Lao Huang Speaks English (Full Course) Baidu Cloud Download

Lao Huang Speaks English (Full Course) Baidu Cloud Download

Lao Huang Speaks English (Full Course) Resource Introduction:

Course Catalog

├──Apple Community-01-Course Operation Guide

| ├──01 Video course viewing process.mp4 1.04M

| ├──02Course Instructions.mp4 8.27M

| ├──03How to expand all the videos below the directory? .mp4 2.88M

| ├──04How to read e-books? .mp4 2.58M

| ├──05How to download electronic materials? .mp4 5.50M

| ├──06How to download e-books? .mp4 960.79kb

| ├──07How to use the program to memorize words together? .mp4 1.66M

| └──08How to search for the knowledge points you want to read? .mp4 3.05M

├──Apple Community-02-step1《First Step of Enlightenment》26 Letters (Dolly)

| ├──01: Alphabet Song.mp4 1.61M

| ├──02: Letters AB_ev.mp4 38.78M

| ├──03: Letters CDEF_ev.mp4 52.11M

| ├──04: Letters GHIJKL_ev.mp4 76.31M

| ├──05: Letters MNOPQR_ev.mp4 64.21M

| ├──06: Letters STUVWXYZ_ev.mp4 73.20M

| ├──07: Writing and standard pronunciation of 26 English letters.mp4 1.38M

| ├──08: Which of the four alphabet exercises do you know? _ev.mp4 36.39M

| ├──09: The Alphabetic Phoneme Classification Course that Junior High School Students Must Also Take (Taught by Mr. Huang)_ev.mp4 83.97M

| ├──10: Writing of 26 English letters FGHI_ev.mp4 39.82M

| ├──11: Writing of 26 English letters JKLMNO_ev.mp4 40.97M

| ├──12: Writing of 26 English letters PQR_ev.mp4 22.33M

| ├──13: Writing of 26 English letters STUV_ev.mp4 27.30M

| ├──14: Writing of 26 English letters WXYZ_ev.mp4 29.41M

| ├──15: Full version of writing song_ev.mp4 30.60M

| └──16: Writing 26 English letters ABCDE_ev.mp4 42.27M

├──Apple Community-03-《Second Level Enlightenment》Phonics Natural Spelling

| ├──01: Phonics th voiceless consonant.mp4 1.40M

| ├──02: Phonics th voiced consonant.mp4 1.21M

| ├──03: Phonics short vowel u family.mp4 17.65M

| ├──04: Phonics short vowels.mp4 12.41M

| ├──05: Phonics short vowels.mp4 20.09M

| ├──06: Phonics long vowels a.mp4 14.92M

| ├──07: Phonics long vowel a family: a, ae, ai, ay, eigh, ea, ey.mp4 77.57M

| ├──08: Phonics long vowels e.mp4 15.42M

| ├──09: Phonics long vowel e family: e, e_e, ea, ee, ie, ei, i.mp4 55.58M

| ├──10: Phonics long vowels i.mp4 18.34M

| ├──11: Phonics long vowel i family: i_e, igh, ie, y, i, ind, ild, ign, imb.mp4 171.23M

| ├──12: Phonics long vowel o family o, o_e, oa, ow, old, ost, oe, ough.mp4 97.74M

| ├──13: Phonics long vowel u family u_e, ew, ue, ui.mp4 46.00M

| ├──14: Phonics short vowel o family.mp4 16.92M

| ├──15: Phonics short vowel e family.mp4 29.72M

| ├──16: Phonics short vowel i family.mp4 24.25M

| ├──17: Phonics GH.mp4 25.66M

| ├──18: Phonics IJ.mp4 30.30M

| ├──19: Phonics KL.mp4 30.47M

| ├──20: Phonics MN.mp4 37.32M

| ├──21: Phonics OP.mp4 30.93M

| ├──22: Phonics QR.mp4 41.12M

| ├──23: Natural spelling ST.mp4 36.89M

| ├──24: Natural spelling UV.mp4 38.14M

| ├──25: Phonics WX.mp4 27.86M

| ├──26: Phonics YZ.mp4 41.42M

| ├──27: Phonics consonants.mp4 14.80M

| ├──28: Phonics short vowel a family.mp4 32.79M

| ├──29: Phonics EF.mp4 28.91M

| ├──30: Phonics AB.mp4 30.45M

| ├──31: Phonics CD.mp4 32.11M

| ├──32: Natural spelling letter name.mp4 6.73M

| └──33: Phonics letter sounds.mp4 36.56M

├──Apple Community-04-"Enlightenment Level 3" Picture Book Reading Class

| ├──01: Level 1 BobBug.mp4 70.01M

| ├──02: Level 1 Digdigdig.mp4 43.33M

| ├──03: Level 1 Topcat.mp4 47.83M

| ├──04: Level 1 Zekandthevet.mp4 51.49M

| ├──05: Secondary DoctorDuck.mp4 127.17M

| ├──06: Secondary Fishandchips.mp4 97.56M

| ├──07: Level 2 Miss!Miss!.mp4 87.09M

| ├──08: Level 2 SingingDad.mp4 109.74M

| ├──09: Level 2 TheOddPet.mp4 116.63M

| ├──10: Secondary ThisandThat.mp4 109.75M

| ├──11: Level 3 TheShoppingList.mp4 193.32M

| ├──12: Level 3 Thebigmatch.mp4 102.91M

| ├──13: Level 3 TheScrapRocket.mp4 61.02M

| ├──14: Level 3 SplashSquelch.mp4 105.32M

| ├──15: Level 3 The Trunk and the Skunk.mp4 108.39M

| ├──16: Level 3 GranisCross.mp4 101.96M

| ├──17: Level 4 MoanMoanMoan.mp4 118.15M

| ├──18: Level 4 QueenAnneenasFeast.mp4 67.16M

| ├──19: Level 4 SpikeSays.mp4 88.86M

| ├──20: Level 4 Tadpoles.mp4 90.67M

| ├──21: Level 4 TheSnakeandtheDark.mp4 241.80M

| ├──22: Level 4 TheWrongKindOfKnight.mp4 178.56M

| ├──23: Level 5 Leroy.mp4 185.40M

| ├──24: Level 5 Nomilktoday.mp4 213.60M

| ├──25: Level 5 SueKangaroo.mp4 158.31M

| ├──26: Level 5 TheUpside-downBrown.mp4 165.39M

| ├──27: Level 5 Usman'sBOOKS.mp4 143.93M

| ├──28: Level 5 TheCinderellaPlay.mp4 129.22M

| ├──29: Level 6 PaulatheVet.mp4 267.23M

| └──30: Level 6 The Clare and the Fair.mp4 88.02M

├──Apple Community-05-《Enlightenment Level 4》Universal English Sentence Patterns

| ├──01 Lesson 1 Whatsyourname.mp4 78.82M

| ├──02 Lesson 2 What do you look like.mp4 68.64M

| ├──03 Lesson 3 Whatsyourjob.mp4 112.57M

| ├──04 Lesson 4 Howoldareyou.mp4 56.16M

| ├──05Lesson 5 Howareyoufeelingtoday.mp4 62.06M

| ├──06 Lesson 6 BigLittlecatcan.mp4 64.08M

| ├──07 Lesson 7 Thesunis.mp4 40.43M

| └──08 Lesson 8 Who do you love.mp4 82.73M

├──Apple Community-06-《Fifth Level of Enlightenment》English song rhythmic ear training

