Apple's review guidelines have been updated in as many as 158 places! The most complete and detailed explanation, just save this one

Apple's review guidelines have been updated in as many as 158 places! The most complete and detailed explanation, just save this one

Recently, the WWDC, which has been eagerly awaited by developers around the world, is being held in full swing. Apple, which did not make any major breakthroughs in hardware or software, made a major update to its review guidelines.

Just yesterday, we discovered that Apple made approximately 158 changes, big and small, to its review guidelines! For example, Apple clearly states in its review guidelines that multiple rejections for the same reason may result in "delayed review" ; and that "everyone should be respected" when communicating with Apple customer support.

In addition, there are many strict regulations on the collection and use of user data. Major adjustments have also been made to the content related to the currently popular blockchain project applications and GDPR privacy protection clauses.

In order to help everyone quickly get the latest updates of the latest review guidelines, the main changes and additions are summarized as follows↓↓↓

Paid apps can be tried for free:

Non-subscription apps may offer a 14-day free trial before being fully unlocked. When the trial ends, the content or service is no longer accessible and users will need to pay to continue using it.

Extended review time:

If your app is repeatedly rejected for the same criteria, or if you attempt to manipulate the app review process , the review will take longer to complete.

New developer code of conduct:

Apps should not prey on users or attempt to extort customers by tricking them into making unnecessary purchases, pressuring them to share unnecessary data, raising prices in complex ways or withholding content, or performing any other actions inside or outside the app.

Update instructions can't be too simple:

Apps must clearly describe new features and product changes in the “What’s New” text. Simple bug fixes, security updates, and performance improvements can go with a generic description, but significant changes must be listed in notes.

New restrictions on in-app purchases:

Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality , and apps and their metadata may not include buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchase items using mechanisms other than in-app purchase.

Data Security:

Apps should implement appropriate security measures to ensure that collected user information is handled correctly and prevent its unauthorized use, disclosure or access by third parties.

Data Collection and Storage:

Apps that allow the collection of user or usage data must ensure that the user consents to the collection. Apps should only request access to data relevant to their core functionality. Access apps must respect the user's permission settings and must not attempt to manipulate, deceive, or force users to consent to unnecessary data access...

Data Use and Sharing:

Unless otherwise required by law, you may not use, transmit or share other people's personal information without their permission. Apps are not allowed to privately create a user profile for collecting data...

New multi-platform services:

Apps that run across multiple platforms may allow users to access content, subscriptions, or functionality available elsewhere , including consumable items in multi-platform games , provided those also offer in-app purchase options.

In-app advertising, analysis services, and SDKs are restricted:

Apps, including any third-party ads displayed within them, may not run unrelated background processes, such as cryptocurrency mining. Do not modify system settings that are not related to the core functionality of the App.

Vigorously regulate digital cryptocurrencies:

(i) Wallets: Apps may facilitate the storage of virtual currencies as long as they are provided by developers registered as organizations.

(ii) Mining: Apps may not mine cryptocurrency unless the processing occurs off-device (e.g. cloud-based mining).

(iii) Exchanges: Apps may facilitate the trade or transfer of cryptocurrencies on approved exchanges, provided that such trades are offered by the exchange itself.

(iv) Initial Coin Offerings: Apps that facilitate initial coin offerings (“ICOs”), cryptocurrency futures trading, or other crypto- securities or quasi-securities trading must be from an established bank, securities firm, Futures Trading Commission (“FCM”), or other approved financial institution and must comply with all applicable laws.

(v) Cryptocurrency apps may not provide currency for completing tasks, such as downloading other apps, encouraging other users to download, posting to social networks , etc.

Ads must comply with user age ratings:

Ads displayed in apps must comply with the app’s age rating , allow users to see all information for the ad, and may not provide targeted or behavioral advertising based on sensitive user data.

For more information, please refer to the translated and edited full text of the App Store Review Guidelines (Note: modified/newly added parts are displayed in red font) ↓↓↓

App Store Review Guidelines


Apps are changing the world, enriching people’s lives, and providing developers like you with unprecedented opportunities to innovate. As a result, the App Store has grown into an exciting and vibrant ecosystem that serves millions of developers and over a billion users. Whether you're a first-time developer or a large team of experienced programmers , we welcome you to create apps for the App Store and want to help you understand our guidelines to ensure your apps make it through the review process quickly.

The guiding principles of the App Store are simple: we want to provide a safer and more reliable experience for users when acquiring apps, and give all developers an opportunity to succeed with apps. On the following pages, you'll find these guidelines clearly divided into five sections: Security, Performance, Business, Design, and Legal. In addition, please keep the following points in mind:

Many children download a large number of apps from us. While parental controls are effective in protecting children, you must also do your part. You know, we are always keeping an eye on these children.

The App Store is a great way to share apps with hundreds of millions of people around the world. If you're developing apps just to distribute to friends and family, the App Store isn't the best place to go. At this time, you can consider using Ad Hoc distribution or joining the Enter pr ise Program. If you are new to app development, learn more about the Apple Developer Program.

We support all viewpoints published on the App Store — as long as these apps respect users' different opinions and provide a good app experience. If we believe any content or behavior in an app goes beyond acceptable limits, we will reject the app. You might ask, what is this acceptable range? To paraphrase a Supreme Court Justice: “I know it when I see it.” And, we believe that you yourself will realize when you go beyond this range.

If you attempt to game the system (for example, by trying to game the review process, steal user data, copy other developers’ work, or manipulate ratings), we will remove your app from the store and remove you from the Developer Program.

You are responsible for ensuring that everything in your app complies with these guidelines, including ad networks, analytics services, and third-party SDKs, so review and select them carefully.

We hope these new guidelines help you navigate the App Review process and make approval and rejection criteria more consistent overall. This is a living document; we may develop new rules at any time if new apps raise new issues. Maybe your app will help set new rules. We love app development as well and respect what you do. We are doing our best to create the best platform in the world for you to showcase your talents and get rewards.

Table of contents

Before you submit – Pre-review checklist

1. Security

1.1 Objectionable Content

1.2 User-Generated Content

1.3 Children Category

1.4 Personal Injury

1.5 Developer Information

1.6 Data Security

2. Performance

2.1 App Completion

2.2 Beta Testing

2.3 Accurate metadata

2.4 Hardware Compatibility

2.5 Software Requirements

3. Business

3.1 Payment

3.1.1 In-App Purchases

3.1.2 Subscription

3.1.3 (a) Content-based “Reader” Apps

3.1.3 (b) Multi-platform services

3.1.4 Specific Hardware Content

3.1.5 Physical Goods and Services Outside of Apps

3.1.6 Apple Pay

3.1.7 Advertising

3.2 Other business model issues

3.2.1 Acceptable

3.2.2 Unacceptable

4. Design

4.1 Plagiarists

4.2 Minimum functional requirements

4.3 Duplicate App

4.4 Extensions

4.5 Apple Sites and Services

4.6 Alternative App Icons

4.7 HTML5 Games and Chatbots , etc.

5. Legal

5.1 Privacy

5.1.1 Data Collection and Storage

5.1.2 Data Use and Sharing

5.1.3 Health and health research

5.1.4 Children

5.1.5 Location Services

5.2 Intellectual Property

5.3 Games, gambling and lotteries

5.4 Developer Code of Conduct

After you submit – what to expect

Before you submit

To help you get your app approved as smoothly as possible, please review the common mistakes listed below that may delay the review process or lead to your app being rejected. These don't replace the guidelines or guarantee your app's approval, but making sure you check off every item on this list is a good start. If your app no ​​longer works as expected or you are no longer actively supporting it, it will be removed from the App Store. Learn more about App Store improvements.

