Dameiyang Art: Learn Sketching from scratch, from elementary to advanced

Dameiyang Art: Learn Sketching from scratch, from elementary to advanced

Course Catalog:

├──Beginner's sketch

| ├──Lecture 8

| | ├──8-1 How to draw a combination of cylinder and sphere.mp4 96.00M

| | ├──8-2 Combination drawing of cone, cylinder and cube.mp4 107.94M

| | ├──8-3 Combination drawing of cone-cylinder interpenetration and inclined cylinder.mp4 83.97M

| | └──8-4 Combination of cube and cuboid.mp4 27.35M

| ├──Lecture 2

| | ├──2-10 Eraser usage tips.mp4 27.53M

| | ├──2-11 Analysis of the wrong shape of the cube.mp4 24.39M

| | ├──2-1 How to draw a cube.mp4 145.71M

| | ├──2-2 Basic requirements for using lines when shaping.mp4 73.16M

| | ├──2-3 Cube Perspective Explanation.mp4 40.42M

| | ├──2-4 Performance and usage of different types of pencils.mp4 55.43M

| | ├──2-5 Cube edge processing.mp4 88.90M

| | ├──2-6 How to draw the dark side of a cube.mp4 42.68M

| | ├──2-7 How to draw a cube projection.mp4 18.98M

| | ├──2-8 Understanding the background and painting methods.mp4 49.40M

| | └──2-9 Tips on using paper and pen.mp4 35.00M

| ├──Lecture 9

| | ├──9-1 Combination drawing of cube and tetrahedron.mp4 65.31M

| | ├──9-2 Combination of Dodecahedron and Inclined Cylinder.mp4 138.88M

| | └──9-3 Combination of four-sided prism, four-sided pyramid and cone.mp4 74.03M

| ├──Lecture 6

| | ├──6-1 How to draw a cylinder and a cone interpenetrating body.mp4 154.64M

| | ├──6-2 How to draw a dodecahedron.mp4 62.41M

| | ├──6-3 How to draw a tetrahedral interpenetrating body.mp4 76.73M

| | ├──6-4 How to draw a tetrahedron and tetrahedron interlaced body.mp4 67.10M

| | └──6-5 How to draw a hexagonal interpenetrating body.mp4 77.54M

| ├──Lecture 7

| | ├──7-1 Combination drawing of octagonal prism and inclined cylinder.mp4 197.36M

| | ├──7-2 Detailed explanation of the top and bottom shapes and perspective of the octagonal prism.mp4 34.74M

| | ├──7-3 Techniques for treating damaged plaster geometric bodies.mp4 25.00M

| | └──7-4 How to process fabric texture in the picture.mp4 26.78M

| ├──Lecture 3

| | ├──3-1 How to draw a cylinder.mp4 98.40M

| | ├──3-2 Three major planes and five tones in light and dark sketches.mp4 19.06M

| | ├──3-3 Understanding and drawing of cylindrical perspective.mp4 80.86M

| | ├──3-4 Detailed explanation of how to draw the boundary between light and dark on a cylinder.mp4 48.99M

| | ├──3-5 Understanding and drawing of cylindrical projection.mp4 30.56M

| | ├──3-6 The wrong and correct way to draw the top and bottom of a cylinder.mp4 49.89M

