Course Catalog 01. What is cloud computing? 02. Classification and understanding of cloud computing platforms.mp4 03. Advantages and disadvantages of cloud platforms.mp4 04. Service Architecture Change.mp4 05. Technological change.mp4 06. Questions and Answers.mp4 07. Basic technology of a complete cloud native platform.mp4 08. 12 elements of application.mp4 09. Other concepts of cloud native.mp4 10. Official guidance learning route for cloud native.mp4 11. Questions about the cloud native course.mp4 12. Docker's underlying container isolation mechanism.mp4 13. Docker installation completed.mp4 14. Docker image acceleration configuration.mp4 15. Docker-Some basic concepts of images.mp4 16. Docker-Some other operations of the image.mp4 17. Some other Docker commands.mp4 18. Docker's entry container details.mp4 19. Docker cp command.mp4 20. Docker image push and other operations.mp4 21. Docker image transfer operation.mp4 22. How to keep Docker containers running for a long time.mp4 23. How to build a Docker image.mp4 24. How to do the experiment.mp4 25. How to store images at the bottom layer.mp4 26. Copy-on-write technology for containers and images.mp4 27. Docker's overlayFS storage driver principle.mp4 28. Three ways to mount Docker data volumes.mp4 29. Docker's -v mount test.mp4 30. Docker volume management.mp4 31. Docker's visual interface.mp4 32. The most basic Dockerfile builds the image.mp4 33. How to write Dockerfile-1.mp4 34. ARG-Command.mp4 35. ENV instruction.mp4 36. ENV persistence problem.mp4 37. ADD and COPY instructions.mp4 38. The COPY file can change the user.mp4 39. Application of WORKDIR.mp4 40. USER cooperates with COPY to control permissions.mp4 41. The pit of VOLUME.mp4 42. EXPOSE exposed port.mp4 43. CMD, ENTRYPOINT container startup instructions.mp4 44. Multi-stage build.mp4 45. Open cloud server.mp4 46. How to write springboot application in Dockerfile.mp4 47. Some problems during Docker operation extension.mp4 48. The principle of bridge network.mp4 49. --link to connect container.mp4 50. Docker custom network principle.mp4 51. docker-compose introduction installation.mp4 52. Compose and cluster mode.mp4 53. Qingyun needs to create vpc.mp4 54. Subnet Mask.mp4 55. Qingyun launches server cluster.mp4 56. CICD.mp4 57. CICD Guidance Implementation.mp4 58. Jenkins Introduction and Installation.mp4 59. Jenkins installation completed.mp4 60. Bind another public network ip.mp4 61. Create a git project and establish a connection with gitee.mp4 62. The structure of jenkins files.mp4 63. Jenkins step generator and environment variables.mp4 64. Other simple settings of Jenkins.mp4 65. Jenkins environment check.mp4 66. Gitee remote triggers jenkins automatic build.mp4 67. Jenkins plugin installation.mp4 68. Using Basic Network.mp4 69. Jenkins plugin installation.mp4 70. Customize Maven agent and use custom configuration file.mp4 71. Docker Maven is fully accelerated.mp4 72. Simple Jenkins pipeline completed.mp4 73. Send email notification.mp4 74. What else can cicd do.mp4 75. Other issues.mp4 76. Why use kubernetes.mp4 77. Introduction to kubernetes.mp4 78. Kubernetes Architecture Principles.mp4 79. Cluster Interaction Principles.mp4 80. k8s-all pre-installed environments.mp4 81. k8s-install kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl.mp4 on each node 82. k8s-each node downloads the basic image.mp4 83. k8s-master node is ready.mp4 84. k8s-other working nodes are ready.mp4 85. k8s-cluster creation completed.mp4 86. k8s-helloworld deploys an application.mp4 87. k8s-cluster installed again.mp4 88. k8s-cluster architecture review.mp4 89. k8s-Create a deployment that can heal itself.mp4 90. k8s-Understanding Pod, Self-Healing.mp4 91. k8s-some commands you need to remember.mp4 92. k8s-manual expansion and contraction operation.mp4 93. k8s-service encapsulates Pod into a unified service.mp4 94. k8s-rolling upgrade.mp4 95. k8s-object description file.mp4 96. k8s-install official dashboard.mp4 97. k8s-The resources in the cluster will eventually reach consistency.mp4 98. k8s-object description file.mp4 99. k8s-namespace.mp4 100. k8s-How to write a k8s resource description file.mp4 101. k8s-How should I explore it myself.mp4 102. k8s-core component configuration file location and all commands.mp4 103. k8s-command auto-completion function.mp4 104. k8s-Container image download from private warehouse using secret key.mp4 105. k8s-container startup commands, environment variables, etc..mp4 106. The writing method of