| ├──001: Phonics Alphabet Song (ChuChuTV).mp4 12.11M

| ├──002: Digital Songs (ChuChuTV).mp4 224.39M

| ├──003: Nursery Rhymes Collection (ChuChuTV).mp4 375.18M

| ├──004: Weather Song.mp4 35.74M

| ├──005: TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar.mp4 10.72M

| ├──006:13 initials song (Cocomelon).mp4 301.10M

| ├──007:PhonicsSong.mp4 9.34M

| ├──008:ABCsong.mp4 7.27M

| ├──009: Asking for directions.mp4 23.70M

| ├──010: Greeting Song.mp4 17.72M

| ├──011: Position in, on, under.mp4 30.66M

| ├──012: Body Parts Song.mp4 20.62M

| ├──013: price.mp4 24.72M

| ├──014: Ask the identity of the person who.mp4 23.07M

| ├──015: Asking about the date and day of the week.mp4 15.10M

| ├──016: Weekly Song.mp4 2.68M

| ├──017: Favorite Food.mp4 31.92M

| ├──018: Transportation Song.mp4 21.37M

| ├──019:age.mp4 25.44M

| ├──020:Sweetdreams.mp4 9.03M

| ├──021: Digital Song.mp4 4.61M

| ├──022:Animals.mp4 11.44M

| ├──023:Countingbananas.mp4 4.22M

| ├──024: Digital Song 2.mp4 3.38M

| ├──025: Potatoes.mp4 4.16M

| ├──026:Nice to meet you.mp4 3.76M

| ├──027: Colours.mp4 5.77M

| ├──028: Numbers.mp4 8.55M

| ├──029:Good morning to you!.mp4 2.48M

| ├──030: 26 English letters exercise.mp4 51.74M

| ├──031:ABCsong.mp4 4.67M

| ├──032:Howareyou.mp4 6.54M

| ├──033:Goodmorning.mp4 8.86M

| ├──034:Word.mp4 8.98M

| ├──035:WhentheSnowFall.mp4 9.89M

| ├──036:WearetheAlphabe.mp4 13.42M

| ├──037:TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar.mp4 5.25M

| ├──038:TheWheelontheBus.mp4 8.82M

| ├──039:TooSpookyForMe-HalloweenSong.mp4 9.19M

| ├──040:TheTrainColorsSong.mp4 7.90M

| ├──041:TheSolarSystemSong.mp4 9.51M

| ├──042:TheSunnyDaySong.mp4 8.77M

| ├──043:TheThankYouSong.mp4 3.17M

| ├──044:TheSkinnyJeansSong.mp4 4.34M

| ├──045:TheRainbowColorsSong.mp4 4.15M

| ├──046:TheSantaClausSong.mp4 11.26M

| ├──047:TheSameorDifferentGame.mp4 4.69M

| ├──048:TheQSon.mp4 6.52M

| ├──049:TheReadingMachine.mp4 8.78M

| ├──050:TheShapesSong.mp4 5.78M

| ├──051:TheSpellingMistakesSong.mp4 3.22M

| ├──052:ThePlanetsSong.mp4 3.64M

| ├──053:TheOSong.mp4 5.59M

| ├──054:TheOppositesSong.mp4 7.18M

| ├──055:ThePSong.mp4 4.24M

| ├──056:TheMagicESong.mp4 6.15M

| ├──057:TheLSong.mp4 4.64M

| ├──058:TheMSong.mp4 5.74M

| ├──059:TheKSong.mp4 5.09M

| ├──060:TheISpySong.mp4 5.41M

| ├──061:TheHappyBirthdaySong.mp4 7.00M

| ├──062:TheLetterSoundsSong.mp4 6.92M

| ├──063:TheIsong.mp4 3.54M

| ├──064:TheGSong.mp4 6.58M

| ├──065:TheFSong.mp4 6.36M

| ├──066:TheFeelingsSong.mp4 8.26M

| ├──067:TheESong.mp4 5.24M

| ├──068:TheCountriesoftheWorldSong-TheAmerica.mp4 14.53M

| ├──069:TheCountriesoftheWorldSong.mp4 7.75M

| ├──070:TheDSong.mp4 12.18M

| ├──071:TheDancingChristmasTreeSong.mp4 4.70M

| ├──072:TheCountriesoftheWorldSong-Africa.mp4 16.49M

| ├──073:TheCountriesoftheWorldSong-Europe.mp4 17.84M

| ├──074:TheCoralSong.mp4 8.90M

| ├──075:TheCountriesoftheWorldSong-Asia.mp4 20.04M

| ├──076:TheBigandSmallLettersSong.mp4 5.06M

| ├──077:TheBigNumbersSong.mp4 5.22M

| ├──078:TheButterflyColorsSong.mp4 7.65M

| ├──079:TheAnimalSoundsSong.mp4 9.23M

| ├──080:TheBabyAnimalsSong.mp4 2.73M

| ├──081:Starlight.mp4 7.16M

| ├──082:TheABCSong.mp4 7.79M

| ├──083:The50StatesSong.mp4 6.43M

| ├──084:TenintheBe.mp4 7.74M

| ├──085:SpookySpooky-HalloweenSon.mp4 6.87M

| ├──086:ShapesSong.mp4 6.66M

| ├──087:The2TimesTableSong(version2.mp4 2.55M

| ├──088: Skidamarink-ILoveYo.mp4 6.97M

| ├──089:RudolphandtheSnowma.mp4 7.63M

| ├──090:PhonicswithTheFunnies8-_c.mp4 5.61M

| ├──091: PumpkinPumpkin-HalloweenSon.mp4 2.44M

| ├──092:RedRabbitGreenGorill.mp4 5.99M

| ├──093:PhonicswithTheFunnies7-_n.mp4 5.71M

| ├──094:PhonicsSong2(newversion.mp4 5.93M

| ├──095:PhonicswithTheFunnies4-_t.mp4 5.43M

| ├──096:PhonicswithTheFunnies5-_i.mp4 5.72M

| ├──097:PhonicsSong3(zedversion.mp4 8.39M

| ├──098:OldMacDonaldHadaFar.mp4 5.70M

| ├──099:PhonicsSong.mp4 10.51M

| ├──100:PhonicswithTheFunnies3-_p.mp4 5.50M

| ├──101: On the Farm (countingsong.mp4 5.75M

| ├──102: ParachuteLetters-BIG.mp4 4.76M

| ├──103:JingleBell.mp4 15.44M

| ├──104:PhonicsSon.mp4 5.90M

| ├──105:NewABCSon.mp4 4.13M

| ├──106:MonthsOfTheYearSon.mp4 5.98M

| ├──107:NumbersSon.mp4 4.66M

| ├──108: In the Garden Song[HD.mp4 6.36M

| ├──109:IntheBigBlueSea-CountingSon.mp4 6.19M

| ├──110:IncyWincySpide.mp4 3.31M

| ├──111:EasyLittleSon.mp4 7.52M

| ├──112:GiraffeSon.mp4 7.53M

| ├──113:HumptyDumpt.mp4 6.43M

| ├──114:FiveLittleMonkey.mp4 10.30M

| ├──115:HeadShouldersKneesandToe.mp4 5.31M

| ├──116:ColorsSong.mp4 6.17M

| ├──117:DaysintheMonthsSon.mp4 3.61M

| ├──118:Changes2.mp4 4.95M

| ├──119:ColorsSong3.mp4 3.69M

| ├──120:DaysofttheWeekSon.mp4 6.07M

| ├──121:Changes.mp4 3.98M

| ├──122:ButterflyColorsSong.mp4 7.19M

| ├──123:AttheZo.mp4 5.76M

| ├──124:BrushYourTeet.mp4 5.87M

| ├──125:ABCSevenStepsSon.mp4 3.98M

| ├──126:LittleNumber.mp4 7.06M

| ├──127:AlphabetSongwithTheAlphabubblie.mp4 3.79M

| ├──128:LittleDuck.mp4 3.98M

| ├──129:AlphabubbliesJumpingABCSon.mp4 10.47M

| ├──130:ABCSon.mp4 4.24M

| └──131:ABCSongintheSe.mp4 5.73M

├──Apple Community-07-step2 Phonetic spelling (Lectured by Lao Huang)

| ├──01: Phonetic symbols--Lesson1 (new).mp4 195.67M

| ├──02: Detailed explanation of the pronunciation and writing of 26 letters.mp4 30.41M

| ├──03: Lesson 2 Practice Lesson.mp4 13.55M

| ├──04: Phonetic symbols--Lesson2 (new).mp4 187.61M

| ├──05:Lesson1Practice Lesson.mp4 12.13M

| ├──06: Lesson4 Practice Lesson.mp4 13.25M

| ├──07: Phonetic symbols--Lesson4 (new).mp4 186.91M

| ├──08:Lesson3 Practice Lesson.mp4 9.35M

| ├──09: Phonetic symbols--Lesson3 (new).mp4 175.07M

| ├──10: Lesson6 Practice Lesson.mp4 11.42M

| ├──11: Phonetic symbols--Lesson6 (new).mp4 184.16M

| ├──12: Lesson 5 Practice Lesson.mp4 9.95M

| ├──13: Phonetic symbols--Lesson5 (new).mp4 160.14M

| ├──14: Lesson7 Practice Lesson.mp4 9.75M

| ├──15: Phonetic symbols--Lesson7 (new).mp4 203.26M

| ├──16: Lesson9 Practice Lesson.mp4 10.38M

| ├──17: Phonetic symbols--Lesson9 (new).mp4 165.20M

| ├──18: Lesson8 practice class.mp4 10.35M

| ├──19: Phonetic symbols--Lesson8 (new).mp4 217.02M

| ├──20: [Must learn] Pronunciation of common suffixes.mp4 133.51M

| ├──21: Lesson 10 Practice Lesson.mp4 10.27M

| ├──22: Phonetic symbols--Lesson10 (new).mp4 116.37M

| ├──23: Phonetic symbols-lesson4 (live broadcast version).mp4 222.01M

| ├──24: Phonetic symbols-lesson3 (live broadcast version).mp4 182.36M

| ├──25: Phonetic symbols-lesson2 (live broadcast version).mp4 244.93M

| ├──26: Phonetic symbols-lesson1 (live broadcast version).mp4 173.39M

| ├──27: Phonetic symbols-lesson8 (live broadcast version).mp4 217.85M

| ├──28: Phonetic symbols-lesson7 (live broadcast).mp4 236.86M

| ├──29: Phonetic symbols-lesson6 (live broadcast version).mp4 204.91M

| ├──30: Phonetic symbols-lesson5 (live broadcast version).mp4 199.66M

| ├──31: Phonetic symbols-lesson9 (live broadcast version).mp4 182.94M

| └──32: Phonetic symbols-lesson10 (live broadcast version).mp4 132.94M

├──Apple Community-08-Supplement: Phonetic Symbols Lip Shape Demonstration (Lectured by Miss Teacher)