Please ensure that:

Test whether the app crashes or has errors

Ensure all app information and metadata are complete and correct

Update your contact information so that App Review can get in touch with you if needed.

Provide a valid demo account and login information, as well as any other hardware or resources required to review the app (e.g., login credentials or sample QR codes)

Enable the background service so that it is active and available during the audit period

Include detailed descriptions of non-obvious features and in-app purchases in your App Review Notes, including supporting documentation where applicable. If we cannot access parts of the app due to region locks or other restrictions, please provide a link to a video of the functionality in question

Check that your app follows relevant guidelines in other documents, such as:

Development Guide

App Programming Guide

App Extension Programming Guide

iOS Data Storage Guidelines

macOS File System Documentation

Safari Extensions Development Guide

App Store Connect Developer Help

Design Guide

iOS Human Interface Guidelines

macOS Human Interface Guidelines

tvOS Human Interface Guidelines

watchOS Human Interface Guidelines

Branding and Marketing Guidelines

App Store Marketing Guidelines

Apple Pay Logo Guide

Add to Apple Wallet Guidelines

Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks and Copyrights

1. Security

When users install apps from the App Store, they expect a safe experience: apps that do not contain objectionable or offensive content, that do not damage users' devices, and that do not cause physical harm when used. We've listed the main safety concerns below. If you intend to intimidate or attack others, your app is not appropriate for the App Store.

1.1 Objectionable Content

Apps should not contain content that is offensive, insensitive, disturbing, objectionable, or vulgar. Examples of this type of content include:

1.1.1 Defamatory, discriminatory, or malicious content, including references or comments about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, or other targeted groups, particularly when the App is likely to humiliate, intimidate, or cause harm to a specific individual or group. Typically, professional political satire and humor writers are exempt from this requirement.

1.1.2 Realistic depictions of the killing, maiming, torture or abuse of humans or animals, or content that encourages violence. In the game, "enemies" cannot be limited to specific races, cultures, real governments or corporations, or any other real-world entities.

1.1.3 Depictions that encourage the illegal or irresponsible use of weapons and dangerous items, or that promote the purchase of arms.

1.1.4 Excessively pornographic content (Merriam-Webster defines pornography as explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or sexual activities intended to stimulate sexual pleasure rather than to bring aesthetic value or trigger emotions).

1.1.5 Incendiary religious commentary or false or misleading references to religious texts.

1.1.6 False information and features that include inaccurate device data or features used for pranks/jokes, such as fake location trackers. Even if an app is specified as “for entertainment purposes only”, it cannot violate this principle. Apps that support anonymous or prank calls or SMS/MMS will be rejected.

1.1.7 App Store Reviews:

App Store customer reviews are an integral part of the app experience; therefore, you should be respectful when responding to your customers' reviews. Additionally, your response should directly address the topic of the customer review and should not include personal information, spam, or marketing advertisements in your response.

Prompt users to review your app using our API: This convenient feature allows customers to leave ratings and reviews directly on the App Store without leaving your app; scheduled review prompts are not allowed.

1.2 User-Generated Content

For apps that contain user-generated content, there are specific challenges that need to be addressed, such as intellectual property infringement and anonymous bullying. To prevent abuse, apps that include user-generated content or social networking services must meet the following conditions:

Use appropriate methods to filter objectionable content to prevent it from being published in the App

Develop a mechanism to report offensive content and respond promptly when issues arise

If a user posts offensive content, he or she may be disqualified from using the service.

Publish contact information so users can contact you

Apps that contain user-generated content or services that ultimately serve the primary purpose of pornography, objectifying a real person (such as a “hot or not” vote), making physical threats, or bullying are not appropriate for the App Store and may be removed without notice. Apps that include user-generated content from a web-based service may display incidental “NSFW” content, provided that the content is hidden by default and only displayed when the user turns it on through your website.

1.3 Children Category

The Kids Category helps users easily find apps designed for kids . If you want to participate in the Kids Category, you should focus on creating a great experience tailored for younger users. These apps may not provide out-of-app links, purchasing opportunities, or other content that may be disruptive to children unless they are kept in a designated area with parental controls. Keep in mind that once customers deem your app to meet the Kids Category requirements, your app will need to continue to meet those guidelines in subsequent updates, even if you decide to deselect this category. Learn more about Parental Controls.

Apps in the Kids Category may not display behavioral advertising (for example, advertisers may not serve ads based on a user’s activity within the app), and all content ads must be appropriate for children. You should also pay special attention to privacy laws around the world regarding the online collection of data from children. Please be sure to review the "Privacy" section of these guidelines for more information.

1.4 Personal Injury

We may reject an app if it behaves in a way that could cause physical harm. For example:

1.4.1 Medical apps may face more stringent scrutiny if they may provide erroneous data or information, or be used to diagnose or treat patients.

Apps must clearly disclose the data and methods used to support the accuracy of the health measurements claimed. If the accuracy or methods cannot be verified, we will reject the app. For example, if an app claims to be able to take X-rays, measure blood pressure, temperature, blood sugar concentration, or blood oxygen content using only the sensors on the device, the app will be rejected.

Apps should remind users that in addition to using the app, they should consult a doctor before making medical decisions.

If your medical app has been approved by regulatory authorities, please submit a link to the relevant documents along with your app.

1.4.2 Medication dosage calculators must come from pharmaceutical manufacturers, hospitals, universities, health insurance companies, pharmacies, or other entities approved by the FDA or its international counterparts. Because of the potential for harm to patients, we need to ensure that the app will be supported and updated over a long period of time.

1.4.3 Any app that encourages the use of tobacco products, illegal drugs, or excessive alcohol consumption is not allowed on the App Store. Apps that encourage minors to ingest any of the above substances will be rejected. Facilitating the sale of marijuana, tobacco or controlled substances (except at an authorized pharmacy) is also not allowed.

1.4.4 Apps may only display DUI checkpoints published by relevant law enforcement agencies and may not encourage DUI and other reckless behavior, including speeding.

1.4.5 Apps may not cause customers to use their devices in a manner that violates Apple hardware safety documentation or in a manner that could cause harm to the device or to persons. For example, apps should not encourage placing a device under a mattress or pillow while charging or performing excessive write cycles to the solid-state drive. Consult your device documentation.

