There are not many websites that rely solely on external links to gain rankings. Most small websites must optimize the entire site and implement more than 200 algorithms that affect rankings on the website one by one. For small websites, we will develop a " SEO Manager Workflow" and SEOers can optimize the website according to the process. SEO Manager Workflow Step 1: Basic SEO of the website Add Google Admin Tools to make basic changes to your website through Admin Tools. 1. Server logs. 2. Sitemap: created with sitemapbuilder. 3. Robots. 4. Use bold font for h1 and h2 tags. 5. Dead links. 6. Dead loop. 7. Parse 301 redirect for home page with www and without www. 8. www and ..ndex.html, delete the page or redirect with 301. 9. Use nofollow. 10. All URL letters should be lowercase. 11. The URL of the tag page is localized. 12. URL pseudo-static (if it is included, no need to modify it). 13. Absolute path and relative path. 14. Directory format and file format, black hat SEO, URL plus /. 15. Web page hierarchy: within the level for small sites, no limit for large sites, with clear logic. 16. New site: URL hierarchy and naming standardization. 17. Redesign: The original URL remains unchanged, and 301 is redirected to the new site. 18. Use breadcrumb trails. 19. Image navigation/text navigation: The navigation bar must contain keywords. 20. Entrance: Very important. Increase the entrance of core words/lists. In addition to adding article entrances on the homepage, add entrances through anchor texts on the article pages. By enriching the content, you can achieve the purpose of increasing the inclusion. 21. Home page: Do not export more than 100 external links, and try to make the second and third level hot words appear on the home page, which is also an entry issue. 22. List page: Add two or three paragraphs of original text description. 23. List page turning: If there are many lists, make them into two rows to increase the number of entries. 24. Related calls on article pages: Related articles must be called, 12 to 20 articles for each article, and they must be called by keywords, but they must be random. The purpose is to increase the keyword density of the page and remove noise at the same time. 25. Related product links: add entry. 26. At the end of the article page: related recommendations, 3 articles are recommended each time, also randomly. 27. Spider traps: flash, images, js calls, sessionID, various jumps, frame frameworks, login required, navigation bar js, cookies required. 28. Site size: If your website has too many keywords, try to create multiple lists to make the website look very powerful. 29. Second-level domain name: Not used by small sites, must be used by large sites or sites with many staff, as it has an advantage in ranking. 30. HTML body position: preferably in the first 100 lines. 31. alt attribute description. 32. The alt description of the LOGO is very important the first time. 33. Browser compatibility. 34. Code optimization: Remove redundant code, such as repositioning the color, font, and size of ess. 35. Table/Nesting: Remove. 36. Outsourcing files: htmI only needs to write one code and call other external files. 37. ss appears after html: title and other text appear within 100 lines. 38. GZIP compression of web pages. 39. Page size optimization: within 100k. 40. W3C. 41. Check for group cheating. 42. Hide the page. 43. Stuffing keywords in large quantities. 44. Black links may be punished. 45. Too many js calls. 46. Domain name hijacking. 47. Due to code loopholes, the website was infected with Trojans.
48. Sensitive word filtering. 49. Beauty and design. 50. UED, consider factors such as product matching and recommendations. 51. Home page keyword density: 3%~11%. 52. The text has been deleted, but the URL can still be opened. 53. The login page to be optimized should appear at the front left of the home page, while the unimportant ones should be placed at the back. |