A collection of Amazon introductory to proficient training courses (26 sets), totaling 30G . The courses cover everything from things to note when registering on the Amazon platform, basic knowledge training for novice operators, product selection skills, advertising skills, data analysis, advanced operations, Amazon platform operation tools, etc., taking you to learn how to operate the Amazon platform step by step from scratch, allowing you to avoid detours on the road to operation. Course Catalog 00-Amazon Global Store Registration Process and Notes Lesson 1: Registration Process for North American Station】.mp4 Lesson 3 European site registration process】.mp4 Lesson 2 Japanese site registration process】.mp4 Lesson 5 Brand Registration Process】.mp4 Lesson 6 Multi-account Risk Control】.mp4 Lesson 4: Application and Binding of Payment Account】.mp4 01-Getting Started with Amazon (Basics) 1. Amazon Platform Rules (Jack) Lesson 1: Things to note when operating multiple accounts on Amazon: Account association factors and anti-association techniques].mp4 Lesson 3 Amazon follow-up sales and anti-follow-up sales skills】.mp4 Lesson 2: How to appeal when Amazon closes a store or removes sales rights] Lesson 4: Analysis of Amazon A9 Algorithm】.mp4 3. Amazon backend page analysis (Jack) Lesson 1: Detailed Explanation of Amazon Backend Basic Modules Part 1].mp4 Lesson 3 Introduction to Amazon Product Concepts】.mp4 Lesson 2 Amazon backend basic modules detailed explanation 2].mp4 Lesson 5 Amazon Business Report 2】.mp4 Lesson 4 Amazon business report 1】.mp4 2. In-depth analysis of the Amazon platform (Jack) Lesson 1 Amazon platform positioning and platform data analysis】.mp4 Lesson 3 Amazon Common English Noun Analysis】.mp4 Lesson 2 Amazon account types, registration methods, and basic fees detailed explanation】.mp4 5. Amazon Basic Practice Course for Beginners (sunner) 1 Introduction to cross-border e-commerce platforms】.avi 10 Operation and product selection】.mp4 11 Operational product selection】.mp4 12 Product Analysis Table】.mp4 13 Follow-up sales + follow-up sales practice】.mp4 14 Review+Feedback】.mp4 15 Writing listing + practice】.mp4 16 A+ Page】.mp4 17 How to make picture copy】.mp4 18 Upload product practice】.mp4 19 FBA delivery practical explanation】.mp4 2 Amazon platform features and introduction】.avi 20 coupons】.mp4 21 Email Marketing】.mp4 22 Merge and split listings】.mp4 23 promotions practice – promotions】.mp4 24 PPC Practice——Advertising】.mp4 25 Brand promotion: brand registration and brand filing】.mp4 26 Brand Promotion-Brand Flagship Store】.mp4 27 Product launch and promotion——New product promotion】.mp4 28 Off-site traffic】.mp4 3 Amazon seller classification and global store opening】.avi 4. Introduction to payment methods】.avi 5 Explanation of Amazon platform terms】.avi 6 A9 algorithm】.avi 7 Account Performance (Part 1)】.avi 8 Account Performance (Part 2)】.avi 9 Detailed explanation of Amazon front-end and back-end interfaces】.avi 6. Practical operation of Amazon product upload and promotion setting (Jack) Lesson 1: How to upload a single product in the background.mp4 Lesson 3 Shipping Operation Establishment, FBA Shipping Practical Demonstration and Precautions】.mp4 Lesson 2 Backstage Batch Upload Method】.mp4 Lesson 5: Amazon Prime Exclusive Discount Settings】.mp4 Lesson 6 Amazon Management Promotion].mp4 Lesson 4 Amazon coupon coupon settings】.mp4 4. Amazon cross-border logistics solution (jack) Lesson 1: Three Ways of Amazon's Cross-Border First-Mile Logistics】.mp4 Lesson 3: Detailed Explanation of Cross-border Logistics and Taxation】.mp4 Lesson 2: Three