1.5 Developer Information

Users need to know how to contact you with questions and support issues. Please ensure that your app supports URLs that include easy contact information. This is especially important for apps used in the classroom. Failure to provide accurate, up-to-date contact information may not only irritate your customers, but may also violate laws in some countries. Also, make sure to include valid contact details of the card issuer in your Wallet credentials, as well as a dedicated certificate assigned to the brand or trademark owner of the credential.

1.6 Data Security

Apps should implement appropriate security measures, in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement and these guidelines (see Guideline 5.1 for more information), to ensure that collected user information is properly handled and protected from unauthorized use, disclosure, or access by third parties.

2. Performance

2.1 App Completion

Applications submitted to App Review (including apps made available for pre-order) should be final versions of the app and should include all required metadata and valid URLs. All placeholder text, blank websites, and other temporary content should be removed prior to submission. Before submitting your app, be sure to test it on a device for bugs and stability; if your app requires a login, provide demo account information (and turn on your backend service!). If you offer in-app purchases in your app, make sure they are visible to the reviewer and are complete and up-to-date. If not, explain why not in your review notes. Please do not consider App Review as a software testing service. We will reject incomplete app bundles and binaries that crash or have obvious technical issues.

2.2 Beta Testing

Demos, betas, and trials of your app are not suitable for the App Store; use TestFlight instead. All apps submitted for test distribution through TestFlight should be intended for public release and should follow the App Review Guidelines. Please note that apps using TestFlight may not be distributed to testers in exchange for compensation of any kind, including as a reward for crowdfunding funds. Significant updates to your beta app should be submitted to the TestFlight App Review team before being distributed to your testers. For more information, visit TestFlight Beta Testing.

2.3 Accurate metadata

Customers should know what they're getting when they download or purchase your app, so make sure your app's description, screenshots, and previews accurately reflect your app's core experience, and remember to update them frequently to stay current with new releases.

2.3.1 Do not include undocumented or hidden features in your app; app functionality should be clearly visible to both end users and the App Review team. Likewise, you should not market content or services that are not actually provided in your app (such as an iOS-based virus and malware scanner ) on the App Store or offline. Egregious or repeated behavior may result in removal from the Apple Developer Program. We work hard to make the App Store a trustworthy ecosystem and expect the same from our app developers; if you're not honest, we won't do business with you.

2.3.2 If your app includes in-app purchases, please make sure that the app description, screenshots, and previews clearly indicate whether there are featured items, levels, subscriptions, etc. that require separate purchase. If you decide to promote in-app purchases on the App Store, make sure your in-app purchase display name, screenshots, and description are appropriate for the general public and follow the guidelines for promoting your in-app purchases; in addition, your app should properly use the SKPaymentTransactionObserver method so that customers can complete purchases seamlessly within your app.

2.3.3 Screenshots should show the use of the app, not just the title cover, login page, or initial screen. Screenshots can also include text and image descriptions (for example, demonstrating input mechanisms such as touch points or Apple Pencil animations) and showcasing extended functionality on the device, such as the Touch Bar.

2.3.4 Preview is a good way to let customers know the appearance and functions of the app. To ensure that customers understand the experience they will have in the app, previews can only use video screen captures from the app. Stickers and iMessage extensions bring the user experience to life in the Messages app. You can also add narration along with the video, or add text descriptions to help explain anything that can't be explained through the video alone.

2.3.5 Please select the most appropriate category for your app and refer to the App Store Category Definitions if you need help. We may change the category of the app if the selected category is far from the actual situation.

2.3.6 Please answer the age rating questions honestly in App Store Connect so that your app is rated consistently with the parental controls. If an app is incorrectly rated, customers may be surprised when they receive the app, or it may prompt an investigation by government regulators. If your app includes media that requires the display of content ratings or warnings (e.g. movies , music, games, etc.), you are responsible for complying with local requirements in the regions where your app is available.

2.3.7 Please choose a unique app name and specify keywords that accurately describe the app. Do not try to trick the system by packaging any metadata with trademarked terms, names of popular apps, or other irrelevant phrases. App names must be limited to 30 characters and may not include prices, words, or descriptions that are not part of the app name. Your app's subtitle is a great place to provide more background information about your app; it must follow our standard metadata rules and may not include inappropriate content, reference other apps, or make unsubstantiated product claims. Apple may modify inappropriate keywords or take other appropriate steps to prevent abuse at any time.

2.3.8 Metadata should be appropriate for all audiences, so make sure your app and in-app purchases’ associated icons, screenshots, and previews maintain an age rating of 4+, even if your app is rated higher. For example, if your app is a game that contains violence, don't choose images that include gruesome deaths or guns aimed at specific characters. Only apps in the “Kids Category” can use terms like “suitable for young children” and “suitable for children” in their metadata. It is important to ensure that metadata, including app name and icons (small icon, large icon, Apple Watch app, alternate icon, etc.) are similar to each other to avoid confusion.

2.3.9 You are responsible for ensuring that you have the right to use all materials in the App icons, screenshots, and previews, and should display fictitious account information rather than real personal data.

2.3.10 Ensure that your app focuses on the iOS, Mac, Apple TV, or Apple Watch experience and does not include names, icons, or images of other mobile platforms in your app or metadata unless there is specific approved interactive functionality.

2.3.11 Apps that you submit to the App Store for pre-order must be complete and releasable. Make sure that your final released app does not differ materially from what was advertised when it was available for pre-order. If you make significant changes to the app (such as changing its business model ), you should restart its pre-order sales.

2.3.12 Apps must clearly describe new features and product changes in the “What’s New” text. Simple bug fixes, security updates, and performance improvements can go with a generic description, but significant changes must be listed in notes.

2.4 Hardware Compatibility

2.4.1 To ensure that users can make full use of your App, iPhone App should be able to run on iPad as much as possible. We encourage you to consider developing a universal app so that your customers can use it on all their devices. Learn more about Universal Apps.

2.4.2 Make the App save energy through design. Apps should not quickly drain battery power, generate excessive heat, or place unnecessary strain on device resources. Apps, including any third-party ads displayed within them, may not run unrelated background processes, such as cryptocurrency mining.

2.4.3 For Apple TV apps, ensure that users do not need to use hardware input other than the Siri Remote or third-party game controllers, but you are free to provide enhanced functionality for use when other peripherals are connected. If a game controller is required for the user, be sure to clearly indicate this in the metadata so that users know they will need an additional device to play the game.

2.4.4 Apps may not suggest, require , or modify system settings that are not related to the core functionality of the App. For example, don't encourage users to turn off Wi-Fi, disable security features, etc.

2.4.5 For apps distributed through the Mac App Store, there are a few additional requirements that you need to keep in mind:

(i) These apps must be properly sandboxed and follow the macOS File System Documentation. Additionally, these apps should only use the appropriate macOS APIs to modify user data stored by other apps (such as bookmarks, Address Book, or Calendar entries).

