Apple App Store’s latest review rules in June! It is said that everything has changed!

Apple App Store’s latest review rules in June! It is said that everything has changed!
After the WWDC2016 conference, Apple released four new platforms: iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. And after that, the Apple App Store review terms were also updated at the same time - it seems that it was not an update, it was simply a rewrite! The 30 chapters of the previous version were revised into 5 major chapters, but the word count of the original English version increased from more than 5,000 English words to more than 6,000 English words. Table of contents Apple App Store Review Terms—AppStore Review Guidelines Overview Checklist before submitting your app: 1 Safety 1.1 Inappropriate Content 1.2 User Generated Content 1.3 Classification for Children 1.4 Personal Harm 1.5 Developer Information 2 Performance 2.1 App Integrity 2.2 Beta Testing 2.3 Accuracy of App Content 2.4 Hardware Compatibility 2.5 Software Requirements 3 Business 3.1 Payments 3.2 Other Business Model Issues 4 Design 4.1 Copycats 4.2 Minimal Features 4.3 Junk Apps 4.4 Extensions 4.5 Apple Sites and Services 5 Legal 5.1 Privacy 5.2 Intellectual Property 5.3 Games , Gambling, Lotteries After submitting your app: Checklist before submitting your app To help your app's review process go as smoothly as possible, please review the following list of common mistakes that may slow down the review process or cause it to be rejected. This checklist is not a substitute for reviewing your terms, but making sure you meet the requirements of the checklist is a good start. Make sure you have:
  1. Test your app to make sure it doesn't crash or have errors
  2. Ensure your app’s information and content remain complete and accurate
  3. Ensure that the contact information is always valid so that the review team can contact you in a timely manner
  4. Provide a valid test account and login information, and provide the necessary hardware and resources for the test function (for example, a QR code for testing)
  5. Ensure that the backend service is running normally during the audit period
  6. If some of the app's features and in-app payments are hidden, detailed description and supporting documents are required. If we cannot use this function properly due to geographical reasons, please provide a video link describing the function.
  7. Please check whether your application complies with other regulations, including (note that some of the contents in the article also have corresponding terms and instructions, please check carefully)
 aDevelopment Guide App Programming Guide App Extension Programming Guide iOS Data Storage Guidelines Mac OS X File System Documentation Safari Extensions Development Guide iTunes Connect Developer Guide bDesign Guide iOS Human Interface Guidelines Mac OS Human Interface Guidelines tvOS Human Interface Guidelines watchOS Human Interface Guidelines cBrand Marketing Guide App Store Marketing Guidelines Apple Pay Identity Guidelines Add to Apple Wallet Guidelines Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks and Copyrights 1. Security When users install apps from the App Store, they want to be sure that it is safe to do so. Therefore, the application must not contain unpleasant or offensive content, and its use will not cause physical or mental harm. We've listed several common flaws. If your app is intended to offend or conflict with users, the App Store is not the place for your app. 1.1 Inappropriate Content Applications should not contain content that is offensive, sensitive, objectionable, insulting or in poor taste. For example: 1.1.1 Defamatory or defamatory content, including quotations or comments about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender or other target groups, especially if the application causes harm to a specific group of people (only professional political satirists and humorists are not subject to this restriction). 1.1.2 Realistic descriptions of the killing, maiming, torture, or abuse of people or animals, or content with violent tendencies. If it's a game, then the enemies can't just target a specific race, culture, government, company, or any other entity. 1.1.3 Content that encourages the illegal or reckless use of weapons and dangerous items, or content that facilitates the purchase of guns. 1.1.4 Overtly sexual or pornographic content. According to Webster's Dictionary, this refers specifically to "explicit description or display of sexual organs or content intended to arouse sexual desire rather than to create aesthetic appeal or atmosphere." 1.1.5 Incitement to religious hatred or misleading and inaccurate references to religious texts. 1.1.6 Providing false information and false functionality, including providing incorrect device information and providing mischievous functionality such as fake location tracking tools . Even explicitly stating that the app is for entertainment purposes does not disregard that clause. Apps that send anonymous fake fraud messages or make malicious calls will be rejected directly. 