Data rankings of 50 information flow advertising platforms! This is the one with the biggest increase! ?

Data rankings of 50 information flow advertising platforms! This is the one with the biggest increase! ?

The traffic rankings of major information flow platforms in June are freshly presented~~

I hope you haven’t waited too long. Let’s take a look at what new changes there are in the data compiled by the editor this time.

This issue of the traffic list includes the platform data of ZAKER News and Mango TV , with a total of 9 categories and 50 popular information flow platform traffic lists, and conducts a multi-dimensional analysis of popular platforms.

Must-read reference data for information flow channel delivery !

Next, let’s take a look at the overall data performance of the major information flow platforms last month:

▼ Overall Ranking

Looking at the overall data of the total list, more than 80% of the platforms have seen varying degrees of increase in monthly and daily active users in June, especially social platforms ( Momo and Maimai have seen a more obvious increase) and information platforms ( Qutoutiao , Dongqiudi, Sina Sports, etc.). During June, with the 618 e-commerce "war" and the holding of the World Cup , the decline in users of various platforms was not obvious, and the declining platforms were not concentrated in a certain category. Therefore, judging from the data, the overall traffic trend is good. Next, let's take a look at the increase and decrease in each dimension of the major platforms.

▼ Monthly Activity Top Ranking

Ranking app Monthly active users (10,000 units) increase
1 WeChat 104969 1.40%
2 QQ 66205 8.80%
3 Tencent Video 60371 0.00%
4 iQIYI 58161 -0.40%
5 Sina Weibo 54074 3.70%
6 YouTube 50919 13.20%
7 Baidu search 44402 0.80%
8 QQ Mobile Browser 40690 1.70%
9 Wifi Master Key 34491 14.00%
10 UC Mobile Browser 30490 2.60%
11 Tencent News 26540 3.20%
12 Ink Weather 25679 -2.20%
13 quick worker 25076 4.80%
14 Tik Tok 23246 8.80%
15 Today's headlines 23008 7.10%
16 NetEase Cloud Music 15324 3.50%
17 Volcano video 1 4399 0.50%
18 Watermelon Video 14352 -0.90%
19 Sina News 13139 5.70%
20 Xiaomi Video 11671 0.40%
twenty one 360 Mobile Browser 11229 -1.50%
twenty two Mango TV 9937 3.50%
twenty three NetEase News 9575 1.00%
twenty four Momo 8088 24.90%
25 Baidu Post Bar 7980 8.70%
26 Himalayas 7885 -0.20%
27 Sohu News 7201 3.80%
28 Daily Express 7186 -6.60%
29 Baidu Browser 6550 2.00%
30 Phoenix News 5237 1.60%
31 Zhihu 5207 0.10%
32 QQ Space 4669 -0.90%
33 Yidian News 4206 4.70%
34 Fun headlines 4055 16.90%
35 Sohu Video 4009 0.50%
36 litchi 3991 4.10%
37 Pomelo 3697 0.40%
38 Qingting FM 3013 0.50%
39 Cheetah Browser 2936 2.40%
40 Car Home 2639 1.10%
41 Driving Test Guide 2158 0.10%
42 Car Emperor 2067 23.20%
43 Pulse 1286 29.30%
44 Lazy Listening 1202 -4.30%
45 ZAKER News 882 12.10%
46 Football King 832 64.20%
47 Sina Sports 638 22.80%
48 Sina Finance 539 7.10%
49 Koala FM 241 1.90%
50 UC Headlines 215 8.80%

▼ Top three monthly active users

Ranking app increase Monthly active users (10,000 units)
46 Football King 64.20% 832
43 Pulse 29.30% 1286
twenty four Momo 24.90% 8088

▼ Top three monthly active users with the largest decline

Ranking app increase Monthly active users (10,000 units)
28 Daily Express -6.60% 7186
44 Lazy Listening -4.30% 1202
12 Ink Weather -2.20% 25679