(ii) These apps must be packaged and submitted using the technology provided in Xcode; third-party installers are not allowed. Additionally, these apps must be single, self-contained app installation packages and cannot install code or resources in shared locations.

(iii) These apps may not automatically launch or contain other code that runs automatically when launched, may not log in without consent, or may not spawn a large number of processes that continue to run without consent after the user exits the app. These apps may not automatically add icons to the Dock or leave shortcuts on the user's desktop.

(iv) These apps may not download or install separate apps, kexts, additional code, or resources to add functionality or materially alter the apps we see during our review process.

(v) These apps may not request to escalate to root privileges or use setuid attributes.

(vi) These apps may not display a licensing screen upon launch, require use of a license key, or implement their own copy protection measures.

(vii) These apps must use the Mac App Store to distribute updates; no other update mechanisms are allowed.

(viii) These apps should run on currently released OS and should not use disabled or optional technologies (e.g. Java, Rosetta).

(ix) These apps must include all language and localization support within a single app package.

2.5 Software Requirements

2.5.1 Apps are only allowed to use public APIs and must run on currently released operating systems. Learn more about public APIs. Keep your app updated and deprecate any deprecated features, frameworks, or technologies that are no longer supported in future OS versions. The APIs and frameworks used by the app should be for the intended purpose, and the integration details should be stated in the app description. For example, the HomeKit framework should provide home automation services; while HealthKit should be used for health and fitness purposes and integrated into the Health app.

2.5.2 Apps should be self-contained within their packages and may not read or write data outside the scope of the designated container, nor may they download, install, or execute code that introduces or changes the features or functionality of the App, including other Apps. Only in special circumstances may educational apps used to teach, develop, or allow students to test executable code download the provided code, but such code may not be used for other purposes. Such apps must open the source code provided by the app so that customers can fully view and edit the source code.

2.5.3 If the App transmits viruses, files, computer codes, or programs that may negatively impact or disrupt the normal operation of the operating system and/or hardware functions (including push notifications and Game Center), the App will be rejected. Repeated or egregious violations may result in a developer being removed from the Apple Developer Program.

2.5.4 Multitasking apps are only allowed to use background services to achieve their intended purposes: VoIP, audio playback, geolocation, task completion records, local notifications, etc. If your app uses location-based background mode, remind users that doing so can significantly reduce battery life.

2.5.5 We will conduct the audit on an IPv6 network. If your app is not compatible with IPv6 addressing, it may not pass review.

2.5.6 If your app browses the web, it must use the corresponding WebKit framework and WebKit JavaScript .

2.5.7 Video streaming content longer than 10 minutes over cellular networks must use HTTP Live Streaming and include a baseline 192 kbps HTTP Live Stream.

2.5.8 If an app creates an alternative desktop/home screen environment or simulates a multi-app widget experience, the app will be rejected.

2.5.9 Apps that alter or disable the functionality of standard switches (such as volume up/down and ring/silent switches), or alter or disable other native user interface elements or behaviors will be rejected. For example, apps should not block links to other apps or features that users expect to function in a certain way. Learn more about how to properly handle links.

2.5.10 Apps may not be submitted that contain blank ad banners or test ads.

2.5.11 SiriKit and Shortcuts

(i) Apps that integrate SiriKit and Shortcuts should only register intents that they can handle without support from other apps and that are consistent with the user’s expectations of the described functionality. For example, if your app is a meal planning app, you should not incorporate an intent to start a workout, even if your app shares integration with a fitness app.

(ii) Ensure that the words and phrases in the plist match the Siri capabilities of your app and the intents it registers. Nicknames must be directly related to your app or company name and may not use generic terms or include third-party app names or services.

(iii) Resolve Siri or Shortcut requests in the most direct manner possible, without inserting any advertising or other marketing messages between the request and fulfillment. Disambiguation should only be required when it is necessary to complete the relevant task (for example, to allow the user to specify a specific type of fitness training).

2.5.12 Apps that use CallKit or include SMS Fraud extensions should only block phone numbers that have been confirmed to be used to send spam. Apps with call, SMS, or MMS blocking features or spam identification features must clearly identify these features in their marketing text and explain the criteria for inclusion in blocking and spam lists. The data obtained through these tools may not be used for any other purpose not directly related to operating or improving your app or extension (for example, the data may not be used, shared, or sold for purposes such as tracking or creating user profiles).

2.5.13 Apps that use facial recognition for account authentication must use Local Authentication (rather than AR Kit or other facial recognition technologies ) when possible , and must use alternative authentication methods for users under the age of 13.

2.5.14 Apps must clearly request user consent and provide clear visual instructions when recording, logging, or otherwise recording user activity. This includes any use of the device camera, microphone, or other user input.

2.5.15 Apps that allow users to view and select files should include items from the Files app and the user’s iCloud Documents.

3. Business

There are many ways to monetize your app on the App Store. If your business model isn’t obvious, be sure to explain it in its metadata and App Review notes. If we don't understand how an app works or in-app purchases aren't self-explanatory, our review will be delayed and may result in your app being rejected. While you decide the price, we won't distribute apps and in-app purchases that are clearly priced too high. We will reject apps that attempt to deceive users with unreasonably high prices.

If we discover that you are attempting to manipulate reviews to improve rankings through payment, incentives, filter or falsified feedback, or asking a third-party service to do so on your behalf, we will take appropriate action to protect the integrity of the App Store. Action taken may include removal from the Apple Developer Program.

3.1 Payment

3.1.1 In-App Purchases:

If you want to unlock features or functionality within the app (such as subscriptions, in-game currency, game levels, access to premium content, or unlocking the full version, etc.), you must use in-app purchases. Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers, QR codes, etc. Apps and their metadata may not contain buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to make purchases using mechanisms other than in-app purchase.

Apps can use in-app purchase item-based currencies to allow users to "tip" digital content providers within the app.

All points and game currency purchased through in-app purchases must not expire, and you should ensure that a recovery mechanism is designed for all restorable in-app purchases.

Be sure to specify the correct purchaseable type or your app will be rejected.

Apps may not directly or indirectly give content, features or consumables for in-app purchases to others.

Apps distributed through the Mac App Store can host plug-ins or extensions based on non-App Store mechanisms.

Apps that offer "Ticket Box" or other random virtual item purchase mechanisms must disclose the chances of obtaining each type of item to the customer before purchasing.

A free trial period for a period of time can be provided before the non-subscribed app is fully unlocked, according to the naming agreement: "14-day trial period". Before the trial begins, your app must be clear about its duration, and when the trial is over, the content or service is no longer allowed to be accessed, and users will have to pay to continue using it. Learn more about managing content and duration of the trial with receipt and device checks.

3.1.2 Subscription: Apps can provide automatic renewal in-app purchase subscriptions regardless of which category it belongs to the App Store. Be sure to follow the following guidelines when integrating an automatically renewable subscription within the app.