1.2 User-generated content In order to prevent the illegal abuse of user-generated content, thereby providing users with false information and stealing their intellectual property, social applications and applications that contain user-generated information must include the following functions: Filter bad content Provide a reporting mechanism Backend services can provide protection from harassment of users Provide official contact information so that users can quickly contact the developer If the main purpose of an application when using user-generated content or providing services is to publish pornographic content, human flesh searches, insult users, threaten or intimidate users, such applications should not be placed in the App Store, and Apple may remove them directly without notifying the developer. If your app uses user-generated information to provide network services, and the web page contains some restricted content, it needs to be hidden by default and provide an obvious NSFW (Not Suitable for Workplace) logo, which will only be displayed when the user actively clicks. 1.3 Kids Category The Kids Category is a great way for people to find apps suitable for kids. If you want your app to be listed in this category, you need to pay attention to and take into account the good experience of children when designing your app. These apps may not include links to other apps, paid entry points, or other inappropriate content that may appeal to children unless parents are provided with the ability to monitor and enable such content. Keep in mind that once customers expect your app to comply with the Children’s Category requirements, it will need to be continually modified to comply with the Children’s Category terms in subsequent versions. Even if you decide to unlist in the Children's category you still need to abide by these terms. Click here to learn more about Parental Controls. Apps in the children’s category are not allowed to include behaviorally based ads (i.e. ads that determine what content to display based on user behavior). If advertising is included, it must also be appropriate for children. At the same time, you also need to pay special attention to relevant laws and regulations around the world regarding the collection of children's data online. Please be sure to review the privacy policy of this article for more relevant information. 1.4 Personal Harm If your application may endanger personal safety, we may reject it. Such situations include: 1.4.1 If your app falls into the medical category, we will conduct a more stringent review of the accuracy of the information provided by the app for medical diagnosis. If your medical application has been approved by the relevant regulatory authorities, you need to provide a link to the relevant approval document along with your application for review. 1.4.2 Drug dosage calculators must come from drug manufacturers, hospitals, universities, health insurance companies, and other legally qualified entities. Or your calculation method has been recognized by the FDA or other international peers. Given the potential risk of personal injury, we need to ensure that your app will receive updates and support over the long term. 1.4.3 Apps are not allowed to encourage people to illegally consume excessive amounts of alcohol or drugs, or to encourage underage consumption of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. At the same time, the sale of drugs such as marijuana is strictly prohibited. 1.4.4 Apps may only display DUI checkpoints provided by law enforcement agencies and may not encourage people to engage in dangerous behavior, including driving under the influence of alcohol or speeding. 1.4.5 Apps may not force people to use their devices in ways that violate the security documentation of Apple hardware, including risking damage to the device or personal injury. For example, apps shouldn’t encourage people to tuck their devices under their mattresses or pillows to charge. 1.5 Developer Information Users need to know how to contact you when they encounter problems. Make sure the links you provide include an easy way for users to find you. If the contact information is inaccurate or out of date, it will not only frustrate users, but it is also illegal in some countries and regions. At the same time, ensure that the payment permission contains valid contact information for the issuer and that this information is signed with a legitimate root certificate from an authority assigned to the issuer. 2 Performance 2.1 Integrity of the Application The submitted version of the application must be the final version and include all application content and all valid links. When submitting an application, you need to clear all placeholders, invalid addresses, and temporary content. Make sure your app is fully tested and bug-free before submitting it for review. If your app requires login, it must contain a valid account and the corresponding background service must be normal and valid. If your app includes in-app purchases, make sure they are complete, up-to-date, and easy for reviewers to find. If not, a clear explanation needs to be provided as to why not. Please do not treat application review as a software testing service. If your application is incomplete or has obvious technical defects, it will be rejected directly. 