| ├──01: phonetic symbol b.mp4 1.09M

| ├──02: Phonetic symbol ɑ.mp4 1.82M

| ├──03: phonetic symbol a.mp4 1.28M

| ├──04: phonetic symbol a.mp4 1.58M

| ├──05: phonetic symbol d.mp4 2.13M

| ├──06: phonetic symbol dz.mp4 1.69M

| ├──07: phonetic symbol dr.mp4 1.34M

| ├──08:phoneticsymbole.mp4 1.26M

| ├──09: phonetic symbol d.mp4 1.19M

| ├──10: phonetic symbol e.mp4 1.50M

| ├──11: phonetic symbol e.mp4 1.72M

| ├──12: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.46M

| ├──13: phonetic symbol f.mp4 1.75M

| ├──14: phonetic symbol.mp4 2.10M

| ├──15: phonetic symbol g.mp4 1.24M

| ├──16: phonetic symbol i.mp4 1.65M

| ├──17: phonetic symbols h.mp4 1.95M

| ├──18: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.24M

| ├──19: phonetic symbol j.mp4 1.55M

| ├──20: phonetic symbol l.mp4 1.83M

| ├──21: phonetic symbol k.mp4 1.56M

| ├──22: phonetic symbol m.mp4 1.79M

| ├──23: phonetic symbol n.mp4 1.78M

| ├──24: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.83M

| ├──25: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.30M

| ├──26: phonetic symbol.mp4 3.07M

| ├──27: phonetic symbols p.mp4 1.23M

| ├──28: phonetic symbol r.mp4 1.66M

| ├──29: phonetic symbols.mp4 1.50M

| ├──30: phonetic symbol t.mp4 1.26M

| ├──31: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.37M

| ├──32: phonetic symbol t.mp4 1.26M

| ├──33: phonetic symbol tr.mp4 1.49M

| ├──34: phonetic symbols ts.mp4 1.75M

| ├──35: phonetic symbol t.mp4 1.68M

| ├──36: Phonetic symbols v.mp4 1.11M

| ├──37: phonetic symbol u.mp4 1.27M

| ├──38: phonetic symbol w.mp4 1.75M

| ├──39: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.17M

| ├──40: phonetic symbol z.mp4 1.41M

| ├──41: Phonetic symbol θ.mp4 1.27M

| ├──42: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.38M

| ├──43: phonetic symbol.mp4 975.80kb

| ├──44: phonetic symbol e.mp4 1.24M

| ├──45: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.14M

| ├──46: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.52M

| ├──47: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.51M

| ├──48: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.23M

| └──49: phonetic symbol.mp4 1.70M

├──Apple Community-09-step3 New Concept English Book 1 (Lectured by Lao Huang + Xiao Huang)