3.1.2(a) Permitted Uses: If you provide an automatic renewal subscription, you must provide the customer with ongoing value, the subscription period must last at least seven days and be accessible on all users’ devices. The following is not an exhaustive list, and appropriate subscription examples include: new game levels; serialized content; multi-player support; continuous substantive updates of apps; access to large collections of media content or continuous updates; Software as a Service (SAAS); and cloud service support. also:

Subscriptions are available with a stand-alone service. For example, you can provide subscriptions to the entire library, as well as single video purchases or rentals.

You can provide subscriptions across multiple apps and services, but these subscriptions are not scalable to third-party apps or services. Games offered in the game subscription must be owned by the developer or have been exclusively licensed (for example, not part of the game publishing platform). All games must be downloaded directly from the App Store. Games must avoid repeated payments from subscribers and should not harm the interests of non-subscribers.

The subscription must be available to all user devices that can use the App. For more information, see Sharing a subscription across your apps.

Apps may not force users to rating or comment on the App, download other Apps, or perform other similar actions before they can access the App's functions, content or use the App.

Like all apps, such service subscriptions should allow users to directly obtain paid purchases without additional tasks such as posting on social media , uploading address books, and checking in within the app.

Subscriptions can include expendable points, gems, or in-game currency, etc. You can also provide subscriptions that include discounted benefits for consumable items (such as premium memberships that can purchase gem bags at discounted prices).

If you want to change an existing app to a subscription-based business model, you must not lose the main features that existing users have paid to purchase. For example, after introducing the subscription model for new customers, customers who have purchased "full game unlocking" should be able to continue accessing the full version of the game.

Automatically updates to subscribe to the app can provide customers with a free trial period by providing relevant information listed in the App Store Connect. Apps that try to trick users into buying subscribed apps or performing fraud and exchange operations with false pretexts will be removed from the App Store and you will also be removed from the Apple Developer Program. Learn more about free subscription trials.

3.1.2(b) Upgrade and downgrade: Users should be able to get a seamless upgrade/downgrade experience and do not accidentally subscribe to multiple different versions of the same content. Please see best practices about managing subscription upgrades and downgrade options.

3.1.2(c) Subscription information: Before allowing customers to subscribe, you should clearly describe the specific rights and interests after payment. How many issues are there per month? How big is the cloud storage capacity? What services can you access? In addition, it is important to clearly state the requirements, namely the requirements described in the "Agreement, Taxation and Banking" section of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement .

3.1.3(a) “Reader” App: The App should allow users to access previously purchased content or content subscriptions (specifically including: magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, videos, professional database access, VoIP, cloud storage, and approved services, such as classroom management Apps ) and consumables in multi-platform games, provided that you agree not to direct or indirectly guide iOS users to purchase using non-in-App purchases mechanisms, and do not deliberately prevent users from using in-App purchases in the ordinary communication you introduce other purchasing methods.

3.1.3(b) Multi-platform service: Apps running across multiple platforms allow users to access content, subscriptions or features elsewhere, including consumer items in multi-platform games, provided that these also provide in-app purchase items options. You cannot directly or indirectly use purchasing methods other than in-app purchases for iOS users, and your daily communication about other purchasing methods cannot hinder the use of in-app purchases.

3.1.4 Specific hardware content: In a few cases, for example, when the function depends on a specific hardware function, the App can unlock the feature without using an in-app purchase item (for example, the Astronomical App will add functionality after synchronizing with the telescope). Optional App features used with approved actual products such as toys unlock specific features without using in-app purchases, provided that in-app purchases options are also available. You may not require users to unlock App features by purchasing unrelated products or participating in advertising or marketing activities.

3.1.5 (a) Goods and Services outside the App : If the App allows users to purchase goods or services that will be used outside the App, they must use purchases other than in-app purchases to collect the corresponding payment, such as Apple Pay or traditional credit card input.

3.1.5 (b) Digital cryptocurrency

(i) Wallet: Apps facilitate virtual currency storage as long as they are provided by developers registered as organizations.

(ii) Mining: Apps are not allowed to mine cryptocurrencies unless the processing is done outside the device (e.g., cloud-based mining).

(iii) Exchange: Apps can facilitate transactions or transmission of cryptocurrencies in approved exchanges, provided that these transactions are provided by the exchange itself.

(iv) Initial Coin Issuance: Apps that facilitate initial currency issuance (“ICOs”), cryptocurrency futures trading, other cryptocurrency or quasi-security trading must come from established banks, securities companies, Futures Trading Commissions (“FCMs”) or other approved financial institutions and must comply with all applicable laws.

(v) Cryptocurrency Apps shall not provide currency for completing tasks, such as downloading other applications, encouraging other users to download, publishing to social networks, etc.

3.1.6 Apple Pay: If the App uses Apple Pay, all basic purchase information must be provided to the user before selling any goods or services, and the Apple Pay brand and user interface elements must be used correctly. For specific requirements, please refer to the "Apple Pay Identification Logo Guide" and "Human Interface Guidelines". Apps that use Apple Pay that provide duplicate payment services need to disclose at least the following information:

The duration of the renewal period; the renewal will continue unless cancelled

What services will be provided in each cycle

Actual fees to be charged to the customer

How to cancel

3.1.7 Advertisements: The ads displayed in the App must comply with the application's age rating, allowing users to view all information for the ad (users do not need to leave the App), and must not target them based on sensitive user data, such as health/ medical data (such as HealthKit APIs), classroom data (such as ClassKit), or children's data (such as children's applications), etc.

The gaps that interrupt the user experience must be clearly stated that they are ads and cannot be manipulated or deceived by the user to click, and it must provide easy access and visible close/skip buttons so that people can delete ads.

3.2 Other business model issues

The list below is not an exhaustive list, and the app you submit may cause changes or updates to our policies, but here are some additional things to do and things not to do that you need to keep in mind:

3.2.1 Acceptable

(i) In your app, display your other apps for purchase or promotional purposes, as long as your app is not simply listing other apps.

(ii) Display or recommend third-party apps designed for specific approved needs (such as health management, aviation and accessibility features, etc.). Your app should provide continuous editing so that the app doesn't look like a decoration.

(iii) Access to approved specific rental content (such as movies, TV shows, music, books) is prohibited after the end of the lease period; all other project services shall not have expired.

(iv) Wallet vouchers can be used to pay or receive payments, transmit transactions, or provide authentication (such as movie tickets, coupons, and VIP credentials). If Wallet credentials are used for other purposes, it may cause the app to be rejected and Wallet credentials may be revoked.

(v) Insurance apps must be provided for free and must comply with relevant laws in the App publishing area, and must not use in-app purchases.

(vi) Approved nonprofits may conduct fundraising activities within the apps they hold or third-party apps, provided that these fundraising activities must comply with all App Review guidelines and provide Apple Pay support. Such apps must disclose the planned purpose of the funds, comply with all necessary local and federal government laws, and ensure that appropriate tax receipts are provided to donors. Additional information should also be provided to the App Review team when requested. A nonprofit platform that introduces other nonprofit organizations to donors must ensure that each nonprofit listed in the app has passed the nonprofit approval process. Learn more about how to become an approved nonprofit.