| | ├──3-7 How to draw the gray surface of a cylinder.mp4 25.99M

| | └──3-8 Brightness and darkness changes in different light sources.mp4 26.97M

| ├──Lecture 12

| | ├──93-1 Combination of five geometric shapes.mp4 119.14M

| | ├──93-2 Combination of five geometric shapes.mp4 103.31M

| | ├──93-3 Combination of five geometric shapes.mp4 185.65M

| | ├──93-4 Combination of five geometric shapes.mp4 149.83M

| | └──93-5 Combination of five geometric shapes.mp4 53.45M

| ├──Lecture 10

| | ├──91-1 Combination of three geometric shapes.mp4 28.92M

| | ├──91-2 Combination of three geometric shapes.mp4 45.77M

| | ├──91-3 Combination of three geometric shapes.mp4 55.29M

| | ├──91-4 Combination of three geometric shapes.mp4 61.10M

| | └──91-5 Combination of three geometric shapes.mp4 97.20M

| ├──Lecture 11

| | ├──92-1 Combination of four geometric shapes.mp4 69.32M

| | ├──92-2 Combination of four geometric shapes.mp4 82.70M

| | ├──92-3 Combination of four geometric shapes.mp4 114.06M

| | └──92-4 Combination of four geometric shapes.mp4 92.36M

| ├──Lecture 4

| | ├──4-1 How to draw a cone.mp4 120.22M

| | ├──4-2 Detailed explanation of the perspective drawing method of the base of a cone.mp4 33.21M

| | ├──4-3 Detailed explanation of how to draw the boundary between light and dark on a cone.mp4 38.00M

| | ├──4-4 Cone projection drawing.mp4 10.47M

| | └──4-5 The relationship between the light and dark distribution and projection of a cone.mp4 14.01M

| ├──Lecture 5

| | ├──5-1 How to draw a sphere.mp4 133.49M

| | ├──5-3 How to draw the outline of a sphere.mp4 42.51M

| | ├──5-4 Detailed explanation of how to draw the boundary between light and dark on a sphere.mp4 43.53M

| | ├──5-5 Detailed explanation of the gray surface distribution and drawing method of the sphere.mp4 41.33M