| ├──01: New Concept English Book 1 L1-2.mp4 25.93M

| ├──02: New Concept English Book 1 L3-4.mp4 34.43M

| ├──03: New Concept English Book 1 L5-6.mp4 34.74M

| ├──04: New Concept English Book 1 L7-8.mp4 45.65M

| ├──05: New Concept English Book 1 L9-10.mp4 35.88M

| ├──06: New Concept English Book 1 L11-12.mp4 43.44M

| ├──07: New Concept English Book 1 L13-14.mp4 39.19M

| ├──08: New Concept English Book 1 L15-16 (Noun Pluralization).mp4 52.60M

| ├──09: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 17-18.mp4 39.83M

| ├──10: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 19-20.mp4 38.32M

| ├──11: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 21-22.mp4 54.58M

| ├──12: New Concept Book 1 Lesson 23-24.mp4 38.76M

| ├──13: New Concept Book 1 Lesson 25-26.mp4 48.03M

| ├──14: New Concept Book 1 Lesson 27-28.mp4 41.32M

| ├──15: New Concept Book 1 Lesson 29-30.mp4 56.80M

| ├──16: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 31-32.mp4 62.13M

| ├──17: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 33-34.mp4 268.85M

| ├──18: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 35-36.mp4 287.64M

| ├──19: New Concept Book 1 Lesson 37-38.mp4 372.84M

| ├──20: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 39-40.mp4 238.70M

| ├──21: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 41-42.mp4 250.61M

| ├──22: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 43-44.mp4 170.28M

| ├──23: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 45-46.mp4 265.73M

| ├──24: New Concept English Book 1 L47-48.mp4 316.72M

| ├──25: New Concept English Book 1 L49-50.mp4 325.35M

| ├──26: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 51-52.mp4 230.36M

| ├──27: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 53-54.mp4 325.78M

| ├──28: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 55-56.mp4 176.07M

| ├──29: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 57-58.mp4 305.19M

| ├──30: New Concept English Book 1 Lessons 59-60.mp4 201.36M

| ├──31: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 61-62.mp4 265.53M

| ├──32: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 63-64.mp4 215.52M

| ├──33: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 65-66.mp4 270.83M

| ├──34: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 67-68.mp4 338.23M

| ├──35: New Concept English Book 1 Lesson 69-70.mp4 235.67M

| ├──36: New Concept English Book 1 L71-72 .mp4 390.27M

| ├──37: New Concept English Book 1 L73-74.mp4 394.18M

| ├──38: New Concept English Book 1 L75-76.mp4 157.63M

| ├──39: New Concept English Book 1 L77-78.mp4 201.55M

| ├──40: New Concept English Book 1 Lessons 79-80.mp4 192.38M

| ├──41: New Concept English Book 1 L81-82.mp4 189.10M

| ├──42: New Concept English Book 1 L83-84.mp4 221.99M

| ├──43: New Concept English Book 1 L85-86.mp4 148.87M

| ├──44: New Concept English Book 1 L87-88.mp4 178.92M

| ├──45: New Concept English Book 1 L89-90.mp4 230.91M

| ├──46: New Concept English Book 1 L91-92.mp4 155.26M

| ├──47: New Concept English Book 1 L93-94.mp4 163.13M

| ├──48: New Concept English Book 1 L95-96.mp4 178.62M

| ├──49: New Concept English Book 1 L97-98.mp4 170.90M

| ├──50: New Concept English Book 1 L99-100.mp4 146.99M

| ├──51: New Concept English Book 1 L101-102.mp4 156.18M

| ├──52: New Concept English Book 1 L103-104.mp4 214.47M

| ├──53: New Concept English Book 1 L105-106.mp4 217.36M

| ├──54: New Concept English Book 1 L07-108.mp4 284.10M

| ├──55: New Concept English Book 1 L09-110.mp4 259.22M

| ├──56: New Concept English Book 1 L111-112.mp4 198.42M

| ├──57: New Concept English Book 1 L113-114.mp4 286.13M

| ├──58: New Concept English Book 1 L115-116.mp4 216.37M

| ├──59: New Concept English Book 1 L117-118.mp4 187.31M

| ├──60: New Concept English Book 1 L119-120.mp4 274.22M

| ├──61: New Concept English Book 1 L121-122 (1).mp4 181.04M

| ├──61: New Concept English Book 1 L121-122 (2).mp4 174.07M

| ├──62: New Concept English Book 1 L123-124.mp4 254.92M

| ├──63: New Concept English Book 1 L125-126.mp4 248.49M

| ├──64: New Concept English Book 1 L127-128.mp4 297.09M

| └──65: New Concept English Book 1 L129-130.mp4 311.37M

├──Apple Community-10-Supplement: New Concept Book 1 Text Animation

| ├──01:Lesson1.mp4 1.05M

| ├──02:Lesson3.mp4 2.54M

| ├──03:Lesson5.mp4 3.12M

| ├──04:Lesson7.mp4 2.75M

| ├──05:Lesson9.mp4 2.00M

| ├──06:Lesson11.mp4 2.74M

| ├──07:Lesson13.mp4 2.14M

| ├──08:Lesson15.mp4 2.85M

| ├──09:Lesson17.mp4 3.00M

| ├──10: Lesson55.mp4 5.20M

| ├──11:Lesson53.mp4 3.48M

| ├──12: Lesson51.mp4 3.41M

| ├──13: Lesson49.mp4 2.75M

| ├──14: Lesson47.mp4 2.56M

| ├──15:Lesson45.mp4 2.50M

| ├──16: Lesson43.mp4 2.96M

| ├──17: Lesson41.mp4 1.87M

| ├──18:Lesson39.mp4 2.47M

| ├──19: Lesson37.mp4 2.89M

| ├──20: Lesson35.mp4 3.54M

| ├──21:Lesson33.mp4 3.86M

| ├──22: Lesson31.mp4 4.23M

| ├──23:Lesson29.mp4 2.00M

