications that use IAP to purchase points (credits) or other currencies must consume these points in this application. 11.5 Applications that use IAP to purchase expired points or other currencies will be rejected. 11.6 Content subscriptions purchased using IAP must last for at least 7 days and allow users to use them across their other iOS devices. 11.7 Applications that use IAP to purchase items must assign the correct purchase type. 11.8 Apps that use IAP to purchase built-in features of iOS, WatchOS, and tvOS, such as the camera and gyroscope; or Apple-branded peripherals, such as the Apple Pencil or Apple Keyboard; and Apple services, such as apps that use Apple Music or iCloud storage, will be rejected. (Extended to all Apple devices) 11.9 Apps containing content or services with a limited expiration date will be rejected, except for specifically approved content such as movies , TV shows, music, and books. 11.10 Insurance applications must be free, comply with the laws of the region in which they are published, and cannot use IAP. 11.11 Generally speaking, the more expensive your application is, the more stringent our review will be. 11.12 Apps that provide subscription functionality must do so through IAP, and Apple will share the revenue with developers in a 30/70 ratio as agreed in the PLA agreement. 11.13 Apps that use links within the app to redirect to external purchases or subscriptions will be rejected, such as a buy button that leads to an external link to purchase an e-book, etc. 11.14 Apps can read or play permitted content purchased outside the app, especially magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video, and cloud storage. As long as there is no external link button in the app, Apple will only collect a share of the revenue generated by in-app purchases of content. 11.15 The application can only automatically renew subscriptions for periodicals (newspapers, magazines), business applications (enterprise, production, professional creativity, cloud storage) and media (video, audio, voice) applications, otherwise the application will be rejected. 11.16 Additional features and functionality are permitted only when used in conjunction with certain permitted physical products (such as toys), provided that such functionality is completely independent of the hardware, such as an app that controls a telescope, or that such functionality is available without the use of an external product, such as rewarding achievements through IAP. 11.17 Applications may be used to facilitate the circulation of licensed virtual currencies only if they comply with state and federal law. 12. Scraping and Integration 12.1 Applications that scrape any information from Apple websites (such as, iTunes Store, AppStore, iTunes Connect, and Apple Developer Programs) or use Apple website content and services for ranking will be rejected. 12.2 Applications may use approved Apple RSS feeds , such as the iTunes Store RSS feeds. 12.3 Applications that simply clip web pages, aggregate content, or collect links may be rejected. 13. Applications that harm devices 13.1 Applications that encourage users to use Apple devices in a way that could cause harm will be rejected. 13.2 Apps that quickly drain device power or generate excessive heat will be rejected. 13.3 Applications that may cause personal harm to users will be rejected. 14. Personal Attacks 14.1 Applications that contain defamation, personal attacks, or mean thoughts or that may cause harm to the target individual or group will be rejected. 14.2 Professional political satirists and humorists are not subject to this clause. 14.3 Applications that display user-generated content ( UGC ) must provide a method to filter out harmful information and must have the function of blocking users who violate the rules from using the service. 15. Violence 15.1 Applications that contain realistic images of real people or animals being killed, maimed, shot, stabbed, tortured, or otherwise injured will be rejected. 15.2 Applications containing content such as depicting violence or child abuse will be rejected. 15.3 The 'enemy' that appears in the game environment cannot refer to a specific race, culture, a real government, company or any other real entity. 15.4 Applications that realistically depict weapons in a way that encourages the illegal use or misuse of those weapons will be rejected. 15.5 Apps containing Russian roulette gambling content will be rejected. 16. Objectionable Content 16.1 Applications containing excessively objectionable or vulgar content will be rejected. 16.2 Applications designed specifically to cause discomfort or disgust to users will be rejected. 17. Privacy 17.1 Applications must not transmit user data without the user's prior permission and without informing the user how and where the information will be used. 17. Applications that require users to share private information such as email addresses and dates of birth in order to use their features will be rejected. 17.3 Apps may request birthday information only for the purpose of protecting children’s privacy, but must provide some useful functionality or entertainment value regardless of the user’s age. 17.4 Applications that collect, transmit, and share personal information of underage users (such as name, address, email, location, photos, videos, drawings, chat messages, and other personal data, or permanent markers related to the above) must comply with child privacy laws and must include a privacy protection policy. 