Chen Dezhong-21-day mindfulness training camp

Chen Dezhong-21-day mindfulness training camp

Course Catalog


| ├──Day1 Course Concept: First Encounter with the World-famous Mindfulness.mp3 12.04M

| ├──Day1 Course Concept: First Encounter with the World-famous Mindfulness.pdf 3.74M

| ├──Day1 Mindfulness Guidance: Relaxation training to relax your muscles and feel the body's response.mp3 9.50M

| ├──Day1 Mindfulness Guidance: Relaxation Training Relax your muscles and feel your body's response.pdf 1.26M

| ├──Day 1 Independent Practice: Tactile Experience Do you really "live in the body"? .mp3 1.75M

| ├──Day 1 Independent Practice: Tactile Experience Do you really "live in the body"? .pdf 847.35kb

| └──Q&A.docx 51.40kb


| ├──Day2 Course Concept: Understanding Mindfulness The meaning, history and science of mindfulness.mp3 13.75M

| ├──Day2 Course Concept: Understanding Mindfulness The meaning, history and science of mindfulness.pdf 2.69M

| ├──Day2 Mindfulness Guidance: Five senses make your world richer.mp3 9.47M

| ├──Day2 Mindfulness Guidance: Five senses make your world richer.pdf 3.89M

| ├──Day2 Independent Practice: Magical Raisins A raisin brings a wonderful sensory experience.mp3 2.09M

| └──Day2 Independent Practice: Magical Raisins A raisin brings a wonderful sensory experience.pdf 972.48kb


| ├──Day3 course concept: The power of the present moment to gain joy and strength in peace.mp3 20.00M

| ├──Day3 course concept: The power of the present moment to gain joy and strength in peace.pdf 215.89kb

| ├──Day3 Mindfulness Guidance: Return body awareness to the body and feel the breath.mp3 6.42M

| ├──Day3 Mindfulness Guidance: Return body awareness to the body and feel the breath.pdf 133.41kb

| ├──Day3 independent practice: Three minutes of breathing observation to get to know your best friend.mp3 1.45M

| └──Day3 independent practice: Three minutes of breathing observation to get to know your best friend.pdf 725.81kb


| ├──Day4 course concept: 7 attitudes. Life attitude determines height.mp3 14.36M

| ├──Day4 course concept: 7 attitudes. Life attitude determines height.pdf 2.99M

| ├──Day4 mindfulness guidance: Give some space to pause, be aware, and breathe.mp3 8.71M

| ├──Day4 mindfulness guidance: Give some space to pause, be aware, and breathe.pdf 1.44M

| ├──Day4 Independent Practice: Five minutes of breathing observation is becoming more and more familiar.mp3 1.54M

| └──Day4 Independent Practice: Five-minute breathing observation is becoming more and more familiar.pdf 706.49kb


| ├──Day5 course concept: How to develop concentration from confusion to clarity.mp3 14.24M

| ├──Day5 course concept: How to develop concentration from confusion to clarity.pdf 2.44M

| ├──Day5 Mindfulness Guidance.mp3 11.72M

| ├──Day5 Mindfulness Guidance.pdf 2.61M

| ├──Day5 Independent Practice.mp3 1.17M

| └──Day5 Independent Practice.pdf 563.53kb


| ├──Day6 course concept: The secret to improving efficiency and eliminating the subtle "absent-mindedness".pdf 2.32M

| ├──Day6 course concept: The secret to improving efficiency and eliminating the subtle "absent-mindedness"Ⅰ.mp3 7.03M

| ├──Day6 course concept: The secret to improving efficiency and eliminating the subtle "absent-mindedness" Ⅱ.mp3 8.79M

| ├──Day6 Mindfulness Guidance.pdf 1.36M

| ├──Day6 Mindfulness GuidanceⅠ.mp3 1.42M

| ├──Day6 Mindfulness GuidanceⅡ.mp3 11.72M

| ├──Day6 Independent Practice.mp3 1.05M

| └──Day6 Independent Practice.pdf 1.17M


| ├──Day7 Course Concept: Mindful Eating I heard that I can eat without gaining weight.mp3 16.63M

| ├──Day7 Course Concept: Mindful Eating I heard that I can eat without getting fat.pdf 1.28M

| ├──Day7 Mindfulness Guidance.mp3 11.72M

| ├──Day7 Mindfulness Guidance.pdf 1.08M

| ├──Day7 independent practice.mp3 1.81M

| └──Day7 Self-Study.pdf 1.63M


| ├──Day8 course concept: Deeply understand the nature of thoughts and ideas.mp3 20.84M

| ├──Day8 course concept: Deeply understand the essence of thoughts and ideas.pdf 1.43M