| ├──24: Lesson27.mp4 3.16M

| ├──25: Lesson25.mp4 2.13M

| ├──26: Lesson23.mp4 1.47M

| ├──27: Lesson21.mp4 1.37M

| ├──28: Lesson19.mp4 2.98M

| ├──29: Lesson95.mp4 2.54M

| ├──30: Lesson93.mp4 2.73M

| ├──31:Lesson91.mp4 3.49M

| ├──32: Lesson89.mp4 3.81M

| ├──33: Lesson87.mp4 3.11M

| ├──34:Lesson85.mp4 4.57M

| ├──35: Lesson83.mp4 2.52M

| ├──36: Lesson81.mp4 2.49M

| ├──37:Lesson79.mp4 2.99M

| ├──38: Lesson77.mp4 3.60M

| ├──39: Lesson75.mp4 2.82M

| ├──40: Lesson73.mp4 3.47M

| ├──41: Lesson71.mp4 3.27M

| ├──42:Lesson69.mp4 5.70M

| ├──43: Lesson67.mp4 3.78M

| ├──44:Lesson65.mp4 3.03M

| ├──45:Lesson63.mp4 3.39M

| ├──46:Lesson61.mp4 2.30M

| ├──47:Lesson57.mp4 5.23M

| ├──48:Lesson59.mp4 2.33M

| ├──49: Lesson135.mp4 3.06M

| ├──50: Lesson133.mp4 2.00M

| ├──51:Lesson131.mp4 2.81M

| ├──52: Lesson129.mp4 2.21M

| ├──53: Lesson127.mp4 3.74M

| ├──54: Lesson125.mp4 2.21M

| ├──55: Lesson123.mp4 3.48M

| ├──56: Lesson121.mp4 2.48M

| ├──57:Lesson119.mp4 2.53M

| ├──58:Lesson117.mp4 2.71M

| ├──59: Lesson115.mp4 1.91M

| ├──60: Lesson113.mp4 2.91M

| ├──61:Lesson111.mp4 2.16M

| ├──62: Lesson109.mp4 1.85M

| ├──63: Lesson107.mp4 2.20M

| ├──64:Lesson105.mp4 1.95M

| ├──65: Lesson103.mp4 3.07M

| ├──66:Lesson101.mp4 3.47M

| ├──67: Lesson99.mp4 1.64M

| ├──68:Lesson97.mp4 2.48M

| ├──69: Lesson143.mp4 4.81M

| ├──70: Lesson141.mp4 6.62M

| ├──71:Lesson139.mp4 2.67M

| └──72: Lesson137.mp4 2.62M

├──Apple Community-11-step4 Grammar for Primary, Middle and High School Students (Taught by Lao Huang)

| ├──001: 【Primary School】Therebe Sentence Pattern Full Analysis.mp4 76.73M

| ├──002: [Practice Lesson] Uncountable Nouns & Quantifiers.mp4 26.57M

| ├──003: [Primary school] The use of uncountable nouns and quantifiers.mp4 121.22M

| ├──004: [Practice Lesson] Special changes of countable nouns into plural forms.mp4 24.65M

| ├──005: [Primary school] Countable nouns become plural (special changes).mp4 105.28M

| ├──006: [Practice Lesson] Countable Nouns Plural Form.mp4 28.91M

| ├──007: [Primary school] Countable nouns become plural.mp4 100.01M

| ├──008:【Primary school】article a(n)the.mp4 112.83M

| ├──009: [Practice Class] Hundred decimals and fractions.mp4 36.21M

| ├──010: [Junior High School] Usage of Hundreds, Decimals, and Fractions.mp4 108.47M

| ├──011:【Practice Lesson】Ordinal Numbers.mp4 35.92M

| ├──012: [Primary school] Detailed explanation of ordinal numbers.mp4 113.13M

| ├──013:【Practice Class】Time Expression.mp4 27.73M

| ├──014:【Primary School】Time Expression.mp4 124.98M

| ├──015:【Practice Lesson】Cardinal Numbers.mp4 29.89M

| ├──016: [Primary school] Detailed explanation of cardinal numbers.mp4 131.07M

| ├──017:【Practice Class】Possessive Nouns.mp4 25.32M

| ├──018:【Primary School】Possessive Nouns.mp4 96.66M

| ├──019:【Primary school】Nouns as modifiers.mp4 111.40M

| ├──020:【Practice Lesson】therebe Sentence Pattern.mp4 23.34M

| ├──021: [Practice Lesson] Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns.mp4 28.89M

| ├──022: [Primary School] Personal Pronouns & Possessive Pronouns.mp4 108.20M

| ├──023:【Practice class】Ask questions about the underlined part.mp4 57.78M

| ├──024:【Primary school】Questions about the underlined part.mp4 101.88M

| ├──025: [Practice Lesson] Imperative Sentences.mp4 22.22M

| ├──026: [Primary School] Imperative Sentences.mp4 193.79M

| ├──027: [Practice Class] Improve the Usage of Prepositions.mp4 47.75M

| ├──028: [Junior High School] Preposition usage and improvement.mp4 108.18M

| ├──029: [Practice Lesson] Prepositions and Place Collocation.mp4 26.55M

| ├──030: [Primary school] Prepositions and place combinations.mp4 95.19M

| ├──031: [Practice Lesson] Prepositions and Time Collocation.mp4 33.41M

| ├──032: [Primary school] The combination of prepositions and time.mp4 108.73M

| ├──033:【Practice Lesson】Zero Article.mp4 41.54M

| ├──034: [Primary school] Zero article (no article).mp4 167.66M

| ├──035: [Practice Lesson] Usage of the definite article the.mp4 29.23M

| ├──036: [Primary school] Usage of the definite article the.mp4 120.78M

| ├──037:【Practice Lesson】Articles.mp4 35.49M

| ├──038:【Practice Lesson】Indefinite pronoun (other).mp4 39.39M

| ├──039: [Junior High School] Indefinite pronoun other series.mp4 172.19M

| ├──040: [Practice Lesson] 23. Indefinite pronouns (two or more).mp4 54.60M

| ├──041: [Junior High School] Indefinite pronouns (both or plural).mp4 106.93M

| ├──042:【Practice Class】Indefinite Pronouns.mp4 47.06M

| ├──043: [Primary school] Indefinite pronouns (more or less).mp4 191.95M

| ├──044:【Practice Lesson】Double Possessive.mp4 43.12M

| ├──045:【Junior High School】Double Possessive.mp4 130.31M

| ├──046:【Practice Lesson】Reflexive Pronouns.mp4 45.95M

| ├──047:【Junior High School】Reflexive Pronouns.mp4 163.18M

| ├──048:【Junior High School】Comparatives & Superlatives (comparison of the same level and downgrade).mp4 109.61M