(vii) The App allows individual users to use the non-in-app purchase mechanism to give money-style gifts to another individual, provided that: a) the giftee has full autonomy to decide whether to give, and b) the giftee receives 100% of the gift amount. However, if the gift corresponds to or contains receiving any digital content or services at any point in time, it must be used for in-app purchases.

(viii) App If used in financial transactions, investments or fund management, the publisher shall be a financial institution that performs such services or must use a public API provided by the institution under its terms and conditions.

3.2.2 Unacceptable

(i) Create an interface similar to the App Store and is used to display third-party apps, extensions, or plug-ins, or use it as a collection of popular apps.

(ii) Money through built-in features provided by the hardware or operating system, such as push notifications, cameras, or gyroscopes, or Apple services such as Apple Music access or iCloud storage.

(iii) Apps that artificially scan ad impressions or ad clicks, and apps that are designed to display ads.

(iv) Raise funds for charities and fundraisers within the App unless you are an approved nonprofit or licensed under 3.2.1 (vi) above. Apps that raise funds for the above purposes must be free on the App Store and can only be raised outside the App, such as via Safari or SMS.

(v) Forced restrictions on the user base of the App, such as restricting specific regions or operators .

(vi) The app should allow users to directly obtain paid purchases without performing additional tasks such as posting on social media, uploading address books, and checking in with a specific number of times within the app. Apps may not require users to rate or comment on the App, watch videos, download other Apps, click on ads, or perform other similar operations before they can access the App's features, content, or use the App, or accept cash or other compensation.

(vii) Artificially manipulate the user's visibility, status or ranking in other services unless the terms and conditions of the relevant services allow this.

(viii) Apps that assist in binary options trading are not allowed in the App Store. Please consider using the web version of the app. Apps If you support transactions in CFDs or other financial derivatives (such as Forex), you must obtain the appropriate license in all jurisdictions where the Service is provided.

(ix) Apps cannot force users to rate, review, download other apps, or perform other similar actions to access the app's features, content, or use.

4. Design

Apple customers value simple, elegant, innovative and easy to use products, which is exactly what we want to see on the App Store. You can provide a variety of excellent designs, but apps approved for release on the App Store must meet at least the following criteria. Also remember that even after the app is approved, you should update it to make sure the app works properly and continues to attract new and existing customers. Apps that stop service or experience declines may be removed from the App Store at any time.

4.1 Plagiarist

Please come up with your own ideas. We know you have your own whims, so put them into practice. Please do not simply copy popular apps on the App Store, or simply modify the names or UIs of other apps, and use them for your own use. Doing so will not only cause intellectual property infringement claims, but will also increase the difficulty of browsing in the App Store, and it will also be unfair to your developer colleagues.

4.2 Minimum functional requirements

The app should contain features, content, and UI, not just a repackaged website. If an app has no practical value, no novelty, or is not very similar to an app, it is not suitable for appearing in the App Store. If the app doesn’t bring lasting entertainment value, or just creepy, it won’t be approved. If the App is just a song or a video, it should be submitted to the iTunes Store. If the app is just a book or game guide, it should be submitted to the iBooks Store.

4.2.1 Apps that apply ARKit should provide a rich and complete augmented reality experience. Putting the model into the AR view or replaying the animation is not enough.

4.2.2 In addition to directory-based apps, apps should not be used only for marketing materials, advertising, online clippings, content aggregation or link collections.

4.2.3 (i) The app should work independently without installing other apps.

(ii) To ensure that the app runs at startup, make sure that you include enough content in the binary file.

(iii) If your app needs to download additional resources, please publicly publish the download size before downloading and prompt the user. In any updates submitted after January 1, 2019, existing apps must comply with this guideline.

4.2.4 Apple Watch Apps similar to the watch face may be confusing because users will think these apps can be used with various device features such as swipe, notifications, and third-party feature bars. Using creative time expressions as an app interface is a good idea (for example, a tidal clock for surfers), but if your app is too similar to the watch face, it may be rejected by us.

4.2.5 Apps mainly used as iCloud and iCloud Drive file managers need to include more app features in order to obtain approval.

4.2.6 Apps created using commercial templates or App Generation Services will be rejected unless the app is submitted directly by the provider of its content. To provide different user experiences for different customers, these template services can provide tools to help customers create innovative apps on their own, but should not submit apps on their behalf. Template providers may also consider creating a single binary file to host all client content in a summary or “selected” model (for example, customize separate entries or pages for each client’s restaurant in the restaurant search app, or create separate entries for each client’s event in the party event app).

4.2.7 Remote Application Mirror: If your remote desktop app is used as a mirror for a specific software or service rather than a general image of a host device, it must comply with the following regulations:

(a) The host device is a user-owned personal computer, and the host and client must be connected to a local and lan-based network.

(b) Any software or service that appears in the client is fully presented on the screen of the host device and no API or platform features than required for remote desktop streaming shall be used.

(c) All account creation and management must be started from the host device.

(d) The UI that appears on the client is not similar to iOS or App Store views, does not provide a store-like interface, and does not include the ability to browse, select or purchase software that the user has not yet owned or authorized. For clarity, transactions made in the mirroring software do not require in-app purchases, provided that the transactions are processed on the host.

4.3 Repeat the App

Please do not create multiple suite IDs for the same App. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, colleges, etc., consider submitting a single app and offering in-app purchases to provide different features. At the same time, please avoid continuing to develop under a large number of app-like categories; there are already too many apps that simulate farts and hiccups on the App Store, as well as flashlights and Aijing Apps. Developers who upload a large number of similar versions of the app will be removed from the Apple Developer Program.

4.4 Extensions

A hosted or included app must follow the App Extension Programming Guide or the Safari Extensions Development Guide and, if feasible, include a range of features such as the Help Screen and Settings Interface. You should clearly and accurately disclose what extensions are provided in the marketing text of the app, which cannot include marketing, advertising, or in-app purchases.

4.4.1 Keyboard extensions also need to follow some additional rules.

They must:

Provides keyboard input function (such as characters can be entered);

If the keyboard contains images or emojis, follow sticker guidelines;

Provides a way to switch to the next keyboard;

Can still be used without a network connection and full access is not required;

User activity data is collected only to improve the performance of its Keyboard extensions on iOS devices.

They must not:

Launch other apps other than "Settings"; or

Use keyboard keys for other behaviors, such as holding the Return key to start the camera, etc.

4.4.2 The Safari extension must run on the latest version of Safari on macOS. They must not interfere with the system and Safari UI elements and must not contain malicious or misleading content or code. Violating this rule will result in delisting from the Apple Developer Program. Safari extensions may not require access to more sites except for websites necessary for proper functioning.

4.4.3 Expression stickers

Expression stickers are an excellent way to make “information” more dynamic and fun, allowing people to express themselves in a more clever, fun, and meaningful way. Whether your app contains Sticker extensions or you want to create a separate emoticon sticker package, the content must not offend users, cause negative experiences or violate relevant laws.