17.5 Applications that include account registration or access users' existing accounts must include a privacy policy or they will be rejected. 18. Pornography 18.1 Apps containing pornographic material, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "desirable for the purpose of describing or showing sexual organs or activities performed for the purpose of exciting sensuality rather than aesthetics or emotion", will be rejected. 18.2 Applications that contain pornographic content frequently provided by users (such as Chat Roulette) will be rejected. 19. Religion, Culture and Race 19.1 Applications that contain references or comments about religion, culture or ethnic groups that are defamatory, offensive or mean-spirited, or that may cause harm or offense to a particular group will be rejected. 19.2 The Program may contain or quote religious texts, provided that the quotations or translations provided by the Program are accurate and not misleading. Comments should be educational and eye-opening, not inflammatory. 20. Contests, lotteries, lotteries, sweepstakes and gambling 20.1 Lotteries and contests must be sponsored by the developer of the application or the company to which it belongs. 20.2 The official rules for sweepstakes and contests must be displayed in the App and clearly state that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in any way. 20.3 Developers running lottery apps must have legal permission and must have features such as rewards, luck, and prizes. 20.4 Apps that allow users to purchase lottery tickets directly in the app will be rejected. 20.5 Apps that offer real money games (such as sports betting, poker, casino games, horse racing) or lotteries must be authorized and permitted where the app is located, must be limited to authorized areas, and must be provided free of charge on the App Store. 20.6 Apps that use IAP to purchase credits or currency and combine it with real money games will be rejected. 21. Charity and Aid 21.1 Applications that include functionality for donating to certified charitable organizations must be free. 21.2 Donations must be collected through the Safari browser or via SMS. 22. Legal Requirements 22.1 The application must comply with the local laws of all release areas. It is the developer's obligation to understand the local laws of all release areas. 22.2 Apps that contain false, fraudulent, or misleading statements or use names and icons similar to other apps will be rejected. 22.3 Any Application that solicits, promotes or encourages criminal or obviously reckless behavior will be rejected. 22.4 Applications that support illegal file sharing will be rejected. 22.5 Applications designed for illegal gambling (including card counting) will be rejected. 22.6 Apps that have anonymous or prank calling or SMS/MMS-like functions will be rejected. 22.7 Any developer who develops programs that secretly collect user passwords or user private data will be removed from the iOS Developer Program. 22.8 Apps that contain DUI checkpoint information not issued by law enforcement agencies, or that encourage/assist drunk driving will be rejected. 22.9 Applications that calculate drug dosages must be published by drug manufacturers or approved organizations, such as hospitals, insurance companies, and universities. 22.10. Applications that use iTunes music previews without authorization will be rejected. 23. Wallet (formerly known as Passbook) 23.1 Wallet Passes can be used to make or accept payments, transfer money or provide verification information (such as movie tickets, airline tickets , coupons and others), but applications that use Wallet Passes for other purposes may be rejected and their Wallet certificates will be revoked. 23.2Wallet must contain valid contact information provided by the pass issuer, otherwise the application will be rejected and the Wallet certificate will be revoked. 23.3 Passes must be signed by the entity and distributed based on its name, trademark or brand, otherwise the application will be rejected and the Wallet certificate may be revoked. 24. Children’s Category 24.1 Apps in the Children’s Category must include a privacy policy and must comply with applicable children’s privacy legislation. 24.2 Apps in the Kids category are not allowed to include behavioral advertising (i.e. advertisers do not serve ads based on a user’s in-app activity), and any contextual advertising displayed in the app must be appropriate for children. 24.3 Apps in the Children’s category must obtain parental permission or use parental controls to link outside the app or conduct transactions. 24.4 Apps in the Children’s category must be specifically marked as intended for children under 5, 6-8, or 9-11 years old. 25. Extensions 25.1 Applications that contain extensions must comply with the requirements of the Application Extension Programming Guide. 25.2 Apps containing extensions must provide certain functionality (secondary screen, additional settings) or they will be rejected. 25.3 If an extension's view contains marketing , advertising, or IAP content, the app containing the extension will be rejected. 