| | └──5-6 The rules and drawing methods of spherical projection.mp4 23.44M

| └──Lesson 1

| | ├──1-1What is Sketch.mp4 23.49M

| | ├──1-2 The purpose of learning plaster geometry.mp4 6.55M

| | ├──1-3 How to sharpen a pencil.mp4 46.60M

| | ├──1-4 Line Exercise.mp4 111.39M

| | ├──1-5 Comparison of correct and incorrect lines.mp4 56.37M

| | ├──1-6 Line Exercises.mp4 59.34M

| | ├──1-7 The use of lines in light and dark sketches.mp4 23.47M

| | └──1-8 The usage of lines in structural sketching.mp4 19.42M

├──Advanced Sketching

| ├──Lecture 8

| | ├──8-1.mp4 193.84M

| | ├──8-2.mp4 266.21M

| | ├──8-3.mp4 437.81M

| | └──8-4.mp4 215.08M

| ├──Lecture 2

| | ├──2-1 Steps to draw eyes (I).mp4 89.87M

| | ├──2-2 Steps to draw eyes (Part 2).mp4 80.14M

| | ├──2-3 Steps to draw eyes (Part 3).mp4 193.00M

| | └──2-4 Steps to draw eyes (IV).mp4 91.38M

| ├──Lecture 9

| | ├──9-1.mp4 305.84M

| | ├──9-2.mp4 160.37M

| | ├──9-3.mp4 323.51M

| | └──9-4.mp4 221.58M

| ├──Lecture 6

| | ├──6-1 Steps for drawing Beethoven's half-portrait (Part 2).mp4 103.30M

| | ├──6-2 Steps to draw Beethoven's half-portrait (Part 2).mp4 85.44M

| | ├──6-3 Steps to draw Beethoven's half-portrait (Part 3).mp4 175.73M

| | └──6-4 Steps to draw Beethoven's half-portrait (IV).mp4 74.48M

| ├──Lecture 7

| | ├──7-1.mp4 8.37M

| | ├──7-2.mp4 129.36M

| | ├──7-3.mp4 149.99M

| | ├──7-4.mp4 324.31M

| | └──7-5.mp4 189.42M

| ├──Lecture 3

| | ├──3-1 How to draw a nose (Part 1).mp4 79.09M

| | ├──3-2 How to draw a nose (Part 2).mp4 126.56M

| | ├──3-3 How to draw a nose (Part 3).mp4 227.68M

| | └──3-4 How to draw a nose (IV).mp4 156.92M

| ├──Lecture 12

| | ├──93-1.mp4 51.92M

| | ├──93-2.mp4 64.44M

| | ├──93-3.mp4 235.87M

| | ├──93-4.mp4 66.02M

| | ├──93-5.mp4 398.36M

| | └──93-6.mp4 141.68M

| ├──Lecture 10

| | ├──91-1.mp4 7.66M

| | ├──91-2.mp4 183.34M

| | ├──91-3.mp4 276.97M

| | ├──91-4.mp4 461.92M

| | └──91-5.mp4 103.20M

| ├──Lecture 16

| | ├──97-1.mp4 81.59M

| | ├──97-2.mp4 92.73M

| | ├──97-3.mp4 332.86M

| | └──97-4.mp4 272.60M

| ├──Lecture 13

| | ├──94-1.mp4 46.64M

| | ├──94-2.mp4 66.11M

| | ├──94-3.mp4 120.38M

| | ├──94-4.mp4 50.44M

| | ├──94-5.mp4 241.98M

| | └──94-6.mp4 151.22M

| ├──Lecture 14

| | ├──95-1.mp4 41.14M

| | ├──95-2.mp4 51.78M

| | ├──95-3.mp4 91.72M

| | ├──95-4.mp4 52.70M

| | └──95-5.mp4 408.12M

| ├──Lecture 15

| | ├──96-1.mp4 201.83M

| | ├──96-2.mp4 159.99M

| | ├──96-3.mp4 486.07M

| | └──96-4.mp4 215.35M

| ├──Lecture 11

| | ├──92-1.mp4 87.09M

| | ├──92-2.mp4 104.67M

| | ├──92-3.mp4 71.69M

| | ├──92-4.mp4 183.31M

| | ├──92-5.mp4 325.30M

| | └──92-6.mp4 207.64M

| ├──Lecture 4

| | ├──4-1 How to draw a mouth (Part 1).mp4 89.00M

| | ├──4-2 How to draw a mouth (Part 2).mp4 82.59M

| | ├──4-3 How to draw a mouth (Part 3).mp4 92.84M

| | └──4-4 How to draw a mouth (IV).mp4 136.65M

| ├──Lecture 5

| | ├──5-1 Steps to draw the ear (I).mp4 101.06M

| | ├──5-2 Steps to draw the ear (Part 2).mp4 110.10M

| | ├──5-3 Steps to draw the ear (Part 3).mp4 250.63M

| | └──5-4 Steps to draw the ear (IV).mp4 76.64M

| └──Lesson 1

| | ├──1-1 Artistic Human Anatomy-Head Skeleton.mp4 68.85M

| | ├──1-2 Artistic Human Anatomy-Head Muscles.mp4 32.80M

| | └──1-3 Analysis of head and facial features proportions.mp4 18.82M

└──Sketch Intermediate

| ├──Lecture 8

| | ├──8-1 Steps to draw a goblet (I).mp4 54.82M

| | ├──8-2 Steps to draw a goblet (Part 2).mp4 103.99M

| | ├──8-3 Steps to draw a goblet (Part 3).mp4 125.86M

| | ├──8-4 Steps to draw a goblet (IV).mp4 79.38M

| | ├──8-5 How to draw a cold water cup (Part 1).mp4 59.77M

| | ├──8-6 How to draw a cold water cup (Part 2).mp4 130.19M

