One article to understand how to build a national campus channel

One article to understand how to build a national campus channel

With the rise of mobile Internet , the campus market has spawned new enterprises covering almost all fields, such as social networking , e-commerce , finance, education, tourism, and entertainment; from large BAT to small start-ups, they are constantly encircling and harvesting the campus market.

2015 was the most wild year for the development of mobile Internet , which made ground marketing popular for a long time. A financial product can cost up to 50 yuan to purchase a user, and if you follow the instructions on the " Scan Code Street" next to Wangjing SOHO and complete the tasks, you don't have to buy daily necessities for half a month.

In this context, densely populated, closed campuses are undoubtedly natural places to acquire users. All kinds of large and small companies, as long as their business has intersections with the campus market, have begun to spend heavily to build their own campus channels .

When they found that their brutal promotion resulted in a bunch of garbage data, various investors began to return to rationality, and the campus channels that had originally been invested heavily in also began to fade quietly.

Being driven by profit is a very crazy thing. When you are driven by profit, they will work for you like crazy, but when there is no profit output, their loyalty and fighting power will disappear!

The same is true for campus channels. What you use to attract people will attract the same kind of people.

The campus channel is like a product and also like a business. To build the campus channel efficiently and at low cost, we can use product thinking from the bottom to the top.

From my personal work experience, I can summarize that the construction of campus channels from 0 to 1 can be divided into these five levels: cognitive level, strategic level, scope level, system level, and business level;

1. Cognitive layer

For the campus channels in Internet companies, it may be just a department or a business within a department. Management staff will not do this work personally, so the construction of campus channels is completed by recruiting talents.

Many people fall into a misunderstanding when building campus channels (including me before): their thinking jumps directly to the business level, and through analyzing the user groups of the product, they think about online and offline promotion methods, or what kind of activities to do, etc.

In fact, the first correct step in building a campus channel is to understand the company's business, resources, products, etc.; because these are the most original genes, and deviating from the company's genes to build a campus channel will eventually either be deformed or aborted.

1.1. Understand the company's business

We don't need to know the specific operations of each business of the company, but we must understand what businesses, big and small, the company has; being familiar with these businesses may not be of any use or inspiration to you now, but you can think of it when you plan activities or campus channel operations in the future, and it is very likely that this business can be applied to the activities or operations at that time.

A company's business is also part of its genes. In the future, at the business level you are developing, all work will be carried out under or related to the company's big business. Therefore, we must be clear about the company's business.

1.2. Understand company resources

Different companies may have different numbers of products, and different products may have different forms; such as web, app, WeChat public account , mini program , etc. We need to not only understand the user groups of different products, but also understand what problems these products mainly solve for users; these preparations will be beneficial to your future resource integration.

For example, you want to hold an event to promote a product, but the effect of promoting this product alone is not good. If you combine this product with another product of the company for promotion, the effect may be more obvious.

1.3. Understand the company's products

For an Internet company, the core is the product. Whether it is a campus channel that promotes brand communication, user conversion or order conversion, it is related to the product, so we must clearly understand the functions and contents of each section.

Everyone looks at things from a different perspective. As a campus channel, you may be more sensitive to user growth or order conversion. Understanding the functions and content of each section will help you make better use of it. For example, you can directly promote a function to promote user growth, or you can propose improvements or optimizations to a certain function or page to promote user growth .

2. Strategic level

The strategic layer includes team goals and company goals. Everyone is clear about the latter, but the former is often overlooked. This is also the reason why some companies have a hard time building campus channels, because team goals come first and company goals come second. If the former is not done well, the latter cannot be completed better.

2.1. Team Goals

Setting campus team goals is by no means an easy task. It requires not only a full understanding and comprehension of the company's business, resources, and characteristics, but also a compassionate and helpful spirit to solve common problems of team members. Combining these two aspects will produce some team goals, but it is necessary to find the goal that can best reach a consensus with team members as the ultimate team goal.

From the current perspective, there are not many campus channels that truly have team goals. Even if some campus channels have set team goals, they only use them as a gimmick when recruiting team members and do not actually implement them, which also makes it very difficult for them to build campus channels. Even if you continue to invest resources and funds, the effect will not be very obvious.

In order to understand the team's goals more intuitively, I will give a few examples:

  • The goal of the campus team of Xingshiseng is to make college students more competitive in job hunting .
  • The goal of Baidu Encyclopedia 's campus team is to improve the comprehensive project management capabilities of college students.
  • The goal of Xiaomi's campus team is to improve college students' organizational management and communication skills, and to give youth more ways to play.

Team goals are important because they can further define the team's values. Here we take the trainee monk as an example:

The team’s goal is: “To make college students more competitive in job hunting”, and based on this, the team’s values ​​extend to: “To achieve others and perfect oneself”.

There is no material reward for the campus team members of Internship Monk. The reason why we can gather so many partners is that they identify with the team values. At the same time, the team values ​​also guide our principles of employing people:

  • We will not employ exceptionally outstanding students because they have the ability to realize their own value in a higher and greater place;
  • We will not employ students who lack competitiveness but are still self-aggrandizing;
  • What we need are students who can improve their own consciousness by achieving others.