▼ Daily activity TOP list

Ranking app Daily active users (10,000 units) increase
1 WeChat 83518 2.00%
2 QQ 34272 9.00%
3 iQIYI 16817 2.00%
4 Tencent Video 16813 3.00%
5 Sina Weibo 15733 4.00%
6 QQ Mobile Browser 12482 4.00%
7 Baidu search 12226 1.00%
8 Wifi Master Key 11640 34.00%
9 Tik Tok 10987 11.00%
10 quick worker 10751 7.00%
11 Today's headlines 10549 6%
12 UC Mobile Browser 10412 5.00%
13 YouTube 9752 11.00%
14 Tencent News 9620 3.00%
15 Watermelon Video 7140 -1.00%
16 Volcano video 6798 1.00%
17 Ink Weather 5980 -2.00%
18 360 Mobile Browser 3327 -2.00%
19 NetEase Cloud Music 3277 4.00%
20 Sina News 3039 9.00%
twenty one NetEase News 2734 3.00%
twenty two Momo 2081 32.00%
twenty three Sohu News 2003 3.00%
twenty four Baidu Post Bar 1868 10.00%
25 Mango TV 1726 6.00%
26 Daily Express 1723 -6.00%
27 Xiaomi Video 1646 0.00%
28 Phoenix News 1452 4.00%
29 Baidu Browser 1365 2.00%
30 QQ Space 1334 -2.00%
31 Yidian News 1188 7.00%
32 Fun headlines 1176 15.00%
33 Himalayas 1125 -2.00%
34 Zhihu 797 -1.00%
35 Pomelo 774 2.00%
36 Cheetah Browser 727 9.00%
37 Sohu Video 571 1.00%
38 litchi 498 6.00%
39 Qingting FM 472 1.00%
40 Car Home 445 1.00%
41 Driving Test Guide 288 0.00%
42 Car Emperor 282 20.00%
43 Lazy Listening 273 -4.00%
44 Football King 200 56.00%
45 ZAKER News 132 12.00%
46 Sina Sports 119 16.00%
47 Pulse 116 27.00%
48 Sina Finance 113 8.00%
49 UC Headlines 45 9.00%
50 Koala FM 27 4.00%

▼ Top three daily activity growth rates

Ranking app increase Daily active users (10,000 units)
44 Football King 56.00% 200
8 Wifi Master Key 34.00% 11640
twenty two Momo 32.00% 2081

▼ The top three daily activity declines

Ranking app increase Daily active users (10,000 units)
26 Daily Express -6.00% 1723
43 Lazy Listening -4.00% 273
17 Ink Weather -2.00% 5980

Judging from the daily active users, monthly active users and total effective time of users, Dongqiudi is undoubtedly the big winner of the World Cup. With its highly vertical platform traffic and distinctive population characteristics, its audience is mostly males between the ages of 25 and 35 who are relatively financially independent. Many advertisers also choose to place ads on this platform during the World Cup.

Next, let’s take a look at another platform that has seen a large increase in June - Momo . Male users account for 63% of the total, and most of the active users are concentrated in first-tier cities. The target audience has strong spending power, and their interests are mostly travel, food, cars, movies , goddesses, etc.