k8s-containers corresponds to the writing method of docker run.mp4 107. k8s-containers life cycle hook.mp4 108. k8s-containers-What is a container probe.mp4 109. k8s-How to learn k8s next.mp4 110. k8s-Small Summary.mp4 111. k8s workload-what is workload.mp4 112. k8s workload-the concept of Pod.mp4 113. k8s workload-Pod multi-container collaboration.mp4 114. k8s workload-Pod initialization container.mp4 115. k8s workload-Pod life cycle.mp4 116. k8s workload-introduction to the use of temporary containers.mp4 117. k8s workload-static Pod.mp4 118. k8s workload-Pod probe.mp4 119. [day11 missing] 120. k8s workload-Deployment-simple writing.mp4 121. k8s workload-Deployment-Rolling update principle 01.mp4 122. k8s workload-Deployment-rolling update pause and resume, etc..mp4 123. k8s workload-deployment-scaling rolling update.mp4 124. k8s workload-Deployment installation metrics-server.mp4 125. k8s workload-Deployment-HPA.mp4 126. k8s workload-Deployment-grayscale release principle.mp4 127. k8s workload-Deployment-Canary case.mp4 128. k8s workload-Deployment-final problem solving.mp4 129. k8s workload-Deployment summary.mp4 130. k8s workload-the difference between RC and RS.mp4 131. k8s workload-DaemonSet allows each node to deploy a specified Pod.mp4 132. k8s workload-StatefulSet What is a stateful application.mp4 133. k8s workload-StatefulSet example.mp4 134. k8s workload-StatefulSet partition update mechanism.mp4 135. k8s workload-Job.mp4 136. k8s workload-timed tasks.mp4 137. k8s workload-a brief introduction to garbage collection.mp4 138. k8s network-Service, Pod port.mp4 139. k8s network-ClusterIP and NodePort type Service.mp4 140. k8s network-Service and EndPoint principle.mp4 141. k8s network-Service all fields analysis.mp4 142. k8s network-Service session persistence technology.mp4 143. k8s network-Pod specifies its own host name in Service.mp4 144. k8s network-why do we need Ingress network.mp4 145. k8s network-Ingress network architecture.mp4 146. k8s network-deploy Ingress-nginx.mp4 147. k8s network-Ingress example.mp4 148. k8s network-Ingress details configuration-default service.mp4 149. k8s network-nginx-ingress global configuration.mp4 150. k8s network-ingress current limiting and other examples.mp4 151. k8s network-ingress-nginx deployment features.mp4 152. k8s network-ingress-path rewriting example.mp4 153. k8s network-ingress-session persistence technology based on Cookie.mp4 154. k8s network-ingress-secure connection.mp4 155. k8s website-ingress-the difference between several certificates.mp4 156. k8s network-ingress-canary.mp4 157. k8s network-networkpolicy-network isolation strategy.mp4 158. k8s network-k8s network summary.mp4 159. k8s network-kube-proxy to control node direct network.mp4 160. k8s storage-basic concept of volume.mp4 161. k8s storage-secret creation.mp4 162. k8s storage-secret uses Pod.env to obtain-will not be hot updated.mp4 163. k8s storage-secret mounting method using .mp4 164. k8s storage-secret mount default read-only.mp4 165. k8s storage-cm combined with SpringBoot to achieve production configuration without perception.mp4 166. k8s storage-volume mounting-hostPath, emptyDir method.mp4 167. k8s storage-nfs file system environment construction.mp4 168. k8s storage-nfs mount.mp4 169. k8s storage-the use of pv, pvc and Pod.mp4 170. k8s storage-pv recovery strategy and other details.mp4 171. k8s storage-dynamic supply principle and process.mp4 172. k8s storage-dynamic provisioning completed.mp4 173. k8s scheduling principle-ResourceQuota quota limit.mp4 174. k8s scheduling principle-LimitRange usage.mp4 175. k8s scheduling principle-nodeSelector.mp4 176. Qingyun-Cancel the contract according to the amount of operation.mp4 177. k8s scheduling principle-limitrange other settings.mp4 178. k8s scheduling principle - affinity and anti-affinity.mp4 179. k8s scheduling principle-NodeAffinity.mp4 180. k8s scheduling principle - affinity, anti-affinity and topology key.mp4 181. k8s scheduling principle-node stain.mp4 182. k8s scheduling principle-pod tolerance.mp4 183. k8s scheduling principle-topology partition constraint.mp4 184. k8s scheduling principle-resource scheduling strategy.mp4 185. k8s security-role-based access control.mp4 186. k8s security - how to write role and clusterrole.mp4 187. k8s security-why dash can operate clusters.mp4 188. k8s security-ServiceAccount and ClusterRole practice.mp4 189. k8s security-Pod ServiceAccount notes.mp4 190. k8s security-how to develop a k8s visualization platform