These students who share the same values ​​need not material things or money, but the sense of accomplishment and social experience gained from solving a job seeker’s problem and achieving the progress and growth of a team. They are only a small part, but it is this small group with highly consistent values ​​that infects, influences and drives another part of the group with relatively vague values.

2.2. Company objectives

A company will have clear goals when building a campus channel, which generally include four aspects: brand, users, profits, and support; different companies have different focuses, and the same company has different focuses at different stages of development. Therefore, the company's goals are also a dynamically changing process, and the development of campus channel business must also be adjusted accordingly around the changes in the company's goals.

For a company, in addition to setting goals, it is also necessary to consider the importance and investment in campus channels as well as the actual status of the company. The value it will generate will depend on the level at which you place it.

In addition, it is also necessary to make it clear that building campus channels is a long-term and continuous process. Don't think that you will be able to achieve immediate results in the short term. Many companies are very confident when they start to build campus channels, but after a period of time, they don't see any results and gradually become indifferent, causing the early investment to be wasted. Therefore, before deciding to build a campus channel, we must not only have clear goals, but also have a longer-term strategic thinking:

  • What is the current development status of the company?
  • Is it really that important to build campus channels?
  • Does campus channel building help achieve longer-term strategic goals?
  • Given the company’s current situation, is it suitable to build a campus channel now?

I believe that only companies that have thought through these issues and made affirmative decisions will be more determined, confident, and likely to build an excellent campus channel.

3. Scope layer

After clarifying the strategic level, it is not the time to roll up your sleeves and start recruiting people in a big way; instead, you should further design the team's organizational structure, determine the job responsibilities of team members, clarify the authority of team members, and formulate reward and punishment standards for team members. If you do these preparations well, even if you are alone, a team with flesh and blood and bones will be formed in your mind; on the contrary, if you do not do these basic preparations well, even if you are given a team of a thousand people, it will be nothing but sand that will be blown away by the wind.

3.1. Determine the framework

The company's organizational structure will be adjusted as the company develops, and the organizational structure of the campus channel is the same, which needs to be adjusted according to the development rhythm of the team. Therefore, do not try to design a perfect organizational structure in one go. Different stages have different organizational structures (in fact, there is no perfect organizational structure, only the most suitable one).

When initially designing the team structure, avoid imitating other mature campus teams. Instead, design it based on the company's stage, current situation, level, and campus channel strategy.

If you are promoting a heavyweight product of BAT, you can design a more "full" team structure, as shown below. The advantage of this design is that it can improve the operating efficiency within the team.

But if it is a startup company, even if it is in charge of the promotion of core products or the development of important businesses, the team organizational structure design should be more "flat". On the one hand, this design is limited by the company's resources and capabilities. On the other hand, it also makes it easier for managers to have more direct contact with front-line personnel to understand everyone's ideas and problems.

Adjust the structure according to the development status of the team, so as to achieve steady progress and better reduce the cost of trial and error.

3.2. Fixed work

"Defining work" is not an isolated part. When designing the structure, we should consider what each role mainly does. At the same time, when determining personnel roles, we should also consider what the team’s organizational structure is like?

The purpose of work is to achieve the strategic goals of the campus channel. Around this strategic goal, we can roughly clarify the work directions of each role through exhaustive enumeration, but it is not necessary to specify what execution-level tasks to do now, because the business level is the time to consider these issues in detail.

One thing that is easy to overlook when assigning work is "team goals." As mentioned earlier, team goals are an important part of the strategic level, and this part of the work must be strengthened in the early stages of campus channel construction. However, there are not many campus channels that really consider this aspect when deciding on a job. If you pay close attention, you can see this from the Chinese recruitment proposals of various campus channel teams.

3.3. Define permissions

Giving managers some authority can help improve their sense of superiority and motivation. However, authority should be set in moderation. Excessive delegation of authority may easily lead to management chaos, while delegation of authority too little will not be conducive to the development of team members' capabilities.

Some jobs come with built-in authority, for example, "the campus supervisor is responsible for the formation and operation of the campus team", so the campus supervisor has the power to appoint and dismiss team members of the school; while some authority needs to be granted. In short: the establishment of permissions is not something that can be done overnight, it is dynamic ; especially in the later business level, there will be various new tasks that need to be completed, and with them comes the granting of new permissions.

In the process of formulating authority, rule makers should not only think about how to balance the degree of delegation, but also consider how to strike a balance between the "bad cop" and the "good cop" roles: the authority you grant should minimize the number of times managers have to play the bad cop role unless necessary. Everyone wants to do something that makes themselves and others happy. We should grasp this mentality when formulating rules and give team members more opportunities to play the good cop role when conditions permit.

3.4. Determining rewards and penalties

From the perspective of the enterprise, they hope to gain greater benefits by investing fewer resources; from the perspective of campus channel personnel, they hope that their efforts can be rewarded with greater value. And rewards are part of the value driver.

When setting rewards, you also need to go back to the "cognitive layer": because you already have an understanding of the company's resources, business, etc., you can easily list what the company can provide as rewards. For example, interns can consider "internship opportunities", "internal referral quotas" and "job-hunting courses" as part of their rewards; this is also a way to balance the demands of the company and those of the team members.