| ├──049: [Primary school] Usage of comparatives and superlatives.mp4 133.23M

| ├──050: [Primary School] Comparative & Superlative Change Rules.mp4 149.08M

| ├──051: [Practice Lesson] Usage of Adjectives & Adverbs.mp4 44.17M

| ├──052: [Junior High School] Usage of Adjectives & Adverbs.mp4 110.50M

| ├──053:【Practice Lesson】Adjectives & Adverbs.mp4 32.69M

| ├──054:【Junior High School】Adjectives & Adverbs.mp4 144.64M

| ├──055: [Practice Lesson] Subject-verb agreement (proximity principle).mp4 38.10M

| ├──056:【Junior High School】Subject-verb agreement (2).mp4 105.85M

| ├──057:【Practice Lesson】Subject-verb agreement.mp4 37.31M

| ├──058:【Primary School】Subject-verb agreement (1).mp4 140.24M

| ├──059:【Practice Class】Compound Indefinite Pronouns.mp4 40.75M

| ├──060:【Junior High School】Compound Indefinite Pronouns.mp4 186.43M

| ├──061:【High School】Attributive Clause Relative Adverbs whenwherewhy.mp4 107.05M

| ├──062:【Junior High School】Attributive Clauses whose and Situations Where Only That Can Be Used.mp4 116.01M

| ├──063:【Junior High School】Attributive Clause Relative Pronoun whichthatwho(m).mp4 122.85M

| ├──064:【Junior High School】Coordinating Conjunctions.mp4 198.24M

| ├──065:【Junior High School】Exclamatory Sentences.mp4 136.74M

| ├──066:【Junior High School】Emphasis Sentence Pattern.mp4 88.42M

| ├──067: [Junior High School] Usage of personal pronoun it.mp4 217.94M

| ├──068: [High School] Modal Verbs and Their Alternatives.mp4 90.35M

| ├──069:【Junior High School】Modal verbs needdare.mp4 93.46M

| ├──070: [Primary school] Basic usage of modal verbs.mp4 115.33M

| ├──071: [Junior High School] Commonly used sentence patterns for comparatives and superlatives.mp4 120.02M

| ├──072: [Junior High School] Concessional Adverbial Clauses.mp4 93.52M

| ├──073:【Junior High School】Adverbial Clause of Purpose.mp4 86.32M

| ├──074: [Junior High School] Will the adverbial clause of time also have the principal and the subordinate appear? .mp4 98.83M

| ├──075:【Junior High School】Time Adverbial Clauses after before etc..mp4 113.49M

| ├──076: [Junior High School] Time Adverbial Clauses when, while, as.mp4 99.18M

| ├──077:【Junior High School】Conditional Adverbial Clauses.mp4 144.74M

| ├──078: [Junior High School] Conjunctions of Object Clauses.mp4 92.73M

| ├──079: [Junior High School] Object Clause (Indirect Quotation) Word Order.mp4 144.07M

| ├──080: [Junior High School] Object Clause (Indirect Quotation) Tense Rules.mp4 90.90M

| ├──081:【Junior High School】Noun Clauses.mp4 67.93M

| ├──082:【High School】Non-restrictive attributive clause.mp4 113.11M

| ├──083:20190220-pronoun.mp4 317.34M

| ├──084:20190225-adjective.mp4 259.83M

| ├──085:21090226-preposition.mp4 117.00M

| ├──086:2019303-subjunctive mood.mp4 281.87M

| ├──087:20190304-If conditional adverbial clause subjunctive mood.mp4 335.31M

| ├──088:20190305-subjunctive mood.mp4 329.83M

| ├──089: (High School) Independent Subject Structure 2.mp4 54.11M

| ├──090: [High School] Non-finite verbs as adverbials 2.mp4 129.48M

| ├──091: (High School) Independent Subject Structure 1.mp4 65.97M

| ├──092: [High School] Non-finite verbs as adverbials 1.mp4 144.00M

| ├──093: [Junior High School] Non-finite verbs as attributives 2.mp4 128.51M

| ├──094: [Junior High School] Non-finite verbs as attributives.mp4 137.68M

| ├──095: [Junior High School] Non-finite verbs as object complement.mp4 107.66M

| ├──096: [Junior High School] Non-finite verbs as objects.mp4 128.90M

| ├──097: [Junior High School] Non-finite verbs as predicatives.mp4 115.10M

| ├──098: [Junior High School] Non-finite verbs as subjects.mp4 146.70M

| ├──099: [Junior High School] Result adverbial clause (so...that sentence pattern).mp4 178.48M

| ├──100: Prepositions and time collocation.mp4 108.73M

| ├──101: Noun Clauses.mp4 157.03M

| ├──102:20190211-Imperative sentence without subject verb.mp4 178.85M

| ├──103:20190215 auxiliary verb.mp4 313.43M

| ├──104:20190219Noun Clause.mp4 251.31M

| └──105: Adjective and adverb level 3.mp4 172.55M

├──Apple Community-12-step5 Main Grammar (Lao Huang Talks about Grammar)

| ├──01: Overview of subject-copula-predicate sentence patterns "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Page 1-3.mp4 5.13M

| ├──02: if conditional sentence subjunctive mood complex sentence.mp4 14.21M

| ├──03: Suggestive subjunctive mood.mp4 21.87M

| ├──04: Past continuous tense "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" page 94.mp4 15.43M

| ├──05: Future continuous tense and past future continuous tense "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" page 95.mp4 12.38M

| ├──06: Past Perfect Tense "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Pages 96-97.mp4 13.22M

| ├──07: Future Perfect, Past Future Perfect (High School) "Lao Huang Talks About Grammar" Pages 97-98.mp4 13.38M

| ├──08: The other three perfect progressive tenses (high school) "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pages 99-102.mp4 16.80M

| ├──09: Overview of Passive Voice "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 102-104.mp4 21.86M

| ├──10: "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Present Passive, Past Passive 105-106.mp4 21.07M

| ├──11: "Lao Huang's Grammar" Future tense and passive with modal verbs 107-108.mp4 16.39M