Ways to Ship from Amazon】.mp4 Lesson 4 Amazon Logistics and Sales Commission】.mp4 02- Amazon's refined product selection (Xiong Linlin) Lesson 1: Choose the product selection method that suits you】.mp4 Lesson 3 Product Analysis - Market Capacity Judgment】.mp4 Lesson 2 Product Information Mining and Sales Qualification Judgment】.mp4 Lesson 5 Product Analysis - Competitive Opportunities (Part 2)】.mp4 Lesson 4 Product Analysis - Profit Analysis and Competitive Opportunities (Part 1)】.mp4 03-Is it better to choose products with high unit price or low unit price on Amazon? Is it better to choose products with high or low unit prices on Amazon?].mp4 04-Product selection skills for new Amazon sellers Review video 1】.mp4 Review video 2】.mp4 05-5 practical steps for Amazon to develop products after product selection Review 1】.mp4 Review 2】.mp4 06-Practical Operations of Amazon for Small and Medium Sellers (Part 1) The first lesson: ideas and precautions for product selection】.mp4 Lesson 3: The third method of selecting products】.mp4 Lesson 2: The first two methods of product selection】.mp4 Lesson 5: Efficient Product Selection Combination (Part 1)】.mp4 Lesson 6: Efficient Product Selection Combination (Part 2)】.mp4 Lesson 4 Preparation before purchasing and uploading】.mp4 07-Practical Operations of Amazon for Small and Medium Sellers (Part 2) Lesson 1 Operations Work Content】.mp4 Lesson 7: Dealing with and maintaining negative reviews on Amazon (Part 2)】.mp4 Lesson 3 Listing Optimization (Part 2)】.mp4 Lesson 9 Amazon Advertising (Part 1)】.mp4 Lesson 2 Listing Optimization (Part 1)】.mp4 Lesson 5: How to Make Good Use of Amazon Customer Service】.mp4 Lesson 8: Detailed explanation of anti-follow-selling and in-site promotion】.mp4 Lesson 6: Dealing with and maintaining negative reviews on Amazon (Part 1)】.mp4 Lesson 11: Problems faced by Amazon team management].mp4 Lesson 12 Amazon Team Management Methods].mp4 Lesson 10: Amazon Advertising (Part 2)】.mp4 Lesson 4: Amazon Mobile Optimization】.mp4 08-Application of Amazon’s Data-Based Product Selection (Part 2) Review 1】.mp4 Review 2】.mp4 09-Amazon product selection and development differentiation skills Lesson 1 Introduction to Product Selection Tools】.mp4 Lesson 2: Conducting product research through social platforms】.mp4 Lesson 3 Product Selling Points Refinement】.mp4 Lesson 4 Product Pricing Strategy】.mp4 Lesson 5: Product Selection Methods for Dropshipping】.mp4 Lesson 6 Customized Product Development Direction】.mp4 10-6 Case Studies on How Sellers Can Select Products More Detailedly Lesson 1: Product Selection Process for Processing Tools in North America】.mp4 Lesson 3: Home Furnishing Product Selection Process for North America】.mp4 Lesson 2: Medical Product Selection Process for North America】.mp4 Lesson 5: Japanese Home Products Selection Process】.mp4 Lesson 6: Product Selection Process for Non-Inventory Distribution】.mp4 Lesson 4: Product Selection Process for Clothing Products in Europe】.mp4 11-How to select products during the peak season - fully revealing the secrets of peak season sales 1. Product selection ideas】.mp4 2. Peak season product selection and price positioning】.mp4 3. Use data tools to select products (Part 1)】.mp4 4. Use data tools to select products (Part 2)】.mp4 5. Product selection tool practice】.mp4 6. How to verify product selection】.mp4 12-Black box: Amazon product selection and product research tool 1. The Secret of Amazon Products - Analysis of the Five Key Functions of Blackbox】.mp4 2. Product-How to find good products to sell on Amazon platform】.mp4 3. keyword-7 keyword selection methods