Don’t think this is a simple issue. In fact, many campus channels have not considered how to utilize company resources. This phenomenon is more obvious in larger companies. Some things we don't appreciate because they are readily available, but they may be very valuable resources to others.

Another benefit of using company resources as rewards is that it enables differentiated competition in the fight for human resources. The campus channel is made up of people. How to attract more high-quality personnel to join the team is a problem we must face and solve. For example, you can provide various certificates, activity funds, etc., but other companies can also provide these, and their reputation is higher than yours. At this time, you have already lost in team building.

Campus channels with different strategies also have vastly different investments. For example, some companies want to acquire more users in a short period of time to make their product data look better, so they spend a lot of money on campus channels; while some companies bet on the long-term use of campus channels for sustainable brand building, so they invest more manpower in campus channels. There is no right or wrong in the size of this investment. As long as the incentive plan is formulated from the perspective of the company and the channel strategy, it is correct.

From this we can see that what kind of reward strategy is formulated to drive the campus team is also closely related to the channel strategy.

4. System layer

"A system is an organic whole composed of a number of interconnected and mutually constrained components with specific functions"

For example: receptors, afferent nerves, nerve centers, efferent nerves, and effectors in the human body constitute the most basic nervous system; the arithmetic unit, controller, memory, and input/output devices in a computer constitute the computer's hardware system; similarly, a strong team or organization must have its own specific system to operate normally and stably. Just like the operating system in a computer, all business operations of a team or organization are like application software under the operating system. To complete all tasks or goals, they must be carried out within the specific framework and rules of the system environment.

4.1. Personnel mobility system

One of the difficulties is to build channels for personnel flow on campus. Campus channels of different natures have different constraints on team members, but they are far less restrictive than those on interns or formal employees. In most cases, it is more like a cooperative relationship rather than an employment relationship. In addition, the student nature of the personnel may face emergencies such as exams, competitions, and relationships at any time.

Due to the influence of these combined factors, campus channel personnel show greater mobility. Teams with large numbers of personnel and high turnover must develop a standardized and effective personnel flow management system to enable the team to operate efficiently and orderly.

4.1.1. Personnel onboarding

What we need to consider here is not how to recruit people, but what is the mechanism from the moment a new person signs up to the moment he becomes a formal team member?

I believe that a scientific onboarding process for new employees should include: registration, assessment, matching, and training .

Registration stage: This stage requires clarifying which dimensions of information the candidates need to fill in, such as school, name, phone number, QQ, student ID, etc. However, social accounts are an area that is easily overlooked here, but in your future work you will find that if you can quickly find the social accounts of team members, it will greatly improve your work efficiency. Therefore, it is important to ask candidates to leave at least one common social account, such as WeChat or QQ.

Assessment phase: The assessment phase generally includes interviews and execution of tasks;

For personnel directly under the company's jurisdiction, the interview process is essential; other personnel can be interviewed by their immediate superiors.

How to screen personnel interviews is another very big topic. From my personal experience: first we need to determine the dimensions of investigation, and then ask questions and explore the issues in order of priority.

For example, when I was interviewing regional supervisors, I divided them into three dimensions according to their level of importance and examined them one by one. They include: values, personal qualities (sense of responsibility, personal character), and abilities (communication skills, execution ability, and learning ability). The reason why values ​​are put first is that for a cross-regional online collaborative team, it is very difficult to educate people whose values ​​are not on the same channel; people with consistent values ​​have maintained unity in thinking, so they can work together better.

Task assessment is not a must and can be designed according to the situation. If it can be scientifically embedded into the onboarding process for new employees, the value of recruitment will be magnified. For example, in the UC campus ambassador recruitment, students need to complete an offline activity , and students with excellent performance will be qualified as campus ambassadors. This is not only conducive to achieving some goals at the campus channel strategy level, but also very helpful in screening personnel.

Docking stage: Docking refers to some basic work that a new employee needs to do after joining the company, such as knowing who his or her superiors and subordinates are and establishing connections; for example, joining some work-related groups, etc. This link is not easily taken seriously but is also quite important. If it is not designed scientifically and the process changes are not done well, not only will the efficiency of the staff be greatly reduced, but newcomers will also be confused about what to do next.

The docking process includes active docking and passive docking. Active docking is when staff members guide new employees to complete some basic work after they join the company; while passive docking is when the content of on-the-job docking is pushed to the candidates after they pass the assessment phase, and the candidates complete the docking work on their own.

When designing the docking process, the specific docking method to be used can be determined based on the size of the team and the company's current actual situation.

Training session: The purpose of training is to provide valuable information to the other party so that they can better understand who we are? What is the team like? What job do you want to do? What value can be obtained? How to obtain these values? And what kind of punishment will be received under what circumstances, etc.

The training for new employees is a large and comprehensive content, so it also needs to be constantly updated and iterated. On the one hand, the work done is directly related to the business level, and if the business level is adjusted or changed, the training content also needs to be updated; on the other hand, the reward and punishment system for an immature team is not perfect enough, and the training content needs to be iterated with the iterations of the various systems involved.

The onboarding process for new employees is not fixed, and the above process can be used for linear recruitment. However, for non-linear recruitment, the above process may need to be slightly changed.