25.4 Keyboard extensions must provide a method to switch to the next keyboard. 25.5 Keyboard extensions must have offline accessibility, otherwise they will be rejected. 25.6 Keyboard extensions must provide numeric and decimal keyboard types consistent with the description in the Application Extension Programming Guide, otherwise they will be rejected. 25.7 Apps that provide keyboard extensions must have basic keyboard functionality (such as input), have priority classification tools and a privacy policy, otherwise they will be rejected. 25.8 Apps that provide keyboard extensions are only allowed to collect user activity to enhance the functionality of the keyboard extension on iOS devices; otherwise they will be rejected. 26.HomeKit 26.1 The primary purpose of an application using the HomeKit framework must be to provide home automation services. 26.2 Applications that use the HomeKit framework must state their purpose in the marketing text and must provide a privacy policy, otherwise they will be rejected. 26.3 Applications may not use data collected from the HomeKit API for advertising or other user-based data mining. 26.4 Apps that use data collected from the HomeKit API for purposes other than improving user experience or hardware/software performance in home automation features will be rejected. 27. HealthKit, CareKit, and Human Subject Research (formerly HealthKit) 27.1 Apps that use the HealthKit or CareKit framework for health purposes or to perform human subject research, such as using ResearchKit, must respect the laws of the country where the app is released and must comply with sections 3.3.28 and 3.3.39 of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement. 27.2 Apps that write false or erroneous data to HealthKit will be rejected. 27.3 Applications that use the HealthKit framework to store user health information in iCloud will be rejected. 27.4 Applications are not allowed to use user data collected through the HealthKit API for advertising or user data mining purposes, except for the purposes of improving health, medical treatment, health management, and medical research. 27.5 Apps that share user data obtained through the HealthKit API with third parties without user permission will be rejected. 27.6 Applications that use the HealthKit framework must state the integration of health apps in their marketing text and must clearly explain the functionality of HealthKit and CareKit in the app’s user interface. 27.7 Apps that use the HealthKit or CareKit frameworks or conduct research with human subjects must provide a privacy policy or they will be rejected. 27.8 Hardware that provides diagnosis, treatment advice, or controls for the diagnosis of disease, or applications that treat disease, will be rejected without written regulatory approval upon request. 27.9 Applications that collect data related to human biological research must obtain the permission of the participants. For minors, the application must obtain the permission of their parents or guardians. The license must include: (a) the nature, purpose, and duration of the research; (b) the participation process, risks, and benefits (welfare); (c) confidentiality of information and data handling (including any sharing with third parties); (d) participant issue entry points; and (e) cancellation method 28. TestFlight 28.1 Applications may only use TestFlight for beta testing of applications intended for public release and must fully comply with the App Review Guidelines. 28.2 Apps using TestFlight must be submitted for review when there are significant changes in the content, materials, or functionality included in a release. 28.3 Applications distributed using TestFlight to testers in exchange for any form of compensation. 29. ApplePay 29.1 Applications using ApplePay must provide users with all material purchase information before selling any goods or services, otherwise they will be rejected. Apps that use Apple Pay for recurring payments must provide a minimum renewal period, that payments will continue until they are canceled, the amount paid at each stage, the fees charged to the user, and how to cancel. 29.2 Applications using Apple Pay must correctly use the Apple Pay logo and user interface elements in the Apple Pay Certification Guide, otherwise they will be rejected. 29.3 The goods or services provided by applications using ApplePay as a purchasing mechanism must not violate any laws within the scope of delivery and cannot be used for any illegal purpose. 29.4 Applications using Apple Pay must provide a privacy policy, otherwise they will be rejected. 29.5 Applications using Apple Pay may share data obtained through Apple Pay with third parties only to facilitate or improve the delivery of goods and services, or as required by law. 30. Apple Music API (new) 30.1 Apps that use the Apple Music API for playback without user consent will be rejected. 30.2 Applications using the Apple Music API must display and respect standard media operations such as play, pause, and skip. 30.3 Applications using the Apple Music API may not require payment or other monetization of the Apple Music service (such as in-app purchases, advertising, requests for user information, etc.).

