The strongest practical tutorial of e-commerce projects on the entire network, benchmarked against Alibaba resources: This set of project-based practical courses has extremely high gold content. It adopts the most mainstream microservice distributed architecture and front-end and back-end separation technology. It covers the following technology stacks: Vue, axios, Springboot, RESTful, mybatis, tkmapper, Swagger, task scheduling Quartz/Elastic-Job, Alibaba Cloud OSS, Linux, Nginx load balancing, reverse proxy, CDN, containerization technology Docker, distributed cache Redis, distributed Session, cache avalanche, cache penetration, distributed lock (Redis implementation), distributed search engine Elasticsearch, distributed message queue RabbitMQ, MySQL master-slave replication, distributed database middleware Mycat/Sharding-jdbc, distributed transaction Seata, distributed global ID, interface idempotence, SpringCloud Eureka service governance, SpringCloud Ribbon and Feign, SpringCloud Hystrix and Config, SpringCloud ZUUL (Gateway) and Sleuth link tracking technology. By mastering this set of courses, you will have practical experience in tens of millions of e-commerce projects. Course Catalog 000-Fengmi Mall Practical Course Introduction.mp4 001-Project Introduction-Project Background.mp4 002-Project Introduction-Project Function.mp4 003-Project Introduction-Technology Selection.mp4 004-Architecture Evolution-From Monolithic to Front-end and Back-end Separation.mp4 005-Architecture Evolution-Cluster and Load Balancing.mp4 006-Architecture Evolution-Distributed System Design.mp4 007-Architecture Evolution-Microservice Architecture.mp4 008-Project Construction-Technical Points Introduction.mp4 009-SpringBoot-Problems with project integration and deployment.mp4 010-SpringBoot-Framework Introduction.mp4 011-SpringBoot-First Application-Creating Project.mp4 012-SpringBoot-First Application-Project Configuration.mp4 013-SpringBoot-The first application-running and testing.mp4 014-SpringBoot-SpringBoot Principle-starter Introduction.mp4 015-SpringBoot-SpringBoot Principle-pom file.mp4 016-SpringBoot-SpringBoot Principle-Java Configuration Method.mp4 017-SpringBoot-SpringBoot Principle-Automatic Configuration Process 1 (Startup Class Annotation).mp4 018-SpringBoot-SpringBoot Principle-Automatic Configuration Process 2 (Startup Class Main Method).mp4 019-SpringBoot-SpringBoot Principle-Global Configuration File.mp4 020-SpringBoot-custom banner.mp4 021-SpringBoot-Integrate JSP.mp4 022-SpringBoot-Integrate MyBatis.mp4 023-SpringBoot-Integrate Druid.mp4 024-Thymeleaf-Introduction.mp4 025-Thymeleaf-Basic Use.mp4 026-Thymeleaf-Syntax-Value.mp4 027-Thymeleaf-Syntax-Flow Control.mp4 028-Thymeleaf-fragmentation using .mp4 029-SpringBoot-hot deployment configuration.mp4 030-Maven Aggregation Project-Overview.mp4 031-Maven Aggregation Project-Creating Aggregation Project.mp4 032-Maven Aggregation Project-Dependency Inheritance.mp4 033-Project Building-Creating Maven Aggregation Project.mp4 034-Project Construction-Maven Aggregation Project Structure Combination.mp4 035-Project Construction-Maven Dependency Analysis.mp4 036-Project Construction-Integration of mybatis.mp4 037-Project Construction-Based on SpringBoot Unit Test.mp4 038-Project Construction-Integration of Druid.mp4 039-Project Integration Test (Development Steps).mp4 040- Development process introduction 041-Database Design Process.mp4 042-Basic use of database modeling tool pdman.mp4 043-Database Model Analysis-User.mp4 044-Database Model Analysis-Categories and Carousel.mp4 045-Database Model Analysis-Commodity (SPU and SKU).mp4 046-Database Model Analysis-Shopping Cart.mp4 047-Database Model Analysis-Orders and Snapshots.mp4 048-Build database and table and prepare data.mp4 049-Business process design description.mp4 050-The difference between front-end and back-end separation process design and single body.mp4 051-Interface introduction and specification description.mp4 052-swagger-introduction and usage.mp4 053-swagger-common annotations.mp4 054-swagger-UI plugin.mp4 055-RESTful-URL Design Specification.mp4 056-User Management-Implementation Process Analysis.mp4 057-User Management-Interface Development-DAO.mp4 058-User Management-Interface Implementation-Business Layer and Interface.mp4 059-User Management-Interface Test.mp4 060-tkMapper-DAO layer implementation rules.mp4 061-tkMapper-Introduction.mp4 062-tkMapper-integration.mp4 063-tkMapper-Using .mp4 064-tkMapper-Common methods of adding, deleting and modifying.mp4 065-tkMapper- Common methods of query.mp4 066-tkMapper-Association query implementation.mp4 067-tkMapper-Reverse Engineering.mp4 068-Integrate tkMapper.mp4 069-Solve front-end cross-domain access.mp4 070-Front-end JS bug debugging.mp4 071-Front-end page cookie value transfer.mp4 072-Front-end page localStorage transfer value.mp4 073-vue-From jQuery to Vue.mp4 074-vue-Introduction (MVVM concept).mp4 075-vue-Getting Started.mp4 076-vue-basic syntax.mp4 077-vue-Instance life cycle summary.mp4 078_vue-Calculated properties.mp4 079-vue-listener.mp4 080-vue-class binding.mp4 081-vue-style binding.mp4 082-vue-conditional rendering.mp4 083_vue-list rendering.mp4 084-vue-event handling v-on.mp4 085-vue-event modifiers.mp4 086-vue-key modifiers.mp4 087-vue-system-modifiers.mp4 088-vue-form input binding.mp4 089-vue-Case Exercise Interface Description.mp4 090-vue-Case Exercise Implementation.mp4 091-vue-Case Practice Implementation-Music Playback.mp4 092-vue-Case Exercise Implementation-Pause Play Switch.mp4 093-vue-component introduction and examples.mp4 094-vue-component registration.mp4 