Linear recruitment is a recruitment method in which a registration entrance is left somewhere in the product to accept registration from target personnel at any time. Because linear recruitment is continuous, the required information processing can be more automated, reducing the cost of manual participation as much as possible. The process design can be shown as follows:

Non-linear recruitment is a method of recruiting that focuses on achieving explosive results through proactive promotion. This kind of recruitment is a bit like doing an event, so there will be more preparation work in the early stages, and human participation is greater than mechanical participation.

It is worth noting that: due to the large amount of traffic reached in a short period of time, in order to avoid the collapse of a certain link, a "buffer link" can be added to the general onboarding process. For example, after registration, you can use QQ groups or WeChat groups to circle these people, and the subsequent links will be carried out in an orderly manner according to the rules. At the same time, you can also contact these people more directly and solve everyone’s doubts during the election process.

4.1.2. Staff resignation

One of the main reasons for the high turnover of personnel in campus channels is that there are always people leaving.

According to normal procedures, employees who leave the company should complete the application and handover procedures. However, in the process of channel operation, you will find that some people do not provide any explanation even if they leave the company, and the team definitely does not want too many such "zombies", which increases the difficulty of management. We should discover and deal with these people as early as possible. Those who do not work hard can be screened and excluded in a quantitative way. This will be introduced in the personnel clearance section below.

Application stage: During the application stage, you need to determine the content (format) of the application, to whom you apply, who will know, and who will review and approve it. In addition to going through certain procedures when someone leaves, we also hope that they can provide some feedback. Therefore, we can encourage everyone to provide some relevant suggestions in the application content. The suggestions at this time are generally more real and helpful for future operations. If a supervisor-level employee leaves, you should also recommend a reliable subordinate to serve as the new supervisor (this part will be explained in the personnel promotion process).

In order to make the application process more streamlined, larger campus channels can be handled by software systems, and for campus channels with average team size, email applications can also be handled well.

Handover process: Because the company does not have a strong employment relationship with campus channel personnel, the handover process is not as complicated as that for company employees. It mainly involves clearing the rewards earned during their tenure. If there are new people taking up their posts, it is sufficient to provide them with guidance and training.

4.1.3. Personnel Demotion

Sometimes some managers do not focus enough on their work, which causes the development of a team or even a region to lag behind. Due to emotional considerations, we cannot demote them directly. Therefore, we need to standardize the management of personnel demotion. As long as the red line is crossed, all personnel must follow the rules. However, when adopting downgrade management, superiors and subordinates must have a sense of hierarchy, that is, the rewards that superiors can obtain must be different and attractive from those of subordinates, otherwise downgrade management will not make much sense.

Evaluation phase: Regularly compare and evaluate those who do not perform well enough according to the hard and non-hard indicators set in advance, demote those who do not meet the requirements, and provide further education and guidance to those who are not ideal.

Handover phase: Since someone has been demoted, a new person will take up the position. In the handover phase, you need to make good position changes between the old and new personnel, so that your team members know who the new team leader is. The final process can be carried out according to the "matching phase" and "training phase" in the "newcomer onboarding".

4.1.4. Personnel promotion

Just like an enterprise, an excellent campus channel must have a promotion mechanism, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of team members and give more space to outstanding personnel; eliminate those who are not motivated enough and enable the team to maintain positive development momentum.

Application process: First, you need to determine the channels and conditions for promotion. For example, there are two channels in the Internseng campus team: competition and promotion. If you have been employed for one month and your points are 10 points higher than those of the campus supervisor, then the campus ambassador can apply by email to compete with the original campus supervisor. At the same time, if the original campus supervisor resigns, he/she should recommend a reliable subordinate to take over his/her position when applying for resignation.

Assessment stage: Regardless of the stage adopted, an assessment is required when applying for promotion. The assessment can be done through test questions or interviews. The benefit of setting up an assessment process is, on the one hand, to filter out truly reliable personnel, and on the other hand, to allow those who are being promoted to know in advance that there is this threshold, so that everyone can prepare in advance and familiarize themselves with the comprehensive knowledge required for the position they are running for, which will help reduce the subsequent docking and training costs.

Matching phase: The matching of promoted personnel is not as complicated as that of new employees, as some work has been completed; however, as a new role, you can still refer to the matching phase for new employees.

Training session: You can refer to the training session for new employees. There is no need to introduce the company team. The training at this time is mainly about specific work and business processes.

4.1.5. Staff Dismissal

Where there is a reward, there is a penalty. The reasons for the withdrawal generally include two aspects:

  • Quality: For example, violating the management regulations of the team or company, and doing something that is expressly prohibited;
  • Work: For example, work performance is not good enough for a long time, which hinders the overall development of the team.

Therefore, the first step in dismissing personnel is to establish a good system to determine what kind of violations will lead to dismissal and under what conditions;

Verification stage: We have made standardized regulations in terms of both quality and work. If the management regulations are violated, we only need to verify whether it is true. As for work factors, regular verification is required to find out which personnel have not met the requirements. For example, the work of interns will be quantified with points, and an assessment will be conducted every two weeks. If the points do not meet the standards for two consecutive weeks without special circumstances, they will be expelled.