5. App Store Listing Conditions

1. The software is normal. This means that there are no bugs and it meets Apple's requirements. 2. Submit for review. 3. Approved.

6. What is App Store Listing?

Here we are referring to the iOS store. App store listing refers to the entire process of iOS software from application submission to launch. Its purpose is to display the software on the app store, obtain traffic and users from the app store, and thus obtain revenue.

7. Reasons for rejection of app store listing

1. Android appears in the screenshot. 2. Content about hacking Apple appears in the screenshot. 3. Obscene words such as "diaosi" appear in the comments. 4. The app contains content discussing the Android system. 5. You modified the status bar, which is not allowed. 6. There is only a third-party login, and no registration and login function of your own, which is not allowed. 7. Your app includes pornographic content (pornographic transactions, pornographic displays). 8. There is a WeChat sharing function, but it was rejected because users are forced to install WeChat to use this function. 9. The app uses rounded corner buttons and is ruthlessly rejected. 10. Please explain to me, where do the points in the app come from and where do they go? 11. The app said there were ads, but the reviewer said there were no ads after playing the game. Later, the appeal was successful because ads only appeared when playing the game for the second time (a heart-breaking repetitive game). Can't you just play it twice? Each time only takes a few tens of seconds~~ 12. Third-party payment ( Alipay ) was decisively rejected! ! ! 13. The attempt to obtain the user's MAC address was rejected because of the integration of Youmengmeng . 14. Your content cannot be approved because it does not have a reporting function and contains pornographic content. 15. Use of third-party logo was rejected (because it involved China Unicom operations, we decisively added a China Unicom logo in the about page to identify the partner. However, the application was decisively rejected and we were asked to provide a written certificate from China Unicom.) 16. No test account was given. 17. There was an Android download address in the QR CODE (it was approved after directly jumping to iTunes). 18. It did not conform to the aesthetics of iOS UI (modified UI). 19. There was only third-party login, and no registration and login function of its own... (newly added login and registration function was approved). 20. Your software added a mandatory comment function: there is only one button to click to enter the comment, and it must be changed to a prompt box to remind the user whether to enter the comment. 21. The place to store documents was rejected because iCloud will automatically back up. Only those used and created by users themselves are allowed to be placed in the Document folder. 22. The auditor couldn’t open my interface, so I changed to an overseas vps and experienced the most painful experience. 23. The application was rejected because the screenshot contained an iPhone model. 24. The game crashes. 25. The word "test" appears in the screenshots. 26. The game is too simple. 27. Multiple identical games are submitted at one time. 28. Other copyrighted images are used in the game (flappybird original images are used). 29. An ad frame is added, but no ads are displayed in the game (in fact, they are displayed when the game is over, and the testers don't know how to die). 30. In-app purchases cannot be used. 31. Game Center cannot be used. 32. The name displayed in the App Store does not match the software name. 33. User information (such as login, registration) must not be forcibly obtained during payment. Users must be required to log in and register before seeing the price. 34. In-app purchase, the product type is incorrect. 35. There is no Restore button for in-app purchases; 36. There are login and registration functions, but no test account is provided (carelessness); 37. There is a button to remove ads, but no ads were found. (I later took a screenshot and replied to the review department, and it passed the review within two hours) 38. Copyright issue. No relevant copyright documents were provided. 39. Rating issue: When it was submitted, the rating was 4 stars, but it was later rejected and changed to 12 stars, which passed the review. 40. The keywords did not meet the requirements. 41. The content was too simple and was said to be a waste of user time. 42. The interface style did not meet the iOS style. 43. The app rating was changed from 4+ to 12+, then to 16+, and finally they said I did not meet 16+. I changed it back to 4+ and it passed... 44. I put a Batman and Spider-Man on the Splash, but it was not approved due to copyright issues. Later, I asked the UI to change it to a wretched man and it passed. 45. There is a button in the app to save pictures to the album, and in the plist there is an Application supports iTunes file sharing set to yes, so it was ruthlessly rejected. 46. ​​Documents downloaded by users in the application cannot be stored in the Document folder and will be rejected. 47. In order to obtain full functionality of the review application, we need the relevant hardware. I used to record an operation video and upload it and then passed it. This time I recorded it twice and the same reply was the same. I don’t know what kind of wind it was. 48. I made a social software, but I didn’t provide an account and password when it was launched, which led to the inability to enter during the review. reject. ps: Can’t I see such a big registration? Can't see it? 49. The activity post posted by the user in the forum module mentioned that the Android platform and WP platform was rejected. Then I said I had no problem. He said he contacted him by phone within three working days. It has been 4-5 days and has not been in touch yet. 50. The button position does not conform to the ios style. 51. A joke app has the word "comic" on the boot screen. Apple reviewed it and said that it contains vulgar and uncivilized text, and then it was rejected. 52. The QQ login function, but it won’t work without downloading QQ. 53. The first time there is no function to report to the user. I only have Sina and QQ login and do not have their own login registration system (the QQ SDK does not install QQ prompt is download). It seems that there is still a user agreement, but that review took one month anyway. 54. The reviewer cannot load content when opening the app, generally because of domestic server problems. The solution is to record an app operation video, put it on youtube, and send it to Apple, which has been tried and done. 55. The interface was too ugly and rejected, so I changed the background image and passed. 56. iPad is written as iPad. 57. The registration function is not provided, and it is denied... The registration is open to pass; 58. The button image is similar to the iPhone desktop icon and is denied; 59. Because the problem of iCloud cloud backup is denied, the backup function is turned off and passed. 60. When using a third-party SDK, there is a prompt message that blocks the status bar. 61. There is a link on the picture. 62. Because there are android keywords that are rejected, because there are android keywords that are rejected, because there are swfit keywords that are not published, it is rejected. It was rejected because the button click was invalid. 63. The content contains the iPad 64. Pictures with a middle finger 65. The IDFA display ad does not provide videos 66. The registration page does not add the pr avicy declaration file. 67. After iTunes upgraded, the grading has inexplicably changed from 12+ to 4+. 68. When using conspicuous words, they are actually "Beautiful girl", and the content is offensive. 69. The copywriting on the guide page does not match the content. 70. Because the application screenshot was rejected. Art Lazy gave 4 screenshots of Android. Although the content of the app is the same, the status bar at the top is from Android! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . 81. The focus image of the information client releases the news that Pangu cracked iOS8 jailbreak. . 82. A toy penguin appears in the screenshot, and then refuses to say that we found that this marketing screenshot does not fully reflect your application's use. 83. Adult apps can be listed on the AppStore: the content must be "useful" 84.