yourself.mp4 191. k8s security-supplement.mp4 192. k8s ecology-helm application store.mp4 193. k8s small experiment-deploy mysql stateful service.mp4 194. MySQL does not have master-slave synchronization by default, so you need to set it yourself.mp4 195. High availability cluster-opening server network, etc..mp4 196. High Availability Cluster-Understanding Various High Availability Methods.mp4 197. High Availability Cluster-Understanding the Consistency Raft Protocol.mp4 198. High availability cluster-k8s cluster mode.mp4 199. High availability cluster-linux kernel upgrade completed.mp4 200. High Availability Cluster-Certificate Concept.mp4 201. High Availability Cluster-Certificate Hierarchy.mp4 202. High availability cluster-Kubernetes default certificate hierarchy.mp4 203. High Availability Cluster-Installation Certificate Generation Tool.mp4 204. High availability cluster-building-01-configuring secret-free connection and other basic information.mp4 205. High availability cluster-build-02-configure ipvs & install docker.mp4 206. High Availability Cluster-Build-03-Certificate Environment Test.mp4 207. High availability cluster-build-04-prepare etcd installation package.mp4 208. High availability cluster-build-05-etcd cluster certificate generation completed.mp4 209. High availability cluster-build-06-ectd cluster started successfully.mp4 210. High availability cluster-build-07-test etcd cluster successfully.mp4 211. High availability cluster-build 08-unzip k8s software package & executable program.mp4 212. High Availability Cluster-Build 09-Core Component Certificate Generation.mp4 213. High availability cluster-build 10-create apiserver load balancer.mp4 214. High availability cluster-build 11-apiserver startup completed.mp4 215. High availability cluster-build 12-controller-manager component startup completed.mp4 216. High Availability Cluster-Building 13-kubelet-kubectl Configuration.mp4 217. High availability cluster-build 14-kubelet service startup.mp4 218. High availability cluster-build 15-calico component installation and startup.mp4 219. High availability cluster-build 16-cluster deployment completed.mp4 220. High availability cluster-availability verification completed.mp4 221. High Availability Cluster - Cluster Recovery Test - No More - Watch the Full Version.mp4 222. High availability cluster-remember to shut down after use.mp4 223, Complete Recording.mp4 223. Self-built cluster practice - simple cluster optimization.mp4 224. Self-built cluster practice - basic pre-installed resources.mp4 225. Self-built cluster practice - the next steps on the public network.mp4 226. Self-built cluster practice - rook and ceph.mp4 227. Self-built cluster practice-ceph cluster installation completed.mp4 228. Self-built cluster practice-ceph problem troubleshooting.mp4 229. Self-built cluster practice - pitfalls of ceph cluster mgr master-slave mode.mp4 230. Self-built cluster practice-ceph-rook is ready.mp4 231. Self-built cluster practice-ceph-cluster needs to create pool.mp4 232. Self-built cluster practice - Introduction to other components.mp4 233. Self-built cluster practice-prometheus introduction.mp4 234. Self-built cluster practice-ceph second installation completed.mp4 235. Self-built cluster practice-ceph storage test successful.mp4 236. Self-built cluster practice-prometheus and grafana.mp4 237. Self-built cluster practice-harbor deployment.mp4 238. Self-built cluster practice-harbor deployment certificate mismatch problem.mp4 239. Self-built cluster practice-harbor deployment completed.mp4 240. Self-built cluster practice-harbor warehouse operation.mp4 241. Self-built cluster practice - other deployment.mp4 242. Self-built cluster practice-jenkins deployment and plug-in installation.mp4 243. Self-built cluster practice - Jenkins integrates the concept of k8s cluster and packaging machine.mp4 244. Self-built cluster practice-jenkins four packer configuration.mp4 245. Self-built cluster practice-jenkins packager test.mp4 246. Self-built cluster practice-kustomize demonstration.mp4 247. Self-built cluster practice - EFK cluster construction and use.mp4 248. Istio-Introduction.mp4 249. Istio-installation completed.mp4 250、What is Serverless.mp4 251. Istio-bookinfo application access completed.mp4 252, Istio-kiali, Jaeger.mp4 253. Istio-call chain.mp4 254. Istio-canary.mp4 255. Jenkins-Intelligent multi-branch automated on-demand build.mp4 256.jenkins-pipeline core completed.mp4 |
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