▼ Monthly total effective time TOP list

Ranking app Total effective time per month (10,000 hours) increase
1 WeChat 2342371 -0.40%
2 Tencent Video 617184 -2.20%
3 iQIYI 615739 -1.30%
4 QQ 520885 3.60%
5 YouTube 505644 1.90%
6 Today's headlines 272268 -4.00%
7 UC Mobile Browser 224919 -0.40%
8 Sina Weibo 211262 0.20%
9 QQ Mobile Browser 184169 0.40%
10 Baidu search 183538 -1.80%
11 Watermelon Video 152366 -3.80%
12 Tencent News 140927 0.90%
13 quick worker 135987 13.60%
14 Tik Tok 123470 6.20%
15 Mango TV 89166 2.70%
16 360 Mobile Browser 82014 -4.00%
17 NetEase News 59883 0.00%
18 Wifi Master Key 54309 29.20%
19 Momo 40900 29.20%
20 Sina News 40278 7.80%
twenty one NetEase Cloud Music 34061 5.30%
twenty two Volcano video 33438 8.30%
twenty three Himalayas 26217 -6.70%
twenty four Baidu Browser 25815 -1.50%
25 Baidu Post Bar 25408 -0.30%
26 Daily Express 23342 -2.60%
27 Phoenix News 19731 -2.70%
28 Sohu Video 19629 1.00%
29 Yidian News 18380 -0.20%
30 Sohu News 17635 5.00%
31 Cheetah Browser 16129 21.20%
32 Zhihu 15853 -5.60%
33 Fun headlines 15598 16.10%
34 Xiaomi Video 15556 4.90%
35 Ink Weather 15135 2.40%
36 Pomelo 7396 2.60%
37 litchi 5502 9.40%
38 QQ Space 4367 0.00%
39 Driving Test Guide 4091 -5.10%
40 Qingting FM 3898 -1.80%
41 Car Home 3848 -5.00%
42 Lazy Listening 3517 -7.70%
43 ZAKER News 2251 0.50%
44 Sina Sports 1693 -3.70%
45 Football King 1437 34.90%
46 Car Emperor 1220 12.80%
47 Sina Finance 1012 -4.70%
48 UC Headlines 961 2.50%
49 Pulse 723 21.70%
50 Koala FM 195 -1.30%

▼ The top three increases in effective duration

Ranking app increase Total effective time per month (10,000 hours)
45 Football King 34.90% 1437
18 Wifi Master Key 29.20% 54309
19 Momo 29.20% 40900

▼ The top three reductions in effective duration

Ranking app increase Total effective time per month (10,000 hours)
42 Lazy Listening -7.70% 3517
twenty three Himalayas -6.70% 26217
32 Zhihu -5.60% 15853

Although the daily and monthly active users of major information flow platforms increased in June, the overall effective time showed a decrease in user stickiness, and the time focused on a single platform shortened. Therefore, if the budget permits, choosing a platform that is adapted to the audience and multi -channel promotion will bring different effects on advertising exposure compared to single -channel promotion .

▼ Top Male Users

Ranking app male
1 Sina Sports 74.25%
2 Football King 73.57%
3 Phoenix News 73.00%
4 Sina Finance 68.09%
5 Xiaomi Video 66.18%
6 Car Home 65.19%
7 Car Emperor 65.17%
8 UC Headlines 64.99%
9 Momo 63.27%
10 360 Mobile Browser 62.27%

▼Top list of female users

Ranking app female
1 Pomelo 97.39%
2 Mango TV 72.52%
3 QQ Space 62.78%
4 litchi 61.15%
5 Zhihu 58.71%
6 Tencent Video 57.55%
7 iQIYI 57.20%
8 Sina Weibo 55.90%
9 Watermelon Video 55.58%
10 NetEase Cloud Music 55.58%

▼ Top list under 24 years old

Ranking app 24 years and below
1 Pomelo 36.39%
2 Mango TV 34.63%
3 litchi 34.49%
4 NetEase Cloud Music 32.00%
5 Sohu Video 30.02%

▼ 25-30 years old TOP list

Ranking app 25-30 years old
1 Pomelo 40.45%
2 Sohu Video 37.27%
3 Watermelon Video 35.89%
4 Mango TV 35.19%
5 iQIYI 34.35%

▼ 31-35 years old TOP list

Ranking app 31-35 years old
1 Sina Sports 52.15%
2 Football King 49.32%
3 Momo 38.35%
4 Driving Test Guide 33.16%
5 Cheetah Browser 32.98%

▼ 36-40 years old TOP list

Ranking app 36-40 years old
1 Sina Finance 25.42%
2 360 Mobile Browser 24.10%
3 QQ Mobile Browser 20.78%
4 Cheetah Browser 20.45%
5 Baidu Browser 20.18%

▼ Top list for those aged 41 and above

Ranking app 41 years and above
1 Sina Finance 10.03%
2 Xiaomi Video 8.55%
3 WeChat 8.23%
4 YouTube 7.62%
5 UC Headlines 7.57%

The above is the June information flow platform data and rankings compiled by the editor. I hope it can help Aidou to make channel selection and placement reference. If you need additional suggestions, please leave a message~~

author: Aichi bacteria , authorized to be released by Qinggua Media .

Source: iResearch

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