(i) Generally, content that is not suitable for posting on the App Store is not suitable for emoticon stickers.

(ii) Consider regional sensitivity and do not provide your emoticon sticker pack in countries that are difficult to accept or will violate local laws.

(iii) If the meaning of your emoticon sticker is not easy to understand, please attach clear instructions to the review notes to avoid delays in the review process.

(iv) Make sure your emoticon stickers are relevant outside of your friends and family; they should not be specific to personal activities, groups, or relationships.

(v) You must hold all necessary copyright, trademark rights, image rights and authorization licenses for the content in the emoticon sticker, and may not submit any unauthorized content. Remember that you must be able to provide verifiable documents when requested. If the app contains emoticon stickers that you do not have permission to use, the app will be removed from the App Store and repeated infringers will be removed from the Developer Program. If you believe your content has been infringed by other providers, please submit a complaint with us.

4.5 Apple Sites and Services

4.5.1 Apps can use approved Apple RSS feeds (such as iTunes Store RSS feeds), but they cannot erase any information on Apple sites (such as, iTunes Store, App Store, App Store Connect, Developer Portal, etc.), nor can they use this information for ranking.

4.5.2 Apple Music

(i) The MusicKit API allows customers to access their subscriptions when using your app. They are designed to provide Apple Music subscribers with an easy and easy music playback experience. Users must be able to initiate Apple Music streaming and be able to browse music content using standard media controls such as Play, Pause, and Skip. In addition, your App shall not require users to obtain access to Apple Music services through payment or indirect monetization (such as in-app purchases, advertising, user information required, etc.). Do not download, upload, or share music files derived from the MusicKit API unless otherwise explicitly allowed in the MusicKit document.

(ii) Using the MusicKit API does not replace the licenses that may be required to obtain deeper or more complex music integration. For example, if you want your app to play a specific song at a specific moment, or create an audio or video file that can be shared on social media, you need to contact the copyright holder directly to obtain a license (such as sync or adaptation rights) and resources. Cover illustrations and other metadata may only be used for purposes related to music playback or playlists (including App Store screenshots showing App features) and may not be used for any marketing or advertising purposes without the express authorization of the copyright holder. When integrating Apple Music services into the App, be sure to follow the "Apple Music Identity Guidelines".

(iii) Apps that access Apple Music user data (such as playlists and personal collections) must clearly disclose such access behavior in the use string. No data collected may be shared with third parties and may not be used for any purpose other than to support or improve the App experience. Such data shall not be used to identify users or devices, nor shall it be used for advertising targeted purposes.

4.5.3 Do not use Apple services (including Game Center or push notifications, etc.) to send spam, phish, or send unsolicited information to customers. You may not attempt to find, track, associate, mine, obtain or utilize player IDs, aliases, and other information obtained through Game Center. Otherwise, you will be removed from the Apple Developer Program.

4.5.4 The app cannot list push notifications as required, and cannot use this feature for advertising, promotion or direct marketing purposes, or for sending sensitive personal or confidential information. Abuse of these services may result in the cancellation of your privileges.

4.5.5 Use Game Center player ID only in a manner approved by the Game Center team and may not be displayed in the App or to any third party.

4.5.6 Apps can use Unicode characters of Apple emojis in their metadata. But Apple emojis cannot be used on other platforms, nor can they be directly embedded in your App binary files.

4.6 Alternative App Icons

Apps can use custom icons to convey specific information (such as expressing love for a sports team), provided that each change is initiated by the user and that the app should contain settings that restore to the original icon. All icon variations must be related to the content of the App, and the changes should be consistent across all system resources so that the icons displayed in locations such as Settings and Notifications match the new Springboard icon. This feature cannot be used for dynamic, automatic or continuous changes, such as reflecting the latest weather information and calendar notifications.

4.7 HTML5 games and chatbots (Bot), etc.

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5. Law

As long as the app is available to users in a certain area, all legal requirements in that area must be followed (if you are not sure, please contact an attorney). We know that these things are very complex, but it is your responsibility to understand all local laws, and to ensure that your app meets all legal requirements, in addition to the guidelines listed below. Of course, if the App is instigated, promoted or encouraged to commit crimes or is obviously irresponsible, it will be rejected. In extreme cases involving apps such as facilitating human trafficking and/or exploitation of children, we will notify the authorities.

5.1 Privacy

In the Apple ecosystem, protecting user privacy is always the top priority. You must be careful when processing personal data to ensure compliance with applicable laws and the terms in the “Apple Developer Program License Agreement” and meet customer expectations. In particular:

5.1.1 Data collection and storage

(i) Privacy Policy: All Apps Privacy Policy in the App Store Connection Metadata field and within the app must include an easy-to-access link. Their privacy policy must be clear:

Determine what data, application or service collection, how it collects data, and the use of all that data.

As required by the guidelines, any third-party application that shares user data, such as analytics tools, advertising networks, third-party SDKs, and any parent or subsidiary, who have access to user data, will provide the same or equivalent user data protection measures as described in the App's Privacy Policy.

Explain its data retention/deletion policy and describe how users revoke consent/deletion requests for user data.

(ii) Apps that allow users to collect or use data must ensure that users agree to the collection. The paid function must be granted access to the data by the user. The app must also provide customers with an easy and understandable way to revoke consent. Please clearly describe your use of the data. Apps that collect data for legitimate interests must comply with all provisions of the EU General data protection regulations (GDPR) or similar regulations. Learn more about requesting permission.

(iii) Data minimization: Apps should only request access to data related to their core functions and collect and use only the data needed to complete related tasks. Use out-of-process selectors or shared tables where possible instead of requesting full access to protected resources such as photos or contacts.

(iv) Access to the App must respect the user's permission settings and must not attempt to manipulate, deceive or force the user to agree to unnecessary data access. For example, an app with the function of uploading photos to a social network must not access the microphone until it allows users to upload photos. If possible, provide additional solutions for dissatisfied users. For example, if the user refuses to share a location, the ability to manually enter the address can be provided.

(v) Account login: If the App does not include important account-based features, please allow users to use them without logging in. Apps may not require users to provide personal information to be used normally unless the personal information is directly related to the core functions of the App or when required by law. If your core app features are not related to specific social networks (such as Facebook, WeChat , Weibo, or Twitter, etc.), you must provide access without login or other similar mechanisms. Retrieving basic file information, sharing it on social networks, or inviting friends to use the App are not considered core App functions. The app must also include a mechanism that can revoke social network credentials and prohibit data access between social networks, and cannot store credentials on social networks outside the device. These credentials can only be connected directly from the App itself to the social network when the App is in use.

(vi) If the developer's app tries to secretly collect user passwords or other user private data, the developer will be removed from the Apple Developer Program.

(vii) The SafariViewController must be used to display information to the user in a prominent position; the controller must not be hidden, nor can it be obscured by other views or layers. In addition, Apps may not use SafariViewController privately to track users without the user's knowledge and consent.