095-vue-component communication-parent-child.mp4 096-vue-component communication-child to parent.mp4 097-vue-component slot uses .mp4 098-vue-named slot.mp4 099-vue-slot-scope.mp4 100-vue-elementUI component library introduction.mp4 101-axios-Introduction and Getting Started.mp4 102-axios-asynchronous request method.mp4 103-axios-concurrent requests.mp4 104-axios-arrow function.mp4 105-router-introduction-and-examples.mp4 106-router-dynamic routing matching.mp4 107-router-nested routing.mp4 108-router-programmatic navigation.mp4 109-router-named routing.mp4 110-router-named-view.mp4 111-router-redirection and alias.mp4 112-router-routing component parameter transmission.mp4 113-User login vue implementation 1 (data verification).mp4 114-User login vue implementation 2 (login verification).mp4 115-User registration front-end implementation.mp4 116-User authentication implementation process in a single project.mp4 117-Analysis of user authentication process based on token to achieve front-end and back-end separation.mp4 118-Implementation of token-based user authentication.mp4 119-jwt-introduction.mp4 120-jwt-generate token.mp4 121-jwt-parse token.mp4 122-jwt-interceptor verification token.mp4 123-Pass token.mp4 via header 124-Home page displays user information.mp4 125-Carousel-Process Analysis.mp4 126-Carousel-Interface Development-Database Operation.mp4 127-Carousel-Interface Development-Business Layer and Control Layer.mp4 128-Carousel-Front-end Function Implementation.mp4 129-Classification List-Process Analysis.mp4 130-Category List-Database Implementation sql.mp4 131-Category List-Database Connection Query.mp4 132-Classification List-Database Implementation Subquery.mp4 133-Category List-Business Layer and Control Layer.mp4 134-Classification List-Front-end Function Implementation.mp4 135-Product Recommendation-Business Process Analysis.mp4 136-Product Recommendation-Data Table Analysis and Data Preparation.mp4 137-Product Recommendation-Database Implementation.mp4 138-Product Recommendation-Interface Implementation.mp4 139-Product recommendation-front-end function implementation.mp4 140-Category Product Recommendation-Process Analysis.mp4 141-Classification Product Recommendation-Database Implementation SQL.mp4 142-Classification Product Recommendation-Database Implementation of DAO and Mapping Configuration.mp4 143-Classification Product Recommendation-Interface Implementation.mp4 144-Classification Product Recommendation-Front-end Implementation.mp4 145-Product Details-Process Analysis.mp4 146-Product Details-Product Basic Information Interface Implementation 1.mp4 147-Product Details-Basic Information Interface Implementation.mp4 148-URL value transfer between front-end pages.mp4 149-Product Details-Front-end obtains basic product information.mp4 150-Product details-front-end displays basic product information and pictures.mp4 151-Product details-front-end display product package list.mp4 152-Product details-front-end display product package linkage 1.mp4 153-Product details-front-end display product package linkage 2.mp4 154-Product Details-Product Parameter Query Interface Implementation.mp4 155-Product details-front-end displays product parameters and details.mp4 156-Product Reviews-Database Query Implementation.mp4 157-Product Reviews-Interface Implementation.mp4 158-Product reviews-front-end display of review information.mp4 159-Product Reviews-Comments Paging Process Analysis.mp4 160-Product Reviews-Paged Query Interface Implementation.mp4 161-Product Reviews-Front-end displays review paging information.mp4 162-Product Reviews-Product Reviews Statistics Interface Implementation.mp4 163-Product Reviews-Front-end displays product review statistics.mp4 164-Add shopping cart-process analysis.mp4 165-Add shopping cart-implement the interface for adding shopping cart records.mp4 166-Add shopping cart-front end obtains the selected package attributes.mp4 167-Add shopping cart-front-end package attribute selection effect.mp4 168-Add shopping cart-modify product quantity on the front end.mp4 169-Add shopping cart-front-end submit shopping cart.mp4 170-Add shopping cart-Business process analysis when the user is not logged in.mp4 171-Add shopping cart-front end jumps from details page to login page.mp4 172-Add shopping cart-return to details page after successful login.mp4 173-Add shopping cart-Use layui for pop-up prompts.mp4 174-Shopping cart list-Process analysis.mp4 175-Shopping cart list-Database query.mp4 176-Shopping cart list-Interface implementation.mp4 177-Shopping cart list-front-end list display.mp4 178-Shopping cart list-display price, quantity and total price.mp4 179-Modify shopping cart-interface implementation.mp4 180-Modify shopping cart-front end implementation.mp4 181-Shopping cart settlement and order submission-process analysis.mp4 182-Shopping cart settlement-query user delivery address interface.mp4 183-Shopping cart settlement-query shopping cart record interface.mp4 184-Shopping cart settlement-front-end shopping cart price linkage.mp4 185-Shopping cart checkout-click checkout to jump to the checkout page.mp4 186-Shopping cart settlement-display order confirmation information.mp4 187-Shopping cart settlement-select address and price calculation.mp4 188-Order submission and payment-process analysis.mp4 189-Order submission and payment-Database implementation of saving order interface.mp4 190-Order submission and payment-Save order interface (query inventory).mp4 191-Order submission and payment-Save order interface (save order, save snapshot).mp4 |
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