| | ├──8-7 How to draw a cold water cup (Part 3).mp4 134.73M

| | ├──8-8 How to draw a red wine bottle and a goblet (Part 1).mp4 51.00M

| | ├──8-9 How to draw a red wine bottle and a goblet (Part 2).mp4 119.50M

| | ├──8-91 How to draw a red wine bottle and a goblet (Part 3).mp4 96.94M

| | └──8-92 How to draw a red wine bottle and a goblet (IV).mp4 269.31M

| ├──Lecture 2

| | ├──2-1 How to draw three tomatoes (Part 1).mp4 53.86M

| | ├──2-2 How to draw three tomatoes (Part 2).mp4 44.21M

| | ├──2-3 How to draw three tomatoes (Part 3).mp4 117.46M

| | ├──2-4 How to draw three tomatoes (IV).mp4 165.04M

| | ├──2-5 How to draw three tomatoes (V).mp4 104.46M

| | └──2-6 Sketch of tomatoes planted in greenhouse.mp4 325.64M

| ├──Lecture 9

| | ├──9-1 How to draw a Coke bottle (Part 1).mp4 48.48M

| | ├──9-2 How to draw a Coke bottle (Part 2).mp4 82.94M

| | ├──9-3 How to draw a Coke bottle (Part 3).mp4 164.89M

| | ├──9-4 How to draw a Coke bottle (IV).mp4 78.66M

| | ├──9-5 How to draw a beer bottle (Part 1).mp4 36.66M

| | ├──9-6 How to draw a beer bottle (Part 2).mp4 70.94M

| | ├──9-7 How to draw a beer bottle (Part 3).mp4 91.47M

| | └──9-8 How to draw a beer bottle (IV).mp4 69.39M

| ├──Lecture 6

| | ├──6-1 Steps to draw grapes (I).mp4 90.00M

| | ├──6-2 Steps to draw grapes (Part 2).mp4 224.78M

| | ├──6-3 Steps to draw grapes (Part 3).mp4 223.43M

| | └──6-4 Steps to draw grapes (IV).mp4 133.06M

| ├──Lecture 7

| | ├──7-1 How to draw two eggs and a plate (Part 1).mp4 42.80M

| | ├──7-2 How to draw two eggs and a plate (Part 2).mp4 60.77M

| | ├──7-3 How to draw two eggs and a plate (Part 3).mp4 71.08M

| | ├──7-4 How to draw two eggs and a plate (IV).mp4 110.66M

| | └──7-5 Pay attention to the shape of the plate when drawing.mp4 37.91M

| ├──Lecture 3

| | ├──3-1 How to draw two peaches (I) (1).mp4 37.04M

| | ├──3-1 Two peaches drawing steps (I).mp4 37.04M

| | ├──3-2 Steps to draw two peaches (Part 2).mp4 42.32M

| | ├──3-3 Two peaches drawing steps (three).mp4 96.65M

| | ├──3-4 Four steps to draw peaches (I).mp4 63.76M

| | ├──3-5 Four steps to draw peaches (Part 2).mp4 116.63M

| | └──3-6 Four steps to draw peaches (Part 3).mp4 137.03M

| ├──Lecture 12

| | ├──93-1 How to draw white lining cloth (I).mp4 94.48M

| | ├──93-2 How to draw white lining cloth (Part 2).mp4 105.52M

| | ├──93-3 How to draw white lining cloth (Part 3).mp4 168.89M

| | ├──93-4 How to draw white lining cloth (IV).mp4 280.25M

| | ├──93-5 How to draw white lining cloth (V).mp4 175.88M

| | ├──93-6 Steps to draw striped lining (I).mp4 90.65M

| | ├──93-7 Steps to draw striped lining (Part 2).mp4 227.43M

| | ├──93-8 Steps to draw striped lining (Part 3).mp4 40.24M

| | └──93-9 Steps to draw striped lining (IV).mp4 87.80M

| ├──Lecture 10

| | ├──91-1 Steps to draw a single pottery jar (I).mp4 30.51M

| | ├──91-2 Steps to draw a single pottery jar (Part 2).mp4 79.34M

| | ├──91-3 Steps to draw a single pottery jar (Part 3).mp4 178.24M

| | ├──91-4 Steps to draw a single pottery jar (IV).mp4 57.26M

| | ├──91-5 How to draw a pottery jar with ears (Part 1).mp4 86.49M

| | ├──91-6 How to draw a pottery jar with ears (Part 2).mp4 114.70M

| | ├──91-7 How to draw a pottery jar with ears (Part 3).mp4 51.99M

| | ├──91-8 How to draw a pottery jar with ears (IV).mp4 84.14M

| | ├──91-9 How to draw a pottery jar with ears (V).mp4 103.93M

| | └──91-91 How to draw a pottery jar with ears (VI).mp4 64.26M

| ├──Lecture 13

| | ├──94-1 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (I).mp4 170.64M

| | ├──94-2 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (Part 2).mp4 235.76M

