China's marketing agencies have yet to reach a unified business logic, project system and vocabulary due to the different professional backgrounds and expertise of their founders and teams. This has caused great trouble for many brand owners and marketers who are new to marketing.
To solve this problem, CORVUS conducted a systematic review of various parallel systems in the industry based on the underlying logic of marketing and relied on classic industry theories such as Trout Positioning and Porter's Competitive Strategy. It finally sorted out this brand marketing full-case project index with relatively high coverage and commonality. This index covers 6 modules and 27 sub-modules of brand marketing . It uses international common vocabulary in its expressions and provides English translations of some keywords for brand marketing professionals to use as a desk reference.
Module 1: Research
The content of this module can be implemented when there is limited basis for marketing decisions. By conducting a large amount of primary and secondary research and analysis, we gain an in-depth understanding of industry competition (Competition), corporate facts (Company), consumers (Consumer) and other aspects.
1. Industry market research (Category)
Industry size
Industry growth rate
Industry Development Trends
Industry Segments
Industry concentration
Industry blank spots
Industry regional division
Industry price classification
Industry value chain analysis
2. Competitor Research
Competition and fragmentation
Competitive market position
Core Competitiveness of Competitive Products
Competitive product competition strategy
Competitive product line
Competitive product target group
Competitive price range
Competitive product communication strategy
3. Benchmark research
Brief history of enterprise development
Business model advantages
Brand mindset advantage
Operation system advantages
4. Internal research of the company
In-depth interviews: partners, core management, and executive representatives
Brief history of enterprise development
Current Customer Classification
Current profit model (cost structure, revenue sources, etc.)
Current key processes (service, R&D, production, operation, management system, etc.)
Current core resources (native resources, key collaborations, distribution channels, etc.)
Current competitive advantages
Current development strategy: products, services, marketing, branding, organization
Enterprise SWOT analysis
5. Consumer Research
Consumer Demographics
Consumer needs, motivations, and pain points: rational demands and emotional demands
Based on the facts learned in the first module, plan the company's competitive strategy and identify the core users and products that give the brand competitive advantages and development opportunities.
1. Corporate Competitive Strategy
Predicting major changes in the future: in-depth understanding of the internal and external environment
Finding Competitive Advantage: Value Chain Analysis
Derivation and locking of brand breakthrough points
Clear competition range
Establish core business areas
Enterprise competition strategy selection
Establishing the brand business theory
Core value development possibilities
Core capability building direction based on core values
Vision, mission, values: clarify brand goals and concepts
2. Business model planning
For which types of people are we creating value?
What do these people’s needs have in common?
How are the needs of each type of people differentiated (combination of needs, degree of needs)?
Core target customer groups (Target Consumers)
What needs are not being met? Do we have a competitive advantage?
Which groups of people are underserved? Do we have channel advantages?
Who are our most important customers?
Product Value Portfolio
What challenges/pain points are we helping our customers solve?
What customer needs are we meeting?
What core values should we provide to our customers?
What products/services should we offer our customers?
What kind of value would make customers willing to pay?
How would they prefer to pay for it?
Who and what proportion of total income does each source of income contribute?
Price range
Create discriminatory pricing structures based on demographic and demand segments
What price range should be adopted to compete with competitors?
Cost structure analysis (Cost)
Clarify fixed costs and variable costs
Cost structure analysis
Channel (Place)
Which channels are most effective?
Which channels are most cost-effective?
How to integrate internal and external customer channels?
Key Business
Core Competence System
Core internal systems
Core Resources
Primary resources: physical assets, financial assets, patents/intellectual property, human resources
External resources: distribution channels, key collaborations, cross-industry alliance partners, suppliers
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
What kind of relationship does each segment want to have with the brand?
What are the costs of these relationships? How to integrate?
Module 3: Brand Strategy
Based on the market strategy, establish a mind-occupying strategy for consumers, including:
By defining the brand value concept and differentiated product value positioning, we establish a unique and deeply rooted brand value gene; by creating a series of highly recognizable symbols and distinctive communication methods, we clearly convey the brand's concept, positioning and advantages.