8. The pitfalls on the app store:

1. The most recent time, I was rejected because the word "unconventional" appeared in the App interface. The reason is: indecent words make the user uncomfortable. I am really powerless to complain and cannot confront it in person. Well, I changed it to "playing around" and passed the review. 2. Last time, an imperfect feature was added to the App, so the word "beta" was added, and it was called back, saying that the app should not contain the function of the beta version and the word "beta" cannot appear. Okay, I wrote a code to judge that the beta will not be displayed during the review period, and then continue to display it after it is put on the shelves. However, every time I reviewed, no one cared about the beta words inside. It was probably because the reviewers were different and the focus was different. 3. iOS is called back if it is written incorrectly. In the introduction, if Apple's trademark or vocabulary is involved, no letter must be wrong, including the upper and lower case of each letter. 3. Guide users to give positive comments and almost get banned. This is the thing. I posted on Weibo that I would like to comment on the AppStore and I would like to give you a prize. I don’t know if I was reported or what happened. Apple sent an email saying that I would not allow the comments to be encouraged. Then there was a Canadian call to confirm the situation with me. After I told the situation, she said it would be fine if she didn’t use the example, it was still very nice. Chinese communication throughout the process. By the way, in all aspects such as Apple's review and listing emails, even though they use Chinese, they have a dedicated person to be responsible for it. 4. No test account is provided. This was a bit inexplicable at the time. In fact, my app didn't need to test the account, so I just filled in it and passed it. 5. No privacy statement. Because I am an input method, this must be provided. I later copied it from Sogou input method and placed it on my own server. 6. Third-party input methods must provide the function of digital input. I also think this is a bit inexplicable, but it must be added. I didn't look at the terms when I did it before. In the end, because of this, I missed the first wave of third-party input methods. After the official version of iOS8 was released, it was several weeks behind before it was launched. 7. Once, I accidentally appeared in the interface, but my App was 4+ rating, so I was called back. Later, I temporarily improved the rating before I passed. 8. I try my best to recall and remember these for the time being. They are all very low-level mistakes, so everyone can add them together. In addition, let me talk about another trick: when submitting an App, you must make good use of Expedite Review. The so-called Expedite Review is to apply for a quick review. Generally, after passing, you can pass the review on the day of submission. However, the premise is that you can describe a major bug in your online version of the App. You can deliberately leave some bugs, or there is a bug, or deliberately exaggerate your bug description. The chance of passing is quite high. I have passed it at least four or five times in the past six months. Submit address is Sign in with your Apple

9. Recommendations for listing app store

1. Text description cannot go beyond the boundaries. Apple first looks at the text description. If it fails, refuse directly; leaving Apple's promotion is another matter; 2. Apple adopts the minimum strategy by default: minimize hardware requirements; and the hardware parameters will be closed up to maximize during review, if it is not directly explained in the app. If you use wifi, gps and other devices, you must specify it in the parameters, so they will not care whether you are running on iPad wifi or iPad wifi+3G. If you do not specify it in your parameters, they will ignore everything; if you want to play audio for more than 10 minutes, please note that Apple has other requirements; 3. Pay special attention to various Crash, such as Crash caused by networking exceptions; when using GPS hardware normally, there will always be latitude and longitude data, but Apple does not have it when reviewing. My brother didn't make a judgment, so he crashed. The principle of rejection of 4 or 7 days is mostly 7 days. Although I had the luck of being lucky, I passed it in four hours, but don’t expect it. I once thought that Apple followed the principle of first-in and later-out, so I uploaded the app at 2 o’clock in the evening. Who knows it still doesn’t work; however, each account has two opportunities to apply for expedited processing; 5. Apple is very casual, and the degree of grasping it when different engineers review it; you will see many apps that are more trash than you do. How can I enter the app store? Nothing to say, character problems; 6. If you have applied for listing, you have found bugs or other problems. It is recommended to call it back by yourself and not wait for Apple to refuse; 7. If you want to avoid various rejections, the best way is to read Apple’s regulations! But dear, that English TA knows me, I don’t know TA completely, and it’s too long, too long!

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