| ├──Day8 Mindfulness Guidance.mp3 11.72M

| ├──Day8 Mindfulness Guidance.pdf 1.24M

| ├──Day8 independent practice.mp3 3.94M

| └──Day8 Self-Study.pdf 2.83M


| ├──Day9 course concept: The real key to stress relief How do I usually view my sources of stress? .mp3 13.70M

| ├──Day9 course concept: The real key to stress relief How do I usually view my sources of stress? .pdf 4.20M

| ├──Day9 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scan and Stay in the Body.mp3 13.72M

| ├──Day9 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scan and Staying in the Body.pdf 2.01M

| ├──Day9 Independent Practice: Body Scan (A) First Day of Awareness Training (Follow the Guided Audio File).mp3 1.16M

| └──Day9 Independent Practice: Body Scan (A) First Day of Awareness Training (Follow the Guided Audio File).pdf 611.74kb

├──Day 10

| ├──day10 course concept: How to quickly enter high-quality sleep by relieving stress and helping sleep.mp3 16.96M

| ├──Day10 course concept: How to quickly enter high-quality sleep by relieving stress and helping sleep.pdf 933.47kb

| ├──Day10 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scanning Posture Contact.mp3 24.15M

| ├──Day10 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scanning Posture Contact.pdf 1.09M

| ├──Day 10 Independent Practice: Body Scan (B) Awareness Training Day 2 (Follow the Guided Audio File).mp3 833.80kb

| └──Day 10 Independent Practice: Body Scan (B) Awareness Training Day 2 (Follow the Guided Audio File).pdf 279.17kb


| ├──Day11 Course Concept: From physical feelings to mental feelings and real contact with emotions.mp3 13.15M

| ├──Day11 course concept: From physical feelings to mental feelings and true contact with emotions.pdf 1.20M

| ├──Day11 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scanning, Body and Mind Integration.mp3 23.39M

| ├──Day11 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scanning, Body and Mind Integration.pdf 1017.74kb

| ├──Day11 Independent Practice: Body Scan (C) Awareness Training Day 3 (Follow the Guided Audio File).mp3 835.02kb

| └──Day11 Independent Practice: Body Scan (C) Awareness Training Day 3 (Follow the Guided Audio File).pdf 272.16kb


| ├──Day12 Course Concept: Mindful Emotional Management How should I view those “very annoying” emotions? .mp3 13.97M

| ├──Day12 Course Concept: Mindful Emotional Management How should I view those “very annoying” emotions? .pdf 1.29M

| ├──Day12 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scanning and Feeling Experience.mp3 20.55M

| ├──Day12 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scanning, Feeling and Experience.pdf 629.13kb

| ├──Day12 Independent Practice: Body Scan (D) Awareness Training Day 4 (Follow the Guided Audio File).mp3 796.65kb

| └──Day12 Independent Practice: Body Scan (D) Awareness Training Day 4 (Follow the Guided Audio File).pdf 286.50kb


| ├──Day13 Course Concept: How to effectively reduce anxiety, improve emotional intelligence, and stay away from conflicts.mp3 25.06M

| ├──Day13 Course Concept: How to effectively improve emotional intelligence and stay away from conflicts by reducing anxiety.pdf 1.19M

| ├──Day13 Mindfulness Guidance: Scan the body and feel the essence.mp3 21.22M

| ├──Day13 Mindfulness Guidance: Body Scanning to Feel the Essence.pdf 406.16kb

| ├──Day13 Independent Practice: Body Scan (E) Awareness Training Day 5 (Congratulations!!).mp3 2.12M

| └──Day13 Independent Practice: Body Scan (E) Awareness Training Day 5 (Congratulations!!).pdf 1.01M


| ├──Day14 course concept: The secret to increasing joyful energy.mp3 16.48M

| ├──Day14 course concept: The secret to increasing joyful energy.pdf 808.00kb

| ├──Day14 Mindfulness Guidance: Appreciate the Merits and Remember the Gratitude.mp3 8.51M

| ├──Day14 Mindfulness Guidance: Appreciate the Merits and Remember the Gratitude.pdf 1.39M

| ├──Day14 Independent Practice: Happy Event Log Capture every bit of happiness.mp3 975.02kb

| └──Day14 Independent Practice: Happy Event Log Capture every bit of happiness.pdf 605.27kb


| ├──Day15 Course Concept: The Great Way is Simple and Keeping a Normal Mind Makes You Efficient and Relaxed.mp3 14.70M

| ├──Day15 Course Concept: The Great Way is Simple and a Normal Mind Makes You Efficient and Relaxed.pdf 1.51M

| ├──Day15 Mindfulness Guidance: Mindfulness Stretch (Yoga) Dynamic Awareness.mp3 26.08M

| ├──Day15 Mindfulness Guidance: Mindfulness Stretch (Yoga) Dynamic Awareness.pdf 2.15M