to help you find potential products】.mp4 4. Competitor: Find out your real competitors on the Amazon platform】.mp4 5. Niche (niche products): reverse thinking to find opportunities on Amazon].mp4 6. Product targeting: Research the related products of competitors on Amazon].mp4 13-Amazon keyword collection, extraction and listing writing skills 1. How to use index checker to query keywords】.mp4 2. How to import words from Frankstain into scribble and embed words】.mp4 3. How to use Frankstain and index checker to check Amazon keyword inclusion.mp4 4. What do the font colors of Word and Phrase in Scribble mean? .mp4 5. Two ways to write listings using Scribble】.mp4 14-Build the strongest basic skills of Amazon—play with your listing 1. Create high-quality, highly visible, and highly clickable listings (Section 5) 1. Truly understand the charm of pictures and create high-penetration and high-conversion product pictures】.mp4 2. Correctly understand Amazon’s internal search rules and create high-traffic titles】.mp4 3. Play with unusual Search Terms】.mp4 4. Create high-quality bullet points and descriptions】.mp4 5. Do you have A+ pages? Do you know how to accumulate and manage product reviews?】.mp4 3. Intervene in your listings at the right time (Section 1) 8.Intervene your listing at the right time】.mp4 2. Invisible killers that affect listings (Section 2) 6. Uncovering the Invisible Killer Part 1].mp4 7. Uncovering the Invisible Killer Part 2].mp4 4. Make good use of your competitor traffic (section 1) 9. Make good use of your competitors’ traffic】.mp4 15-Amazon Listing and Optimization Lesson 1: Correct use of UPC and optimization of product images and titles】.mp4 Lesson 2: Highlight selling points from five-point description to improve conversion rate】.mp4 Lesson 3 Official Standard Writing Method of Search Terms】.mp4 Lesson 4: A+ page setting method and requirements】.mp4 Lesson 5: Things to pay attention to before putting your product on the shelf】.mp4 Lesson 6: Writing good reviews and QA can help you get twice the result with half the effort】.mp4 16- Unlock new features of Amazon advertising in 2020 Lesson 1: How Amazon Advertising Works and Its Algorithm】.mp4 Lesson 3: Ad group settings and matching modes to improve conversion and reduce ACoS】.mp4 Lesson 2: Keyword mining in the early stages of advertising].mp4 Lesson 5: Principles and methods of reducing the cost of a single click on an ad.mp4 Lesson 6: Analyzing the data in advertising reports through examples】.mp4 Lesson 4: Summary of new advertising features and delivery strategies].mp4 17-Amazon Advertising Zero to Mastery Operation Practical Course (Full Series Course) Davie Amazon Advertising Zero to Master Operations Practical Course (Part 1) (Davie Preface】.mp4 Lesson 7 Amazon automatic advertising settings real account background practical demonstration】.mp4 Lesson 3 Amazon Advertising Basics and Common Terms】.mp4 Lesson 9 Amazon manual advertising product ASIN positioning settings real account background practical demonstration】.mp4 Lesson 2 Common Misunderstandings of Amazon Advertising for New Sellers】.mp4 Lesson 5: Preliminary preparation for Amazon advertising: Listing optimization requirements].mp4 Lesson 8 Amazon manual advertising keyword positioning settings real account background practical demonstration】.mp4 Lesson 6: How to use the Amazon logistics profit calculator and advertising profits].mp4 Lesson 11: Practical demonstration skills for setting up background of Amazon advertising display promotion ads].mp4 Lesson 12: Amazon Listing Advertising Architecture Building Strategy].mp4 Lesson 