| ├──12: "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Present Perfect Tense, and Passive Tense of Various Perfect Tense 109-110.mp4 15.59M

| ├──13: "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Passive Voice in Special Sentences.mp4 22.79M

| ├──14: "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Indicative mood, imperative mood, pages 115-116.mp4 16.67M

| ├──15: "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Subjunctive Mood 1 (High School) Pages 117-119.mp4 16.62M

| ├──16: if conditional sentence subjunctive mood.mp4 19.05M

| ├──17: Present continuous tense "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pages 37-46.mp4 16.27M

| ├──18: Present tense 1 "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 47-49.mp4 13.43M

| ├──19: Present tense 2 "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 49-54.mp4 17.98M

| ├──20: Simple future tense 1 "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 55-60.mp4 14.14M

| ├──21: Simple future tense 2 "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 61-62.mp4 10.55M

| ├──22: Simple past tense "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 63-68.mp4 18.18M

| ├──23: Present Perfect Tense 1 "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 69-73.mp4 18.14M

| ├──24: Now complete 2 "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pages 74-76.mp4 21.80M

| ├──25: Present Perfect (continuative verbs) "Lao Huang's Grammar" pp. 77-84.mp4 21.16M

| ├──26: Present Perfect Progressive (High School) "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 85-88.mp4 12.25M

| ├──27: Present Perfect VS Present Perfect Progressive (High School) "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 89-91.mp4 12.11M

| ├──28: Past and Future Tense "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 91-93.mp4 12.11M

| ├──29: What is a copula? "Lao Huang's Grammar" Page 4.mp4 5.04M

| ├──30: Subject-predicate sentence, subject-predicate-object sentence "Lao Huang's Grammar" Page 5.mp4 3.80M

| ├──31: Subject-verb-object sentence (double object) "Lao Huang's Grammar" Page 5-8.mp4 6.32M

| ├──32: Overview of Object Complement "Lao Huang's Grammar" Page 8-11.mp4 6.37M

| ├──33: How to determine the auxiliary verb? "Lao Huang Talks About Grammar" Page 12-17.mp4 13.92M

| ├──34: Negative Sentences "Lao Huang Talks About Grammar" Page 18-19.mp4 6.69M

| ├──35: General interrogative sentences, selective interrogative sentences "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Page 19-21.mp4 9.96M

| ├──36: Overview of Special Questions "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Page 21-24.mp4 8.98M

| ├──37: Special interrogative sentences "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Page 25-26.mp4 12.00M

| ├──38: Antonymous Questions "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Page 26-28.mp4 13.93M

| ├──39: Special antonymic questions, negative questions, and answers "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" Page 29-30.mp4 8.97M

| ├──40: So, Neither semi-inverted sentence "Lao Huang Talks about Grammar" pp. 30-32.mp4 14.93M

| ├──41: Half-inverted sentence "Lao Huang Talks Grammar" (High School) Pages 33-34.mp4 15.55M

| └──42: Half-inverted sentence "Lao Huang Talks Grammar" (High School) Pages 34-35.mp4 10.69M

├──Apple Community-13-Step6 English Speaking Continuous Reading (Teacher Miss)