| | ├──94-3 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (Part 3).mp4 359.31M

| | └──94-4 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (IV).mp4 398.94M

| ├──Lecture 14

| | ├──95-1 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (I).mp4 188.91M

| | ├──95-2 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (Part 2).mp4 119.00M

| | ├──95-3 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (Part 3).mp4 471.32M

| | ├──95-4 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (IV).mp4 377.97M

| | └──95-5 Combination Still Life Painting Steps (V).mp4 115.93M

| ├──Lecture 11

| | ├──92-1 How to draw green vegetables (Part 1).mp4 72.23M

| | ├──92-2 How to draw green vegetables (Part 2).mp4 99.13M

| | ├──92-3 How to draw green vegetables (Part 3).mp4 170.87M

| | ├──92-4 How to draw green vegetables (IV).mp4 46.26M

| | ├──92-5 How to draw green vegetables (V).mp4 176.65M

| | ├──92-6 How to draw green vegetables (VI).mp4 56.26M

| | ├──92-7 How to draw Chinese cabbage (Part 1).mp4 76.76M

| | ├──92-8 How to draw Chinese cabbage (Part 2).mp4 127.71M

| | ├──92-9 How to draw Chinese cabbage (Part 3).mp4 167.95M

| | ├──92-91 How to draw Chinese cabbage (IV).mp4 123.24M

| | └──92-92 How to draw Chinese cabbage (V).mp4 111.40M

| ├──Lecture 4

| | ├──4-1 How to draw a banana (Part 1).mp4 50.06M

| | ├──4-2 How to draw a banana (Part 2).mp4 70.81M

| | ├──4-3 How to draw a banana (Part 3).mp4 83.91M

| | ├──4-4 How to draw a banana (IV).mp4 126.88M

| | ├──4-5 Steps of sketching banana combination (I).mp4 91.02M

| | └──4-6 Banana Combination Sketching Steps (Part 2).mp4 151.05M

| ├──Lecture 5

| | ├──5-1 Steps to draw an orange (I).mp4 59.74M

| | ├──5-2 Steps to draw an orange (Part 2).mp4 128.38M

| | ├──5-3 Steps to draw an orange (Part 3).mp4 121.62M

| | ├──5-4 Steps to draw an orange (IV).mp4 54.39M

| | └──5-5 Sketch of oranges on the tree.mp4 167.68M

| └──Lesson 1

| | ├──1-1 I am an apple from a sphere (I).mp4 26.40M

| | ├──1-2 I am an apple from a sphere (Part 2).mp4 6.50M

| | ├──1-3 Steps to draw a single apple (I).mp4 18.88M

| | ├──1-4 Steps to draw a single apple (Part 2).mp4 34.78M

| | ├──1-5 Steps to draw a single apple (Part 3).mp4 56.76M

| | ├──1-6 Steps to draw a single apple (IV).mp4 34.93M

| | ├──1-7 Analysis of the concave top surface of the apple and the light and dark boundary line technique.mp4 69.79M

| | ├──1-8 Steps to draw two apples (I).mp4 74.18M

| | ├──1-9 Steps to draw two apples (Part 2).mp4 64.15M

| | ├──1-90 Steps to draw two apples (Part 3).flv.mp4 62.55M

| | ├──1-91 How to draw multiple apples (Part 1).mp4 78.32M

| | ├──1-92 Steps to draw multiple apples (Part 2).mp4 101.96M

| | ├──1-93 Steps to draw multiple apples (Part 3).mp4 158.02M

| | └──1-94 Steps to draw multiple apples (IV).mp4 107.15M

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