Communication stage: Communication can be the responsibility of the immediate superior. One of its purposes is to let the other party know what they did wrong and what kind of punishment they will face, so that they can be mentally prepared. Communication can be verbal, email or telephone. In the process of communication, there will be a small number of people who indeed did not do their job well due to other special reasons, but they particularly want to stay in the team and hope to seize opportunities. Therefore, the second thing is to prevent misjudgment of some members who still want to really do something.

Publication phase: The good side of the team should be announced to boost team morale; the bad side should also be announced to warn those who are not serious. Since the dismissal of personnel will create a vacancy, it is also necessary to remind the superiors to fill the vacancy;

4.2. Drive system

A 10,000-ton ship without a drive system is just like a pile of scrap metal in the ocean, and the same goes for campus channels. No matter how aligned the values ​​are or how perfect the strategic plan is, without a scientific driving system it will all be just empty talk.

There may be many kinds of motivation, such as value-driven, interest-driven, and emotion-driven.

  • Interest-driven is something that can only be encountered by chance, and only related interests are valuable interests
  • The so-called emotional drive is relatively abstract, and generally requires leaders to have strong charisma and a distinctive personality to work.

The core of the driving system is still value-driven, and the so-called interests and feelings are just a kind of "supplements" to add icing on the cake. What I want to share here is mainly value-driven.

At the scope level, we have listed and organized the resources that can be used as value drivers, so what we need to do here is to further design the rules of the game . That is, what kind of character, under what conditions, can obtain rewards of what value?

When designing the rules of this game, there are several places that need special attention:

4.2.1. Reasonable allocation of resources

For resources that can be used as value drivers, sort them according to their value levels and make rough classifications to determine which resources reward which roles, as shown in the following figure:

4.2.2. Target decomposition and quantitative management

In the scope-level work, we already know what work needs to be done to achieve the goals at the strategic level, and here we need to quantify some indicators of these tasks.

Generally divided into business indicators, auxiliary indicators, and basic indicators;

  • Business indicators: For example, if you want users, then the number of users can be used as a directly quantifiable business indicator; for example, if you want sales, then sales can also be used as a directly quantifiable business indicator;
  • Auxiliary indicators: Although some work is directed towards strategic goals, it is difficult to quantify during execution due to technical and other reasons; or something is very valuable to strategic goals in the long run, but it is slow to see results in the short term and conflicts with the goals of campus team members; in the face of these situations, you can use another indicator to consider, which is the auxiliary indicator.

For example, in the previous user promotion, I believe that the online community cannot be ignored, and the campus team members should be allowed to operate and maintain it for a long time; the content accumulation formed in this way has a long-tail effect, and anyone who sees it one month or a year later may be converted into a user. The campus team hopes to see results quickly and receive corresponding rewards by meeting certain requirements. This creates a contradiction between the two. In order to continue this work, we cannot simply use user conversion volume as a consideration indicator. Therefore, we add an auxiliary indicator (community promotion performance) to use UV for consideration.

  • Basic indicators: Work that does not contribute much to strategic goals but has to be done every day can serve as our basic indicators. Just like user maintenance work in operations, this work does not contribute much to achieving major operational goals, but we must answer and resolve users' questions or difficulties.

In the quantitative management of target decomposition, we should also pay attention to "uniformity".

As mentioned above, there may be indicators of various dimensions in campus channels. If they cannot be unified, it will be difficult to compare the performance between individuals and teams; it will be even more difficult to determine the conditions for redeeming rewards. Just like commodities, they all have value. Before the emergence of currency, they were exchanged for objects, which was very troublesome. It was not until the emergence of currency that the value of commodities was unified.

In short, it is difficult to achieve quantitative management of target decomposition in one go, but the framework indicators can be roughly determined. Even if new businesses are added at the business level, as long as they do not go beyond this big framework, they can all be considered based on the indicators within the framework. For example, the consideration indicators within the framework can include performance indicators, task indicators, and activity indicators, which basically include everything that the business layer needs to do.

4.2.3. Grade Grading

Once the goals are broken down and quantitatively managed, the indicator data for each dimension will be clear at a glance, and the overall results will also be known.

The grading of performance means dividing the required performance into different grades for different roles and different rewards. As shown below:

4.3. Conference System

The importance of the meeting is determined by the nature of cross-regional online collaboration through campus channels. Necessary meetings not only convey important information clearly, but also greatly help team cohesion.

Unlike company meetings, campus team meetings are often held online, using a variety of tools such as: YY, QQ groups, space live broadcasts , WeChat groups, and other third-party live broadcast platforms . According to the nature of the meeting, it includes regular meetings, sharing meetings, and project meetings.

4.3.1. Regular meetings

As the name suggests, a regular meeting is a meeting held regularly for a specific group of people. The purpose of the meeting is to sort out the team's progress in the previous cycle, the problems faced, the key plans for the next cycle, etc. During this process, you can brainstorm and solicit everyone's opinions or suggestions.

Another purpose of regular meetings is to unite people, and it is especially necessary to hold regular meetings for core personnel. The sense of participation of the participants should be taken into consideration throughout the meeting. Managers do not need to organize every regular meeting personally, but can delegate the organization to regular meeting participants in turn. In addition, if there are not many people in the meeting, try to let everyone participate in the interaction. In regular meetings, since every person needs to be organized and highly involved, in order for everyone to understand the operating mechanism of the regular meetings more clearly and for the meetings to proceed efficiently and orderly, a set of standardized and process-based norms must be developed.