10: Practical demonstration skills for setting up backend for Amazon advertising brand promotion].mp4 Lesson 4 Amazon Advertising Requirements and Conditions for Obtaining the Gold Shopping Cart】.mp4 Amazon Advertising Zero to Master Operations Practical Course (Part 2) (Davie Lesson 31: Daily execution details of Amazon's new product hits] Lesson 32: Daily execution details of Amazon's old product hits] Lesson 30: Practical skills for optimizing Amazon advertising to improve listing profit margins].mp4 Lesson 27 Amazon Advertising Sales Evaluation and Inventory Supply Chain Data Calculation Skills].mp4 Lesson 29: Practical skills in creating Best Sellers on Amazon advertising】.mp4 Lesson 25: Amazon store traffic problem advertising solution skills].mp4 Lesson 28 Amazon Advertising Activation Listing Category Free Ranking Traffic Skills】.mp4 Lesson 26: Analysis of Amazon Advertising Order Issues and Operation Optimization Techniques].mp4 Lesson 24: Practical skills for backend operation of Amazon advertising strong exposure account].mp4 Amazon Advertising Zero to Master Operations Practical Course (Part 2) (Davie Lesson 21 Case Demonstration: How to Improve Ad Conversion Rate and Ad Report Optimization Techniques].mp4 Lesson 23 Case Demonstration Amazon Advertising Report Comprehensive Operation Optimization Practical Skills】.mp4 Lesson 22 Case Demonstration: How to Reduce the ACOS Value of Ads] Ad Report Optimization Techniques.mp4 Lesson 20 Case Demonstration: Practical Skills for Improving Keyword Click-Through Rate and Advertising Report Optimization].mp4 Lesson 17: Case study on Amazon advertising budget and advertising order quantity estimation.mp4 Lesson 13: Bidding strategies for Amazon advertising campaigns and calculation techniques for keyword bidding ranges].mp4 Lesson 19 Amazon Advertising Report Types and Advertising Report Data Indicators Interpretation].mp4 Lesson 15: Introduction to the functions and practical skills of Amazon advertising keyword tools].mp4 Lesson 18: Case Study Demonstrates Practical Skills in Amazon Advertising Bids and Advertising ACOS Value Estimation].mp4 Lesson 16: Case Study: Amazon Sellers’ Listing Ad Keywords Search and Screening Skills].mp4 Lesson 14: Case study on Amazon advertising keyword matching form and advertising target population targeting range].mp4 18-Detailed explanation of the prevention measures and solutions for follow-selling Lesson 1: The Principles and Benefits of Following Sales】.mp4 Lesson 3: In addition to following sales between SC accounts, there is also a type of VC following sales】.mp4 Lesson 2: What impact will malicious follow-up sales have on the original link? .mp4 Lesson 5: How to solve malicious follow-up sales】.mp4 Lesson 6: Solutions to prevent copycat sales】.mp4 Lesson 4: Introduction to follow-selling software and monitoring follow-selling software】.mp4 19-Advanced Course on Amazon Precision Marketing 10. How to effectively evaluate (Part 2)】.mp4 11. How to create a hit product (Part 1)】.mp4 12. How to create a hit product (Part 2)】.mp4 1. Data-based product selection (Part 1)】.mp4 2. Data-based product selection (Part 2)】.mp4 3. Keyword explanation】.mp4 4. Listing background data analysis】.mp4 5. Listing Optimization (Part 1)】.mp4 6. Listing Optimization (Part 2)】.mp4 7. CPC optimization】.mp4 8. Coupon settings】.mp4 9. How to effectively evaluate (Part 1)】.mp4 20-Advanced Amazon Trend Strategy 1. Introduction to Trend Analysis Methodology】.mp4 2. Trend strategy 1: trend chart and life cycle research].mp4 3. Trend Strategy 2: Amazon Success Opportunity Analysis and Product Portfolio