2.2 Beta Testing The test version of your application should not be published to the App Store, please use Testflight instead. If your app is submitted to Testflight Beta, then the app is ready for external release and complies with the app review terms. Please note that Testflight versions of apps do not allow you to earn any benefits from testers, including funds from crowdfunding. You should provide clear update instructions to testers. Learn more in the Testflight Beta Testing Instructions. 2.3 Accuracy of App Content Customers need to know exactly what your app is when they download it, so make sure your app description, screenshots, and preview videos are always up to date and accurately reflect your app. 2.3.1 Do not include any hidden or undocumented features in your app. The functionality of your app must be clear to both users and auditors. If this behavior is excessive or repeated, you may be removed from Apple's developer status. We work hard to ensure the App Store is a trusted ecosystem and expect every developer to do the same. If you don't have credibility, we don't want to work with you. 2.3.2 If your app includes in-app payment features, please make sure that your app's description, screenshots, and preview videos clearly indicate which features, levels, subscription content, etc. require additional purchases. 2.3.3 Your screenshots must reflect the actual content of your app, not title art, login screens, or splash screens. 2.3.4 Your preview video is a great way to give users a quick overview of what your app does. To ensure people have a clear understanding of what they’ll get in your app, your preview video must be captured from the app itself in action. You can add voiceover or text descriptions to help explain things that the video itself can't explain clearly. 2.3.5 You need to comply with the App Store category definitions and select the most appropriate category for your app. If the category you selected doesn't fit your app, we may be able to help you change your app category. 2.3.6 You must honestly answer the age rating questions provided on iTunes Connect so that your app can use parental controls properly. If your app's age rating is incorrect, users may be surprised by the behavior of your app, which may also lead to regulators in some countries and regions investigating your app's incorrect rating. 2.3.7 You need to create a unique app name and design a set of keywords that accurately describe your app. Don't try to package your app with trademarked terms, popular app names, and other irrelevant words. Apple may modify inappropriate keywords at any time. 2.3.8 Your app content should be appropriate for all users, so make sure your app icon, screenshots, and preview videos accurately reflect your app. Even if your app age rating is higher than 4+, your icon, screenshots, and preview video must also comply with the 4+ age rating. For example, if your app is a game and contains violent content, you must choose a screenshot that does not reflect death or execution to put in the app store. Remember to make sure your app content, including app name and icon (small icon, large icon, Apple Watch icon, etc.) is consistent to prevent user confusion. 2.3.9 Developers are responsible for ensuring the legality of copyrights, including the copyrights of application icons, screenshots, and preview videos. Icons, screenshots, and preview videos need to use the information of a fictitious account instead of a real user. 2.4 Hardware Compatibility 2.4.1 To ensure that people can experience your app as fully as possible, iPhone apps should also work perfectly on iPad whenever possible. We encourage you to build universal apps that users can use on different devices. 2.4.2 Your application needs to use power efficiently. Apps should not drain battery power rapidly, generate excessive heat, or place unnecessary strain on the user's device. 2.4.3 Your Apple TV app can run normally when only the Siri remote or game controller is used, but we do not object to you enhancing the functionality of your app through more peripheral devices. If you require a game controller, make sure to provide a clear tutorial for the game controller in your game so that users know how to use the controller. 2.4.4 Applications should not suggest or require a device reboot. 2.4.5 Applications distributed through the Mac App Store are subject to additional requirements: (i) They must be properly sandboxed and comply with the Mac OS File System documentation. These applications must also modify the data of other applications (such as bookmarks, address books, and calendars) through the corresponding Mac OS API. (ii) The application must be packaged using Xcode and may not include third-party installers. They must be self-contained, single-file installers and must not install code and extract resources to a shared location. (iii) The application is not allowed to start automatically or at boot without the user's permission, and background processes are not allowed to remain after the user exits the application without the user's consent. Applications are not allowed to automatically place icons in the Dock or on the user's desktop. (iv) Applications are not allowed to privately download and install other applications, drivers, additional code, and resource files that add application functionality or significantly change the way the application works from the approved version of the application. (v) Applications are not permitted to require escalation to root privileges or to use the setuid attribute to escalate privileges. (vi) When these applications are running, they are not allowed to pop up a window requesting a license, or use other display methods to prevent piracy (the app store allows payment and is considered to have purchased a genuine license). (vii) Updates must be released using the Mac App Store; no other methods are allowed. (viii) The application can only run on the current version of the system. It is not allowed to use optional installed technologies or obsolete technologies (such as Java, Rosetta, etc.) (ix) All localized versions must be included in the same application package. 