4.3.2. Sharing Session

No matter what activities or business you are doing, there will always be some outstanding people in the team; so the first kind of sharing session is to give these outstanding people an opportunity to show themselves, share their work experience and insights, and thus infect and motivate other people, which can be temporarily called "guided sharing."

Another type of sharing session is when all members share. Everyone has a desire to share, and everyone has their own strengths. They can share content that is valuable or inspiring to others. This type of sharing can also be called "knowledge sharing," and it is a practical way to build a learning team.

"Guided sharing" is easier to organize randomly, and mainly includes invitation session, notice session, sharing session, closing interactive session, etc.; since managers are basically involved in the organization and control the rhythm, you just need to have a clear idea and understand the routine.

"Knowledge sharing" can be done frequently and at a fixed cycle. The organizers and sharers can be all staff members. Just like regular meetings, we also need to develop a set of standard systems to make everyone familiar with how it works so that they can get started quickly.

4.3.3. Project meeting

Before the team carries out some large-scale activities, it is particularly important to hold a project meeting. The project meeting mainly introduces the activities, organizes the division of labor, explains the rewards, etc., which is also very helpful in boosting morale.

For example, in the promotional phase of large-scale events like the Internseng Job Fair, I will organize a project meeting with relevant personnel for offline support.

This kind of meeting is mainly organized and output by managers, which is a bit similar to the "guidance sharing session"; then there is no need to issue some written regulations at this time, but the managers are very involved, so they need to make sufficient preparations.

5. Business layer

The business layer is guided by strategic goals and uses feasible methods to implement all previous preparations; from huge investment in event planning to small copywriting, they all belong to the business layer.

To carry out any business, it needs to be done closely around the company and team goals at the strategic level. At the business level, we can adopt various innovative thinking and use these various marketing methods to achieve our goals. It seems to be all-encompassing, but it can be summarized in three aspects: daily operations, team operations, and event operations .

5.1. Daily operation

A large part of the campus channels I have learned have a weak relationship with the company, and the two are more like long-term temporary employment relationships: the team does not have a clear daily work, and only when one party uses the other party will think of doing something; for example, when the company has an activity, it will be dumped on the campus team to take the recruitment, and the campus team only comes to find the company to support it when it needs sponsorship. Such organizational relationships often have a high turnover of personnel, and the cost of investment in operation channels will be relatively high.

Another is a campus channel with strong relationships. This organizational form requires clear daily operations, so that every team member knows what to do every day and participates in it. Especially the campus channel, which is a cross-regional online collaborative organization, is like a long-distance relationship, and needs to do something every day to cultivate and maintain each other's feelings, so talking on the phone has become the "daily operational work" of couples in another place.

All the work we do is based on the goals of the strategic level, and daily operations are no exception. Therefore, there are two levels of work extended here, namely: daily operations oriented towards the company's goals and daily operations oriented towards the team.

5.1.1. Daily operations oriented towards company goals

When formulating this part of daily operation, we can give full play to our imagination, but we must combine it with the actual situation of the campus team; unscientific work arrangements will make everyone lose confidence as they do it, which not only wastes time but also a waste of team morale.

Scientifically formulate daily work can follow several principles: purpose, specificity, fun, persistence, moderation, and motivation;

  • Purpose: The work done by the team should be oriented towards the company's goals;
  • Specificity: Let each team member know what to do and how to do it on which day;
  • Interesting: There may be multiple links in the formulated work, and you can extend it in each link to see if there is any place to innovate, so that the work can be done more interestingly and fun;
  • Continuity: The work you do cannot be fishing for three days and drying for two days. It needs to be done every day, just like eating and sleeping, so that the team can develop habits.
  • Moderation: The intensity of work should not be too high to allow team members to participate and have the energy to execute. At the same time, they should have certain flexibility. Even if some members fail to participate in the work, they can ensure that the work is carried out normally through simple coordination;
  • Motivation: The work everyone does should have timely feedback on the results and be able to formulate corresponding rewards based on the results.

5.1.2. Daily operations oriented towards team goals

Team goals and company goals are side by side: whether it is carrying out large-scale activities or doing daily operations, they are all tasks that need to be included. In addition to helping to improve the centripetal force of the team, this part of the work is also the easiest to cultivate team culture because it is performed repetitively.

Just like some companies in the sales or service industry, in addition to working every day, they must hold a morning meeting in the morning, and there are also some entrepreneurial Internet companies. Because continuous growth requires continuous improvement, they will arrange specific study time every week for everyone to recharge.

However, some campus channels do not have this part of the work because the importance of team goals is not taken into account. Even some routine daily tasks are carried out around the company's goals. Another part is that they have broad goals and are often called a large and full team of ecology. Even with this part, they will not do their daily operations well, because the objective reason of student attributes determines that they cannot invest too much time in their work. Doing things that are not focused enough in a limited time will be difficult to reach the professional level, and don’t expect the ultimate.

How to do daily operations that are oriented towards team goals? You also need to go back to the team goals. When you start to set team goals, remember not to be big and complete. The most important thing is only one thing. Only by grasping this matter and implementing it in the final execution will it be more penetrating and more effective.