Analysis].mp4 4. Trend Strategy 3: Risk Management and Enterprise Value Chain Research].mp4 5. Trend Strategy 4: Top 100 Analysis and Global Market Business Analysis】.mp4 6. Trend Play Six: Strategic Analysis Part 1].mp4 7. Trend Play Six: Strategic Analysis Part 2].mp4 8. Amazon A9 data analysis and ARA】.mp4 9. Black Technology and Amazon Alliance】.mp4 21-Five major features to help sellers operate Amazon 1. Trendster is a product trend research tool that combines keepa and Google trends.mp4 2. Inventory protector: Set the maximum order quantity with one click to protect your FBA inventory】.mp4 3. Alerts: follow-selling reminders and product change monitoring allow you to keep track of product status changes at any time] 4. Refund Genie: Help you get back the money that Amazon owes you.mp4 5. Misspellingnator uses Amazon’s misspelled words to achieve traffic leakage】.mp4 22-Amazon Data Analysis Advanced Course (stave) Lesson 1: Detailed Explanation of Seven Major Advertising Problems】.mp4 Lesson 7: Advertising Words and Purchasing Products】.mp4 Lesson 3 Data Download and Preprocessing】.mp4 Lesson 9: Budget Adjustment for Advertising Campaigns】.mp4 Lesson 2 Advanced Advertising Analysis Indicators】.mp4 Lesson 5 Keyword Five Quadrant Analysis】.mp4 Lesson 8 Advertising Position Bidding Strategy】.mp4 Lesson 6: Advanced Advertising Optimization Logic】.mp4 Lesson 4 Product Diagnosis and Optimization Process】.mp4 23-Agan talks about cross-border Amazon operations Lesson 1: How to achieve efficient product selection】.mp4 Lesson 7: How to improve product conversion rate (Part 2)】.mp4 Lesson 3 Preparation before product launch (Part 2)】.mp4 Lesson 9 How to Get Feedback and Reviews】.mp4 Lesson 2 Preparation before product launch (Part 1)】.mp4 Lesson 5: How to Create High-Quality Listing】.mp4 Lesson 8 Site Analysis】.mp4 Lesson 6 How to improve product conversion rate (Part 1)】.mp4 Lesson 11: How to Handle Infringement Complaints】.mp4 Lesson 12: How to guide internal and external traffic to settle.mp4 Lesson 10: Trademark Search and Brand Registration】.mp4 Lesson 4: FBA stocking quantity and rules】.mp4 24-The best Amazon keyword tool 1. Magnet keyword tool overview and how to find keywords】.mp4 2. What is Magnet IQ score and its related factors? 3. The wonderful use of Word Frequency in the operation process】.mp4 4. How to use Magnet’s multi-word typing tool to research a group of keywords】.mp4 5. Common wordDeleted wordExclude wordDifferences and applications between them】.mp4 25-eHlium 10 Basic Function Overview for Beginners 1. Overview of the twelve main Amazon features of Helium 10】.mp4 2. Detailed explanation of Helium 10 web plug-in functions】.mp4 3. How to use the helium10 plugin to quickly check the quality score of the listing】.mp4 4. Use Helium 10 Gems to create high-quality Amazon links.mp4 5. Use keyword Tracker to track keywords.mp4 6. Money-saving tips: Use H10 discount codes to buy Helium 10 tools】.mp4 26-Cerebro: ASIN reverse lookup and competitor keyword research tool 1. Overview of Cerebro, an Amazon competitor’s anti-check tool and its usage tips.mp4 2. Exact ASIN match to crack the keyword secret of a single ASIN】.mp4 3. Use Cerebro Multi-Asin function to find the precise keywords of the product in 1 minute】.mp4 4. The principle and operation tips of Competitor function】.mp4 5. Keyword ranking tracking secrets: Keyword tracker rank vs Cerebro rank】.mp4 6. The keywords that appear in Cerebro are not related to the product? Reasons and algorithm revealed】.mp4 7. What is Amazon Recommend Rank? |
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