2.5 Software Requirements 2.5.1 Applications can only use public APIs and are not allowed to use private APIs. 2.5.2 Application bundles must be self-contained, not allowed to read or write data outside of the container for which they are designed, and must not download, install, or execute code, including other iOS, watchOS, macOS, and tvOS apps. 2.5.3 Applications that spread viruses, files, computer codes, or other functions that may damage the operating system and hardware, including push notifications and game centers, will be rejected. If the behavior is egregious and repeated, the developer may be removed from Apple's roster. 2.5.4 Multitasking applications can only run background services for their intended purpose, such as Internet calls, audio playback, location services, task scheduling, local notifications, etc. If your app uses location services, provide a clear reminder to the user that doing so will increase battery life. 2.5.5 We will review your app on an IPv6 network, so if your app cannot use the IPv6 protocol, it may be rejected. 2.5.6 Applications that browse the web must use the WebKit framework and the WebKit JavaScript standard. 2.5.7 Videos played over cellular data networks that are longer than 10 minutes must use HTTP Live Streaming technology and provide a 192kbps bitrate option. 2.5.8 Applications that change the user's desktop/home interface environment experience and applications that simulate the experience of using multiple application widgets will be rejected. 2.5.9 Apps that modify the functionality of standard switches, such as the volume up and down buttons and the ringer switch, or other native user interface elements and behaviors will be rejected. 2.5.10 Applications may not include an empty ad bar or test ads when submitted. 3 Business There are many ways to make money with your app in the App Store. If the business model of your app is not obvious enough, please provide a commercial description in the app content or review notes. If we cannot understand the behavior of your application, or your in-app payment entry is not obvious enough, your application review will be slowed down or even rejected. Although you have the right to set prices, if your app or in-app payment shows obvious extortionate behavior, we will refuse to publish the app or in-app payment. We will reject expensive apps that attempt to defraud users with abnormally high prices. If we find that you are trying to induce users to give higher ratings or otherwise manipulate reviews, such as through payment, filtering out bad reviews, using a private army to post fake reviews, or using a third-party company or team to do so on your behalf, we will take measures to maintain the App Store environment, which may include removing you from the developer list. 3.1 Payment 3.1.1 In-app Payments: If you want to unlock features in your app by paying (e.g., subscriptions, game currency, game levels, access to premium content, unlocking the full version), you must use in-app payments (IAP). Apps are not allowed to include buttons, links, or other calls and actions to direct users to pay using non-IAP methods. The virtual currency or points purchased in the game through IAP must only be consumed within this application and cannot expire. You should ensure that your application has the function and mechanism to restore the purchase status of in-app payments with restorable in-app payments. If the payment type for your in-app purchases is incorrect, your app will be rejected. Apps may not directly or indirectly use in-app paid content and features to send gifts to other users. Apps released on the Mac App Store need to use another mechanism or include a plug-in rather than the App Store itself to accomplish this gifting functionality. 3.1.2 Subscriptions: Auto-renewable subscriptions are only available using in-app purchases and are only available for periodicals (e.g., newspapers and magazines), business apps (e.g., enterprise, productivity, professional creation, and cloud storage), media apps (e.g., video, audio, voice, and photo sharing), and other approved services (e.g., appointment scheduling, recipe management, and weather forecasts). These subscriptions must last for at least 7 days and be available from all of the user's devices on which the app can run. You may offer cross-app subscriptions, but those subscriptions are not allowed to extend to third-party apps or services. 