5.2. Team Operation

An enterprise will not stop absorbing outstanding personnel, and will also carry out some rich team building activities from time to time. Campus channels are similar. Not only should we continue to expand new universities and absorb new members, but we should also take into account team building. Therefore, an excellent campus channel manager must be an excellent HR. You not only need to know how to recruit and employ people, but also need to understand how to build a team.

5.2.1. Team Development

In ancient wars, siege cities and land to seize more resources. If a local area is captured, an official base will be established; the team expansion of campus channels is somewhat similar, and "siege cities and land" is to occupy a larger market. The difference is that the expansion of campus channels is more adaptable to local conditions. First recruit personnel from the region to establish a base, and then conquer the market in the region. The system level has already clarified the recruitment process for recruiting personnel, and the business level is time to package content, presentation and dissemination of information.

Linear recruitment is passive, and more than half of the work has been completed after standardizing the new recruitment process; while non-linear recruitment is an active and large-scale recruitment method, which plays a great role in team expansion.

The first thing to do in nonlinear recruitment is preparation work. What kind of people should be recruited? What are the channels available? How to screen personnel, etc., these issues must be thought clearly, and finally the time to recruit content to package them.

The recruitment content should not be too fancy, but it should not be too fancy. Copywriting that is too fancy and vague will not only increase the screening cost, but will even affect the overall recruitment effect in serious cases; copywriting that is too dry and without elaborate will lose its first impression. So after finding a balance point, output key information to the target personnel.

The so-called key information means that when you treat yourself as a campaigner, you can understand your work content, work value, work requirements, the entire registration process and time nodes after reading the recruitment copy.

Many people are also prone to falling into a misunderstanding when recruiting: the more recruited, the better, so they can lay out publicity channels on a large scale. This will lead to the mixed selection of applicants increasing the screening cost, and may even lose control and all previous efforts will be wasted. However, it is not a bad thing to lay out promotional channels on a large scale. The premise is that we can identify and filter inaccurate channel personnel, which can not only ensure that people meet the requirements can be recruited, but also enable the brand to be disseminated to a certain extent.

If your product has a certain number of users, it is recommended to focus on your recruitment. Because your users have a certain understanding of your brand, they are relatively loyal and more conducive to future education and cultivation. This is exactly "coming from users to users."

5.2.2. Team building

For campus channels, such as cross-regional online collaboration organizations, there will be pain points such as difficulty in establishing personnel loyalty, difficult to form cohesion, and difficult to unify ideological goals. The necessary team building is like a good medicine that can relieve these pain points well. Unlike corporate team building, campus team building is more broad-based, and can be carried out online or offline. There is no difference between good and bad in the two forms, but they can complement each other.

Online: Due to objective reasons, it is difficult for campus teams to carry out offline team building activities, especially team building in large areas. However, this kind of team building is not necessarily only possible offline. As long as the team can be more cohesive, the goals are more unified, and the personnel are more loyal, it is a successful team building. For example, based on WeChat groups, some K-Copy competitions, red envelope scalpels, and emoticon wars can be carried out. Third-party game platforms can be used to play the most popular werewolf killings recently. There are many similar online gameplay, and each gameplay can be innovated in various directions.

When carrying out online team building, channel managers need to do more guidance and training. First of all, we need to know how to play and teach this gameplay to the next level of the person in charge, so that the person in charge of these areas or universities has independent organizational planning capabilities, so that the team members can play together. Instead of rudely throwing out a plan and letting all team members complete it step by step.

Offline: Taking into account objective factors and cost factors, offline team building is more of a small-scale organizational form; for example, related offline activities can be carried out based on universities or cities: meetings, outings, dinners, traveling, etc. This form of team building is easier to bring into the relationship between team members and increase team cohesion.

However, when operating a team, many students will ask if they can provide some activity fees, such as dinner parties, transportation, etc. I think: No matter what kind of company it is, it needs to consider the output and investment ratio. This internal team building is indeed conducive to the healthy development of the team. Appropriate support or rewards can stimulate the team to organize similar activities; therefore, some souvenirs or small gifts can be given support, but it should not be "contracted" support, otherwise the team's management will be messed up.

Of course, some companies conduct summer camps or annual meetings for team members with greater contributions every year. Companies can pay for these "members" and it is also very necessary.

5.3. Event operation

Whether it is brand communication, user promotion or increased sales, activities often play a critical role. In the operation of the campus channel, the participation of the campus team is an essential part. When everyone participates in this activity and pays for it, as company personnel, we should also think about: What can this activity bring to everyone?

The practice of many campus channels is: divide it into three, six, and nine according to everyone's results, and give different rewards (this is the thinking model that stands completely from the company's standpoint).

To evaluate whether an activity is successful, it not only depends on the company's expected goals, but also the benefits of each participant should be taken into account. For example, the benefits of partners and the benefits of campus teams. It is essential to determine the necessary rewards for the benefit of the campus team, but team goals should be integrated into it. Rewards can be fulfilled after the event ends, but achieving the team's goals can be embedded in the idea production, planning, publicity, execution and other places of the event.

If your team's goal is to enable college students to have comprehensive coordination skills, but just let them do execution-level work, it is obviously contrary to the goal.