Protection area and minimum application specifications
Brand standard color and auxiliary color gradation specifications
Brand full name Chinese font and drawing specifications (horizontal/vertical)
Brand full name English font and drawing specifications (horizontal/vertical)
Brand full name in Chinese and English fonts and graphics specifications (horizontal/vertical)
Standards for matching logos in color environments
Standards for the use of logos on light backgrounds
Basic element combination prohibition/misuse instructions
Application Elements
Brand Chinese special printing font
Brand English special printing font
Auxiliary shape design
Standard color and auxiliary color scale specifications for auxiliary shapes
Auxiliary shape movable range specification
Auxiliary standard format specification
Apply image style specifications: product/character/scene/color, etc.
Inappropriate image application description
6. Brand Book
Completely sort out and present the second and third module information
Completely convey brand value and tone
Module 4: Operation Matching
Match the brand mind strategy accordingly in daily operations management to repeatedly accumulate brand mind assets and reduce overall marketing costs.
1. Product system matching
Product Planning
Product naming
Product Line Portfolio
Hot sale planning
Pricing strategy
Product self-propagation mechanism
Product launch strategy sequence
New product development plan
Old product refurbishment program
Product packaging design
Competitor survey at the same price point
Main packaging design (outside/inside)
Form Planning
Color Planning
Material Planning
Main visual planning
Series packaging design
Secondary packaging materials
Tote Bag
Courier Box
2. Terminal image matching (SI)
Terminal atmosphere construction strategy
Online Terminal
Store Design
Navigation jump path
Page area division specifications
Display location specifications
Detailed description design
Offline Terminal
Facade design
Traffic flow design
Soft furnishing design
Display design: shelves/display racks/pile heads
3. Service system matching
Human capital system planning
Personnel quality: personality traits, knowledge system, recruitment plan
Organizational mechanism: promotion system, assessment mechanism, training mechanism
Customer Service Code of Conduct
Sales Consulting Specifications
§ Talk
§ Memory Hammer
§ Tone
§ Etiquette
§ Reaction and attitude
o Customer return visit specifications
o On-site reception regulations
o Phone/WeChat etiquette
Customer service image standard
Standard kit for on-the-job training
Symbolic accessories
Honor badge display
Assistance Tool Kit
4. Brand App Matching
Office Applications
Business card, work ID
Envelopes, writing paper
PPT presentation document layout specifications
Word document layout specifications
Email Formatting Guidelines
PR Application
PR gifts: pens, notebooks, umbrellas, handbags, etc.
Glass door stickers, road signs, meeting room wallpaper
Clothing Application
Company culture shirts and hats
Company ties and brooches
Promotional Application
Promotional Video
Brand leaflet/brochure/manual
Module 5: Communication Strategy
After the brand operation is matched, the global output is concentrated at one point. At this time, communication and traffic diversion can achieve the greatest effect, which is divided into three types: public domain media placement, private domain traffic pool, user communication, and integrated marketing campaigns.
1. Public domain media placement
Circle media placement plan
Experts/KOL, vertical platforms, etc.
Mass media placement plan
2. Private Domain Traffic Pool
Social Media Matrix
Contact positioning
Content Planning
Communication strategy
Brand Subculture Community
Core group portrait
Value Proposition
Operation Planning
Brand IP incubation
IP Marketing Strategy
IP gene sequence: world view, story, role, emotion, symbol
IP contact points and content planning
Brand long-term public plan
Launching independent projects
Sponsorship/Joint branding/Endorsement
3. User dissemination
User-generated content
Fission Distribution
Viral Content
4. Campaign activity planning
Annual Communication Framework
Communication objectives
Core Information
Goals and Means
Big Idea of the Year
Integrated Marketing Campaign
Product Launch
Related holidays/special dates (Moment)
Module 6: Monitoring and Auditing
As a mental asset, brand assets require companies to continuously output and control all touchpoints to consolidate the results. At the same time, companies must conduct regular brand asset assessments and internal and external environment monitoring in order to promptly identify new problems, threats, and opportunities in the competitive environment.
1. Quarterly Core Growth Plan
Product Matching Growth
Terminal image growth
Service system growth
Media spending growth
Private domain traffic growth
Campaign activity growth
2. Full touchpoint control management
Operation matching touchpoints
Communication and drainage contacts
3. Competitive environment monitoring
Internal change monitoring and response
Product Innovation
Quality reputation
Management Changes
Monitoring and responding to external changes
Competitor monitoring: product innovation, quality reputation, management changes, communication strategies