DedeCMS template common tags

DedeCMS template common tags

I have been searching for the commonly used tags in DedeCMS templates for a long time. Since this is something I will use frequently, I will prepare it and use it slowly.

{dede:global.cfg_webname/} site name
{dede:global.cfg_basehost/} site url (backend settings)
{dede:global.cfg_cmsurl/} The actual URL of the site (recommended by Qiqi)
{dede:global.cfg_memberurl/} Member Center Address
{dede:global.cfg_dataurl/} site data directory address
{dede:global.cfg_templeturl/} template directory address
{dede:global.cfg_powerby/} Bottom copyright
{dede:global.cfg_beian/} Record information

{dede:field.description function='html2text(@me)'/} Site description
{dede:field.phpurl/} site plus directory site address
{dede:field.title/} Title
{dede:field.keywords/} Keywords

{dede:flink row='24′/}Friendly Links

{dede:field.content/} Column content

{dede:field.position/} Current position
{dede:field.pubdate function=”MyDate('Ymd H:i',@me)”/} Time
{dede:field.source/} Source
{dede:field.writer/} Author
<script src=”{dede:field name='phpurl'/}/count.php?view=yes&aid={dede:field name='id'/}&mid={dede:field name='mid'/}” type='text/javascript' language=”javascript”></script> Number of clicks
{dede:field.body/} Article content
{dede:adminname/} Editor in Charge
{dede:pagebreak/} Page number
{dede:prenext get='pre'/} Previous article
{dede:prenext get='next'/} Next article

{dede:channel type='self' currentstyle=”<span><a href='~typelink~' class='thisclass'>~typename~</a></span>”}
<span><a href='[field:typeurl/]'>[field:typename/]</a></span>{/dede:channel}

{dede:include filename=”*.htm”/} calls the template file
<a href=”[field:spaceurl /]“><img src=”[field:face/]” width=”52″ height=”52″ /></a> Avatar
<a href='[field:spaceurl /]'>[field:uname/]</a> Username
<a href=”[field:spaceurl /]”>View details</a>
<a href=”[field:spaceurl /]&action=guestbook”>Send message</a>
<a href=”[field:spaceurl /]&action=newfriend”>Add as friend</a>
User rank:</small>[field:rankname /]
Registration time:</small>[field:jointime function="MyDate('Ymd H:m',@me)"/]
Last login:</small>[field:logintime function="MyDate('Ymd H:m',@me)"/]

<a href=”{dede:field name='phpurl'/}/stow.php?aid={}” target=”_blank”>Collection</a>
<a href=”{dede:field name='phpurl'/}/erraddsave.php?aid={}&title={dede:field.title/}” target=”_blank”>Find an error</a>
<a href=”{dede:field name='phpurl'/}/recommend.php?aid={}” target=”_blank”>Recommend</a>
<a href=”#” onClick=”window.print();”>Print</a>

Document List
{dede:arclist titlelen=42 row=10}
<li><a href=”[field:arcurl/]”>[field:title/]</a>
<p>[field:description function='cn_substr(@me,80)'/]…</p>

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