| ├──Day15 Independent Practice: Mindfulness Stretch Where the body is, where the mind is.mp3 2.10M

| └──Day15 Independent Practice: Mindfulness Stretch Where the body is, where the mind is.pdf 1.76M


| ├──Day16 Course Concept: Overcome mobile phone addiction and gain a richer life.mp3 22.76M

| ├──Day16 Course Concept: Overcome mobile phone addiction and gain freedom to live a richer life.pdf 913.59kb

| ├──Day16 Mindfulness Guidance: Mindfulness walking is down-to-earth, step by step.mp3 13.01M

| ├──Day16 Mindfulness Guidance: Mindfulness walking is down-to-earth, step by step.pdf 1.15M

| ├──Day16Self-Practice: Mindfulness in Life Please eat when you eat and sleep when you sleep.mp3 1.71M

| └──Day16Self-Practice: Mindfulness in Life Please eat when you eat and sleep when you sleep.pdf 868.97kb


| ├──Day17 Course Concept: The variability of life: Life is more exciting when facing changes.mp3 12.05M

| ├──Day17 Course Concept: The Changeability of Life: Life is More Wonderful When Facing Change.pdf 1.74M

| ├──Day17 Mindfulness Guidance.mp3 1.61M

| ├──Day17 Mindfulness Guidance.pdf 1.10M

| ├──Day17 Mindfulness Guidance: Overall Meditation and Choiceless Awareness.mp3 13.90M

| └──Day17Self-Study.pdf 675.90kb


| ├──Day18 Course Concept: Interpersonal Relationships in Mindfulness: Improving Communication Patterns and Obtaining Quality Relationships.mp3 14.19M

| ├──Day18 Course Concept: Interpersonal Relationships in Mindfulness: Improving Communication Patterns and Obtaining Quality Relationships.pdf 1.24M

| ├──Day18 Mindfulness Guidance: Mindful Listening and Speaking: The Secret to Connecting with People.mp3 4.64M

| ├──Day18 Mindfulness Guidance: Mindful Listening and Speaking: The Secret to Connecting with People.pdf 2.51M

| └──Day18 Self-practice: Mindful communication: Use it in daily interpersonal relationships (without audio).pdf 2.57M


| ├──Day19 Course Concept: Compassion: See the beauty and transform the pain.mp3 18.42M

| ├──Day19 Course Concept: Compassion: See the beauty and transform the pain.pdf 1.75M

| ├──Day19 Mindfulness Guide: Meditation: Gratitude and Blessing.mp3 18.68M

| ├──Day19 Mindfulness Guide: Meditation: Gratitude and Blessing.pdf 1.19M

| ├──Day19 Self-practice: Loving-kindness meditation: Expand your mind and receive infinite blessings.mp3 1.13M

| └──Day19 Self-practice: Loving-kindness meditation: Expand your mind and receive infinite blessings.pdf 701.90kb

├──Day 20

| ├──Day20 Course Concept: Have a better emotional relationship: Mindfulness makes you more attractive.mp3 23.74M

| ├──Day20 Course Concept: Have a better emotional relationship: Mindfulness makes you more attractive.pdf 2.92M

| ├──Day20 Mindfulness Guidance: Let go of suspicion and worry, embrace joy and happiness.mp3 11.47M

| ├──Day20 Mindfulness Guidance: Let go of suspicion and worry, embrace joy and happiness.pdf 1.02M

| ├──Day20 Self-practice: Be a giver of love, not a beggar of love.mp3 897.06kb

| └──Day20 Self-practice: Be a giver of love, not a beggar of love.pdf 453.23kb


| ├──Day 21 Course Concept: Review and Outlook.mp3 11.81M

| ├──Day 21 Course Concept: Review and Outlook.pdf 2.60M

| ├──Day 21 Mindfulness Guidance: Integrated Mindfulness Practice: From Now to the Future.mp3 5.58M

| ├──Day 21 Mindfulness Guide: Integrated Mindfulness Practice: From Now to the Future.pdf 1010.67kb

| ├──Day 21 Self-Practice: Become a Better Self.mp3 1.77M

| └──Day 21 Self-Practice: Become a Better Self.pdf 594.41kb

├──【Interactive Live Broadcast】Learn this trick, there will be no difficulties in life that you can't overcome. The miracle of mindfulness.mp3 51.58M

├──Chen Dezhong: Learn this trick, you can also be calm and unhurried on the outside and gentle and firm on the inside.mp3 4.10M

├──Mentor's Story_ Changing my mindset from an anxious college student to a well-known mindfulness mentor.pdf 6.64M

├──Defen recommends a new lifestyle that keeps you happy at all times.mp4 5.69M

└──Course Announcement.pdf 6.81M

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