Campus channel activity operation can be divided into dominant activities and dominant activities.

5.3.1. Dominant Activities

Dominance activities are a form of activity led by other departments and campus channels are involved as a form of activity.

In large companies, the work of campus channels is simpler and often focuses on internal departments; but in some entrepreneurial companies, it is often necessary to cooperate with other departments to carry out some activities, which may be conducive to completing channel goals, or may not contribute to completing channel goals. Therefore, when cooperating, we need to make some assessments based on the work situation within the channel and the importance of dominant work, and not all work needs to be completed in cooperation.

In dominant activities, a common misunderstanding is that people who do not understand campus channels believe that campus channels are used for promotion; therefore, the event leaders did not take the campus team into consideration during the event planning process, and when the event comes out, the work at the communication level or execution level will be handed over to the campus channel to complete.

In fact, this is not conducive to completing the goals of the event, but also a loss to the campus team.

Therefore, for some more important activities or activities that require high participation from campus channels, no matter what department is leading, they need to communicate with the responsible personnel of campus channels in advance during or before the event planning process; whether it is relying on campus channels, user conversion or order conversion, they know better how to design this conversion process. In addition, they are considering not only the dissemination or execution of activities, but also thinking from a higher perspective on what activities can bring to the team members? Comprehensive factors such as how to mobilize the enthusiasm of team members.

There are still some conflicts in the communication process of event planning. For example, the leader's plan violates the team's values ​​or consumes too much campus channels. However, conflicts arise at this time, there is a chance to resolve them, which is much better than when the activity plan comes out and is implemented.

5.3.2. Lead the activities

A form of activity mainly planned and executed by campus channels. When completing the planning of the leading event, in addition to guiding the company's goals and team goals, we should also consider what resources the company can use. At the cognitive level, we have a comprehensive understanding of the company and now we only need to call these resources that can be utilized in related activities. The purpose is to make the event better and to achieve greater effect.

According to the differences between the leaders, it can be further divided into company-level activities and campus team-level activities. Company-level activities

Company-level activities generally have a large coverage, targeting national or regional activities, and companies are responsible for every link of the activity.

For such large-scale activities, the training and attraction of team members is also relatively large, and team members should be given more opportunities to participate. For example, in the planning process, let everyone provide some ideas, and even carry out several rounds of activities and innovation brainstorming. Some suggestions may be adopted during this process, and some suggestions may not be adopted, but in the end, a consensus plan will definitely be generated.

Don’t underestimate the process of letting everyone participate in event planning. This gives the team members a fundamental difference than just letting them perform the event. The former will make them feel more belonging, and they belong to the team that does the activities together. Therefore, everyone will feel that this is their own business and they are more motivated to do the activities well; while the latter's motivation comes more from the rewards received from the execution of this activity. So sometimes we see: in user promotion of some companies' campus channels, team members will violate the company's goals in order to get more rewards and achieve their goals. In the mild case, they forcefully convert regardless of user quality, and in the severe case, they even use behaviors such as brushing volume to make profits. Campus team level activities

Campus team-level activities are an activity form that is planned and executed by the campus team itself. Such activities are generally carried out in small teams or regional teams, such as activities only occur on one campus or in one city. When doing activities on campus teams, they will definitely ask the company for various support. Instead of asking everyone questions, it is better to directly raise questions and answers in advance. Therefore, in terms of campus team-level activity support, the company can use resources, which include material and non-material forms. After sorting out these resources, you can make a standardized management. What resources can be used as rewards to users, what resources can be used as rewards to teams, and what resources can be used as promotions of activities, etc. are clear at a glance.

The activities form and direction of activity at the campus team level are diverse, and it is not enough if we only provide some support. Students have strong innovative abilities, but don’t think that the campus team will continue to innovate in activities. To enable everyone to exert greater initiative, it requires continuous guidance. For example, the company determines the direction of the activity uniformly, determines the general main line of the activity through training, and leaves the rest to the campus team to complete the planning and execution of the activity, so as to better drive the team to do a good job in activities at this level.


Building campus channels is a systematic project. From nothing to something, from something to something, you must first make depth and width, otherwise it may become a face-saving project that wastes the people and loses money. Just like some campus channels, they claim to have covered many universities across the country, but I don’t know how much water there is. Because the team is blindly looking for the team size and lacks systematic management, the team's viscosity is low and the combat effectiveness is weak. Even the number of team employees may not be able to count correctly, so the company can only use all the accumulated personnel as team personnel data in the same way as product users.

When I first built the intern monk campus channel, I made a similar mistake: I singlely pursued the team size, but the attrition rate increased; I roughly learned from the innovative models of other campus channels, but still did not improve after copying it. The setbacks in team development and review of work have made me understand that it is of no use to work hard on appearances. To lead a good team, you must think about deeper things.

The thinking of "systematically building campus channels" is a result of this constant trial and error, but it guides me to do the right things at work.

The team of more than 500 people in the intern monk campus channel construction and operation of nearly 200 universities was only completed by me and an intern who intermittently led the team. The efficient and stable operation of the team is due to the application of this "thinking" (the formation of any campus channel or sales team can be accomplished using this thinking).

Finally, I hope that my experience in filling out pits in the past two years can help more campus channel construction managers avoid detours in their work.

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