3.1.3 Content-based “Reading” Apps: Apps may allow users to access content they have previously purchased or subscribed to (such as newspapers, magazines, books, audio, music, video, professional databases, Internet calling, cloud storage, and other approved services such as educational apps that manage student grades and class schedules). Application providers are not allowed to direct users to pay using payment mechanisms other than IAP. 3.1.4 Code: Apps are not allowed to use their own mechanisms to unlock app content and functionality. Including license keys, augmented reality logos, QR codes, etc. When conditions do not permit (for example, this function requires specific hardware to be used, such as astronomical applications can expand their functions with a telescope), these applications can unlock these functions without using in-app payments. If the app's functionality is used with an approved piece of hardware (such as a toy), only basic functionality can be unlocked, and an in-app payment can be provided to unlock value-added features. You are not allowed to require users to purchase an unrelated product or participate in a marketing campaign in order to unlock app functionality. 3.1.5 Goods and Services Outside of the App: If your app allows people to purchase goods and services, but the consumption of these goods and services is not related to the app, you must use a non-IAP method to complete the payment. For example, Apple Pay, credit card and debit card payment portals. Applications can use approved virtual currencies for transactions (such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin), as long as these payment methods comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the country and region where the application is released. 3.1.6 ApplePay: Applications using Apple Pay must provide users with information about all goods and services before selling goods or services. Apple Pay branding and user interface elements must be used correctly, in compliance with the Apple Pay Identity Guidelines and Human Interface Guidelines. When using Apple Pay to offer recurring payments, you must provide the following information: The length of the recurrence and a clear indication that the recurring payment will continue until it is canceled What features and services are provided during each cycle The actual billing method for canceling the recurring payment 3.2 Other business model issues The list below is not comprehensive, and proposed apps may violate our most recent policies as they are updated in the future. But it also provides some additional content about what you should and should not do: 3.2.1 Acceptable approach (i) Your app can show users other apps you have developed, but your app cannot simply provide a catalog app for other apps (ii) Display or recommend a collection of other third-party apps, and these apps are designed to work in specific areas (such as health management, aviation services, transportation services), your app needs to provide powerful editing capabilities so that it does not look like a separate store page. (iii) Prevent users from accessing certain approved rental content (e.g., movies, TV shows, music, and books) when the rental expires. But other goods and services cannot expire. (iv) Payment permissions can be used to make payments or charges, transfer vouchers and tickets (such as movie tickets, coupons and VIP vouchers). Any other use may result in the application being rejected or the payment license being revoked. (v) Insurance apps must be free, comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the region of publication, and cannot use in-app payment. 3.2.2 Unacceptable methods (i) Displaying third-party application interfaces, extensions, or plug-ins that look similar to the App Store, or as a general collection of interests. (ii) Apple’s hardware and system-built-in features require payment to unlock, such as push notifications, cameras, and gyroscopes. Includes Apple services, such as access to Apple Music and access to iCloud storage. (iii) Artificially increasing the number of advertisement impressions or clicks , including when an application is designed to primarily display advertisements. (iv) Raise funds for charity within the App. Such apps must be free in the app store and must use other methods to raise funds, such as through text messages or in-webpage payments. (v) Artificially restricting the user base of the application in some way, such as by location or carrier. 4 Design Apple customers love apps that are simple, sophisticated, innovative, and easy to use, and that’s exactly what we want to see in the App Store. While it’s up to you to create great design, the standards below are the minimum standards to pass App Store review. 4.1 Imitators , please come up with your own ideas. We know you have creativity, so please realize your ideas. Don’t simply copy popular apps from the app store, or simply modify the name and UI of the app and pass it off as your own. In addition to the risk of infringing on the intellectual property of others, it is difficult to search for the right apps in the app store, and this also causes your peers to be treated unfairly. 4.2 Minimum Functionality Your application should contain other functions and content in addition to simply packaging a website page. If your app isn’t particularly useful, unique, or looks like an app, it shouldn’t be on the App Store. If your app doesn’t provide lasting entertainment value, or is limited to making people feel creepy, your app may be rejected. If the app is just a song or a movie, it should be submitted to the iTunes Store. If the app is just a book or a game guide, it should be submitted to the iBooks store. 