| ├──01: Wellput said it well.mp4 313.94kb

| ├──02: Whateveryousay is yours.mp4 508.69kb

| ├──03: Whom I'm kidding? .mp4 548.92kb

| ├──04: Whateveryousay is yours.mp4 508.69kb

| ├──05: Whydidyouliietome Why do you lie to me?mp4 469.34kb

| ├──06: Whodoyouthinkyouare Who do you think you are.mp4 518.32kb

| ├──07: willyoumaryme, are you willing to marry me?mp4 385.63kb

| ├──08: Youareamazing You are so awesome.mp4 725.69kb

| ├──09: Youbastard, you bad guy.mp4 595.85kb

| ├──10: Youcandoit You can do.mp4 521.11kb

| ├──11: youcompleteme you made my life complete.mp4 737.01kb

| ├──12: Youdeservebetter You deserve better.mp4 537.60kb

| ├──13: Youhavechanged You have changed.mp4 401.07kb

| ├──14: Youhadmeathello I love you at first sight.mp4 482.92kb

| ├──15: Yousuck, you are weak.mp4 488.17kb

| ├──16: Youruinedmylife You ruined my life.mp4 874.14kb

| ├──17: Youwish thinks beautifully.mp4 523.18kb

| ├──18: Nopeeking is not allowed to peek.mp4 474.60kb

| ├──19: Neversaynever never gives up.mp4 495.56kb

| ├──20: Please.mp4 494.53kb

| ├──21: Overmydeadbody Dream about you.mp4 713.92kb

| ├──22: Promiseme promised me.mp4 375.50kb

| ├──23: Riseandshine got up.mp4 727.91kb

| ├──24: Seeyoulater Goodbye.mp4 524.39kb

| ├──25: Showmethemoney I want to make a fortune.mp4 714.01kb

| ├──26: Shutthefuckup shuts your stinky mouth.mp4 728.99kb

| ├──27: Suityourself as you like.mp4 559.69kb

| ├──28: Sowhat So what.mp4 469.01kb

| ├──29: Surprise surprise.mp4 685.80kb

| ├──30: Timewilltell time will prove everything.mp4 259.65kb

| ├──31: Takecare.mp4 426.03kb

| ├──32: Welldone was beautifully done.mp4 488.17kb

| ├──33: Trustme trust me.mp4 335.44kb

| ├──34: Whatareyouwaitingfor What are you waiting for.mp4 669.83kb

| ├──35: Iadoreyou I like you.mp4 358.90kb

| ├──36: Igiveup I gave up.mp4 545.68kb

| ├──37: I have to go I have to go.mp4 511.55kb

| ├──38: Iloveyousomuch I love you very much.mp4 609.29kb

| ├──39: Ireallyappreciateit I really appreciate you.mp4 456.13kb

| ├──40: Isweartogod I swear to the sky.mp4 610.28kb

| ├──41: Ithinkaboutyoullthetime I have you in my mind.mp4 683.22kb

| ├──42: Iwanttobewithyou I want to be with you.mp4 411.53kb

| ├──43: Iwantyoutobehappy I hope you are happy.mp4 427.81kb

| ├──44: Iwaswrong I was wrong.mp4 441.17kb

| ├──45: Justbeyourself.mp4 452.97kb

| ├──46: Justtheopposite is exactly the opposite.mp4 515.78kb

| ├──47: knockitoff.mp4 450.18kb

| ├──48: Keepintouch Stay in touch.mp4 582.25kb

| ├──49: Life Life.mp4 450.85kb

| ├──50: mydoorisalwaysopen is welcome at any time.mp4 484.99kb

| ├──51: Nailedit has done it.mp4 532.78kb

| ├──52: Bless you! Bless you! .mp4 578.36kb

| ├──53: Breakaleg! Good luck! .mp4 557.43kb

| ├──54: Bringiton! Come here! .mp4 405.52kb

| ├──55: Comebacktome! Back to me! .mp4 503.73kb

| ├──56: Congratulations! Congratulations! .mp4 503.99kb

| ├──57: Countmein! I’m the one! .mp4 478.31kb

| ├──58: Farewell care.mp4 561.48kb

| ├──59: Getawayfromme stays away from me.mp4 574.61kb

| ├──60: Fingerscrossed Good luck.mp4 651.24kb

| ├──61: Gotohell, go hell.mp4 624.97kb

| ├──62: Goodluck Good Luck.mp4 474.43kb

| ├──63: Goodnight Goodnight.mp4 480.81kb

| ├──64: Hanginthere hold on.mp4 464.42kb

| ├──65: Haveaniceday I wish you a happy day.mp4 559.82kb

| ├──66: Howhaveyoubeen is doing well recently.mp4 547.38kb

| ├──67: Spoken reading section 1.mp4 10.25M

| ├──68: Spoken reading section 2.mp4 15.70M

| ├──69: Spoken reading section 3.mp4 7.73M

| ├──70: Spoken reading section 4.mp4 10.08M

| ├──71: Spoken reading Section 5.mp4 3.03M

| ├──72: Spoken reading Section 6.mp4 7.08M

| ├──73: Spoken reading section 7.mp4 7.61M

| ├──74: Spoken reading Section 8.mp4 2.55M

| ├──75: Spoken reading Section 9.mp4 6.80M

| ├──76: Spoken reading Section 10.mp4 4.23M

| ├──77: Spoken reading.mp4 9.38M

| ├──78: Rereading oral sentences.mp4 11.00M

| ├──79: Anythingispossible! Everything is possible! .mp4 709.88kb

| ├──80:Bemyguest! Please do whatever you want! .mp4 575.95kb

| ├──81:Behappy! Be happy! .mp4 539.05kb

| └──82: Beatsme! I don’t know! .mp4 517.96kb

├──Apple Community-14-Step7 Lao Huang English Electronic Resource Pack

├──Apple Community-15-step8 English learning method (free)

| ├──01: The language genius of the University of Tokyo who can speak ten languages ​​tells you the experience and secrets of language learning.mp4 31.19M

| ├──02: The secret to improving English listening - Open class.mp4 9.32M

| ├──03: How to learn spoken English well with echo law—TEDx.mp4 39.94M

| ├──04:123 Memorization method teaches you to memorize words quickly and effectively.mp4 52.41M

| ├──05: Most commonly used spoken English (130 basic English phrases).mp4 105.26M

| ├──06: How to master a foreign language within six months.mp4 62.76M

| ├──07: 5 tips for improving English listening.mp4 32.43M

| ├──08: English listening progress keyword training.mp4 28.13M

| ├──09: The secret to how to quickly improve English listening and understand English.mp4 42.37M

| ├──10: English short sentence dialogue & listening training 1000 sentences.mp4 189.18M

| ├──11: 5 tips to improve writing skills - high difficulty.mp4 52.88M

| ├──12: Five tips to improve English writing.mp4 40.62M

| ├──13: How to master the writing structure and skills of English composition.mp4 30.77M

| ├──14: British English Standard Pronunciation-Like Training.mp4 257.74M

| ├──15: Standard American pronunciation of 48 phonetic symbols.mp4 9.55M

| ├──16: 500 sentences for slow and simple English speaking exercises.mp4 200.00M

| ├──17: 1500 commonly used spoken English words.mp4 55.21M

| ├──18: English accent correction course—the best video for correcting pronunciation.mp4 888.36M

| ├──19: Foreigners’ detailed anatomy of English phonetic symbols and pronunciation teaching - authentic English speaking.mp4 160.03M

| ├──20: Listening materials|Chinese and English|Obama's farewell speech. .mp4 241.06M

| ├──21: Want to learn a language? Tell it out like playing an electronic game.mp4 42.24M

| └──22: Full analysis—the most effective way to memorize words.mp4 53.92M

├──Apple Community-16-Step9 Please click on the homepage of the official account to memorize the words together

| └──00Step.7 Memorize words together.pdf 146.44kb

├──Apple Community-17-Step10 Lao Huang English Question Bank

├──Apple Community-18-Step11 Lao Huang's grammar live broadcast playback (updated from time to time)

| ├──01:20191224 Double Object.mp4 240.21M

| ├──02: 20191223 Passive Voice.mp4 244.59M

| ├──03: 20191212 Non-predicate verb (subject).mp4 264.89M

| ├──04: 20191209 Non-predicate verb (object supplement).mp4 169.27M

| ├──05: 20191207 Adverbial Clause.mp4 231.75M

| ├──06:20191206 Concession Adverbial Clause.mp4 177.27M

| ├──07: 20191129 Conditional Adverbial Clause.mp4 191.50M

| ├──08: 20191127 Attribution clause (3).mp4 131.61M

| ├──09: 2019116 Attribute clause (2) is determined after the name.mp4 201.38M

| ├──10: 20191125 Attribute Clause (1) Adjective Clause.mp4 290.93M

| ├──11: 20191113 Indefinite Pronoun-other Series.mp4 239.43M

| ├──12: 20191112 Indefinite Pronoun - Two or more.mp4 234.40M

| ├──13: 20191110 Reflexive Pronoun.mp4 240.87M

| ├──14: 20191109 Personal pronouns, subject pronoun.mp4 219.38M

| ├──15: 20191108 Prepositions and location & direction.mp4 212.46M

| ├──16: 20200731 Predicate verb.mp4 280.48M

| ├──17: Attribute clause guided by wherewhy.mp4 57.57M

| ├──18: Usage of the attributive clause whose.mp4 71.60M

| ├──19: 20100604 Verb + ing change rules.mp4 41.84M

| ├──20: 20200403 Five simple sentence forms.mp4 334.33M

| ├──21:20200401 Past Progressive .mp4 202.65M

| └──22: 20191226 Antonymological Questions.mp4 284.32M

├──Apple Community-19-step12 Phonetic Live Playback Selection

├──Apple Community-20-step13 Lao Huang’s Three-character English Sutra

| └──01 English Three Character Classic Complete Article.mp4 140.11M

└───Apple Community-21-step14 Lao Huang English Grocery Store

| └──01: The pronunciation of 48 international phonetic symbols.mp4 13.55M

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