4.2.1 Applications should call APIs and development frameworks according to their intended purpose. And clearly point out this integration method in the application description. For example, the HomeKit framework should provide home automation services, and HealthKit should be based on health and fitness purposes and integrated into health applications. 4.2.2 Except for directories used to provide specialized categories. The primary function of the App should not be to provide marketing materials, advertisements, web clips, content aggregation or collection of links. 4.2.3 Your app should work properly without relying on other apps or features. 4.2.4 Apple Watch apps that look like a watch face will confuse users because users expect Apple Watch to have rich features such as card swiping, message reminders, and third-party services. It's creative if your app displays time in a unique way (such as showing tide times for surfing enthusiasts), but if your app looks too much like a traditional watch face, we will reject it. 4.2.5 If the main function of your app is to access iCloud and iCloud’s file manager, you need to provide additional additional functions to get your app approved for release. 4.3 Spam Apps Do not create multiple Bundle IDs for the same application. If you have multiple versions of your app, such as versions for specific countries and regions, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting one version of your app but using in-app purchases to differentiate it. Also avoid placing your app in a category that is already saturated. The App Store already has enough apps for flashlights, farts, burps, and certain bad words. If you try to put junk apps on the App Store, your developer qualifications may be revoked. 4.4 Extensions App extensions must comply with the App Extension Programming Guide or the Safari Extensions Development Guide and should include additional functionality, such as help interfaces, settings interfaces, etc., if possible. The extension’s interface should not include marketing content, advertisements, or in-app purchases. 4.4.1 Keyboard extensions have some additional rules. They must: Provide keyboard input functionality (such as typing characters) Provide a way to switch input methods Be usable without a network connection Provide a keyboard for numeric and symbol input as required by the App Extension Programming Guide If keyboard input is the primary function of the app, its primary category is Utilities Collect user information only for the purpose of enhancing the input capabilities of iOS devices 4.4.2 Safari extensions must run properly on the current Safari browser on OS X. They cannot interfere with system and Safari UI elements and must not contain malicious or misleading code. Violation of this rule will result in removal from the developer group. 4.5 Apple Websites and Services 4.5.1 Apps can subscribe to some RSS feeds provided by Apple, such as the iTunes Store RSS feed. However, you may not collect any information obtained from Apple websites (including, iTunes Store, App Store, iTunes Connect, Developer Portal, etc.) or create a ranking based on such information. 4.5.2 The Apple Music API may allow users to access their subscription content while using your app. Users must actively use the play, pause, and skip buttons to access the playlist; apps are not allowed to access and play without permission. In addition, your app is not allowed to require users to pay or make money indirectly in order to access the Apple Music service (such as in-app payments, watching ads, obtaining user information, etc.). 4.5.3 Do not use Apple services to send spam, phishing, or junk mail. Including game center, push messages, etc. Do not attempt to reverse trace, scan, sniff, or illegally obtain player IDs, aliases, or other information from Game Center, or you will be removed from your developer list. 4.5.4 Push notifications must not be required for the use of the App, and must not be used for advertising, promotional and direct marketing purposes, or to send sensitive and confidential information. 4.5.5 Game Center player ID and other information can only be accessed using the methods specified by Game Center, but cannot be displayed in the APP or distributed to third-party manufacturers. 5. Law The application must comply with all local laws and regulations in order to be used properly (if you are not sure which laws and regulations you need to comply with, please consult a lawyer). We understand that these matters are complex, but it is your obligation to ensure compliance with all applicable local regulations, not just our terms. Of course, reckless behavior such as ganging up, inciting and enticing people to commit crimes will directly lead to the rejection of the app. 5.1 Privacy Protection Privacy is a top priority in the Apple ecosystem. You should use the collected personal information with caution to ensure that you comply with applicable legal terms and the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Not to mention that these are what your users expect from you. More specifically: 5.1.1 Data Collection and Storage (i) Apps that collect user data must have a privacy policy and securely obtain user consent. This includes but is not limited to applications that use HealthKit and other medical and health technology applications, HomeKit, keyboard extensions, Apple Pay, and includes logging in and accessing user data on the device (such as location, contacts, calendar, etc.). (ii) If your application does not include functionality that clearly requires a user account, allow users to use your application without logging in. Applications cannot require users to enter personal information to use their features, except when necessary for core functionality or required by law. (iii) Developers who use apps to steal user passwords and other private data will be removed from the developer group. 5.1.2 Use and Sharing of Data (i) Your application may not use or transfer user data before you provide users with clear documentation on how to use user data and obtain the user’s explicit permission. (ii) You are not allowed to use or disclose user data to third-party manufacturers unless it is for the purpose of improving user experience, improving software and hardware performance, or advertising promotion in accordance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. (iii) Data obtained from the HomeKit API may not be used for advertising or data mining purposes. (iv) Applications that use Apple Pay and obtain user data through Apple Pay may only use or disclose such data to third-party vendors for the purpose of facilitating or improving the delivery of goods and services. 5.1.3 Health and Wellness Research Health, fitness, and medical data are very sensitive, so these applications need to follow additional rules to protect the privacy of customers: (i) If the purpose is to advertise or mine user data (except for improving health management or for approved scientific research purposes), then the application may not use or disclose the user's health, fitness, and medical data to third parties. This data comes from but is not limited to the HealthKit API, motion and fitness features, or other research topics related to health. (ii) Apps cannot write false data to HealthKit and other medical research and health management apps, and cannot store health data in iCloud. (iii) Research aimed at subjects related to human health must be conducted with the consent of the participants or, in the case of minors, with the consent of their parents and guardians. The relevant license terms must include (a) the nature, purpose and duration of the research; (b) the research procedures, risks and interests of participants; (c) the confidentiality and management of data, including any data shared with third parties; (d) the contact information that participants need to know if they have any questions; and (e) the mechanism for participants to withdraw. (iv) If the application is for health-related research, it must have the approval of an independent ethics review committee. Such approval must be provided upon request. 5.1.4 Children Based on many factors, caution must be exercised when using data from children. We hope that you will carefully understand the relevant requirements and internationally applicable legal provisions, such as the Children's online privacy protection act (COPPA), before using this data. Applications may only request children’s birthdays and parents’ contact information for the purpose of providing necessary functionality and non-age-related entertainment value and in compliance with relevant laws. In addition, if children's applications need to collect, transmit, or share children's information (including name, address, email, location, photos, videos, drawings, chat functions, other personal data, and persistent identifiers used with any of the above information), they must provide privacy terms and must comply with all privacy policies applicable to children. To be clear, if such apps require parental controls, the privacy terms required in these two situations will generally be different. Click here for more information. 5.1.5 Location Services Applications that use location services must provide functionality directly related to location services. The use of location-based APIs is not permitted for providing emergency services, or for enabling automatic control of vehicles, aircraft, and other devices (with the exception of small devices such as small drones and toys), remote control of car alarm systems, etc. Before collecting, transmitting, and using a user's location data, make sure you have obtained the user's consent. If your app uses background location services, be sure to explain its purpose in the app. Refer to the Human Interface Guidelines for best practices. 5.2 Intellectual Property Make sure your app only includes content you created, or has a legal licensing agreement when using other people's content. If you use this content outside the manner specified in the license agreement, your app may be removed from Apple. Of course, this also means that other apps that steal your content may also be taken down. If you believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please fill out this form to initiate a lawsuit. Intellectual property laws vary in each country and region, but your app must avoid the following basic mistakes: 5.2.1 In general: Do not use protected third-party content, such as trademarks, copyrighted works, or use unlicensed ideas in your app. Do not include misleading, false, or knockoff descriptions, names, and app content in your app. 5.2.2 Third-party websites/services: If your application uses, accesses, displays and commercializes third-party services, please ensure that you have obtained the corresponding authorization license. And the licensing documents must be provided together before the review upon request. 5.2.3 Audio and Video Downloads: Applications may not facilitate the illegal sharing, storage, conversion, or use of data from third-party sources (third-party sources include Apple Music, YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, etc.) unless they have the corresponding legal authorization agreement. If the application provides audio and video files, these files may also violate intellectual property rights, so your application must have a legal authorization agreement before providing access to these files and services and must provide it before review as required. 5.2.4 Apple Advertising Endorsement: Do not explicitly or implicitly state that Apple is the supplier of your app, or that Apple endorses the features and quality of your app. If your app is awarded the Editors' Choice award, Apple will automatically add this badge. 5.2.5 Apple Products: You are prohibited from creating an app that looks similar to Apple’s existing products, user interfaces (such as Finder), apps (such as App Store, iTunes Store, or Messages), advertising themes, and misspellings of Apple product names (such as Iphone, iTunz). iTunes music previews are not allowed to be used directly before obtaining the corresponding authorization license. For example, it can be used as background music for puzzle applications, game background music, etc. If your app displays Activity circles, you are not allowed to modify how the circles are displayed or the data they represent. The Human-Computer Interface Interactions section has more information on how to use the Activity Circle. 5.3 Games, Gambling, and Lotteries Gambling, games, and lottery features are probably the most difficult to manage and the most common form of promotion in the Apple App Store. You should only consider using it if you fully understand the relevant legal risks and have prepared sufficient time to deal with regulatory scrutiny. But there are some things to keep in mind: 5.3.1 Sweepstakes and contests must be sponsored by the app developer 5.3.2 Official rules for sweepstakes and contests must be provided in the app and clearly state that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in the activity in any way. 5.3.3 Applications are not allowed to use in-app payments to purchase credit points or virtual currency and use them in combination with real currency, nor are they allowed to purchase lottery tickets, raffle tickets, and transfer funds within the application. 5.3.4 Applications that require the use of real money to play games (such as sports betting, poker gambling, casino games, horse racing betting, etc.) or provide lotteries must have legal authorization from the relevant local regulatory authorities. Moreover, the distribution area is limited to the locations specified in the licensing agreement, and it must be free in the app store. Illegal gambling tools, including card counters, are not allowed on the App Store. A lottery app must have the following elements: rewards, odds of winning, and prize money. After submitting your app: Once you’ve submitted your app and metadata to iTunes Connect and entered the review process, here are some things to keep in mind: Time: The App Review team will review your app as quickly as possible, and we are always working to speed up the review process. You can learn more about App Review here. Status Updates: The current status of your app will be reflected directly in iTunes Connect. So you can keep an eye on your app status on it. Expedited review application: If you are very time sensitive, you can click here to apply for expedited review. Please only request an expedited review when you really need it, as you also need to respect your peers. If we find that you are abusing the system, we may deny your expedited application. Release date: If you set the release date to a future date, your app will not be published to the App Store until that time, even if it has passed review. Keep in mind that it may take up to 24 hours for your app to be available in all selected app stores. Rejections: We aim to strictly adhere to these guidelines, but no one is perfect. If your app is rejected and you have questions or want to provide more information, please use the Resolution Center to communicate directly with the App Review team. This may help get your app on the shelves as soon as possible, and it may also help us improve the application review process or allow us to find unclear areas in the review policy. If you still disagree with the result, please appeal in the developer backend. We look forward to seeing your future releases!

<<:  How much does it cost to customize the Baise e-commerce mini program? What is the price quote for Baise e-commerce mini program customization?

>>:  Things about online game advertising | Insights into information flow advertising data


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