5.1.2 Data usage and sharing

(i) You may not use, transmit or share other people's personal data without permission unless otherwise provided by law. You must provide information on how and where the data will be used. Data collected by the App can only be used or shared with third parties when used for advertising purposes in order to improve user experience or software/hardware performance related to App features, or when following the "Apple Developer Program License Agreement". Apps that share user data without user consent or comply with data privacy laws may be prohibited from selling and may result in your removal from the Apple Developer Program.

(ii) Unless otherwise expressly permitted by law, data collected for a purpose shall not be used for other purposes without further consent of the user.

(iii) The App shall not create a user profile for collecting data without attempting to promote, encourage others to identify anonymous users or rebuild user profiles based on collecting data.

(iv) You must not use information from contacts, photos, or other APIs to access user data to build a contact database for your own use or to sell/distribute to third parties, nor do you collect information on other apps installed on your user devices for analysis or advertising purposes.

(v) You must not contact others through the user's contacts or information collected from your photos unless the user is explicitly proactive on a personal basis; do not include selecting all options or selecting all contacts by default. Before sending a message, you must provide the user with a clear description of how the message will be displayed to the recipient (e.g., what does the message show? Who will be the sender?)

(vi) Data collected from the HomeKit API, HealthKit, Consumer Health Record API, MovementDisorder API, ClassKit, or depth map and/or spectral drawing tools (such as ARKit, Camera API, or Photo API) shall not be used for marketing , advertising, or for other data mining based on usage. Learn more about best practices for implementing CallKit, HealthKit, ClassKit, and ARKit.

(vii) Apps using Apple Pay can only share user data obtained through Apple Pay with third parties to help or improve the delivery of goods or services.

5.1.3 Health and Health Research

Health, fitness and medical data are particularly sensitive and apps covering these areas must meet additional rules and ensure customer privacy is protected:

(i) The App can only use data collected in the context of health, fitness and medical research (including data collected from Clinical Health Records API, HealthKit API , "Sports & Fitness", MovementDisorderAPIs or Human Research in the Health Realm) for the purpose of improving health management or health research, or disclose it to third parties, and may not be used for advertising, marketing , or other data mining based on usage.

(ii) The App shall not write false or incorrect data to HealthKit or any other medical research/health management app, nor shall it store personal health information in iCloud.

(iii) Apps that conduct human research in the field of health must obtain informed consent from participants, and if minors are involved, informed consent from their parents or guardians must be obtained. The above informed consent form must cover the following: (a) the nature, purpose and duration of the study; (b) specific procedures, risks and benefits to participants; (c) information on confidentiality and data processing (including sharing of information with third parties); (d) contact persons used to answer participants’ questions; and (e) exit process.

(iv) Apps used to conduct human research in the health field must be approved by an independent ethical review committee. Once required, proof of such approval must be provided.

5.1.4 Children

You must be careful when processing children’s personal data for a number of reasons. We recommend that you read all requirements carefully to comply with relevant laws such as the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”), the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) , and other equivalent laws that are applicable internationally or locally .

The app can only require users to provide dates of birth or parent contact information for the purpose of complying with applicable child privacy regulations, but must provide some practical features or entertainment value for users of all ages.

In addition, apps in the "Child Category" and apps that collect personal information from minors (such as name, address, email, location, photos, videos, pictures, chat, other personal data, or use a permanent identifier in combination with any of the above information), transmit such information, or be able to share such information, must comply with applicable child privacy regulations and must have a privacy policy. For clarity, parental monitoring requirements for the “Child Category” are usually not exactly equivalent to the collection of personal data after parents’ consent is obtained under these privacy regulations.

5.1.5 Positioning Service

只有在定位服務與App 提供的功能和服務直接相關時,才能在App 中使用定位服務。基于位置的API 不得用于提供緊急服務,不得對汽車、飛機和其他設備進行自主控制(小型設備,如輕量無人機和玩具除外),不得遙控汽車防盜系統等。在收集、傳輸或使用位置數據之前,務必進行通知并獲得用戶同意。如果App 會使用定位服務,請務必在App 中說明相應的原因;請參考“Human Interface Guidelines”,了解相應的最佳做法。

5.2 知識產權

請確保App 只包含由您創建或擁有使用許可的內容。如果您已越線并在未經許可的情況下使用了內容,您的App 可能會被移除。當然,這也意味著如果他人抄襲了您的作品,則他們的App 也可能會被移除。如果您認為自己的知識產權在App Store 上受到了其他開發者的侵犯,請通過網頁表格(英文) 提交權利主張。各個國家/地區的法律互不相同,但請務必避免以下常見錯誤:

5.2.1一般性:不得在未經授權的情況下,在App 中使用受保護的第三方材料(例如商標、版權作品、專利設計);也不得在App 套裝或開發者名稱中包含虛假、抄襲或誤導性的演示、名稱或元數據。App 提交方應當是擁有或獲授權使用知識產權和其他相關權利的個人或法律實體,并且應對提供App 中的任何服務負責。

5.2.2第三方站點/服務:如果您的App 會使用、訪問第三方服務、通過訪問第三方服務盈利或是顯示第三方服務的內容,請確保您獲得在該服務的使用條款下進行此類操作的特別許可。如有相應要求,則必須提供相關授權。

5.2.3音頻/視頻下載:App 不得促進非法文件共享,或在沒有獲得這些資源的明確授權的情況下,提供從第三方來源(如Apple Music、 YouTube 、SoundCloud、Vimeo) 保存、轉換或下載媒體資源的能力。視頻/音頻內容流也有可能觸犯使用條款,所以請務必在App 訪問這些服務前,進行檢查。如有相應要求,則必須提供相關文稿。

5.2.4 Apple 認可:不得誤導或暗示Apple 是App 的來源或提供商,或者Apple 以任何形式表示認可其質量或功能。如果您的App 被選為“編輯選薦”,Apple 將自動顯示相應徽章。

5.2.5 Apple 產品:不得創建與現有Apple 產品、界面(如Finder)、App (如App Store、iTunes Store 或“信息”) 或廣告主題外觀相似或容易混淆的App。App 和擴展(包括第三方鍵盤和貼紙包) 不得含有Apple 表情符號。iTunes 音樂預覽內容不得用于其娛樂價值(如用作照片拼貼畫的背景音樂或游戲配音) 或其他未獲授權的方式。如果App 顯示健身記錄圓環,則不應以類似于“健身記錄”控件的方式展示“活動”,“鍛煉”或“站立”數據。請參考“Human Interface Guidelines”以了解關于如何使用健身記錄圓環的更多信息。

5.3 游戲、賭博和彩票

賭博、游戲和彩票的管理難度大,是App Store 上受到最多管制的App 類別之一。只有全面核實了即將發布您的App 的所有國家/地區的相關法律要求后,才能包含此功能,并且要做好準備此功能的審核流程需要更長的時間。您需要謹記以下事項:

5.3.1抽獎和比賽必須由App 的開發者贊助。

5.3.2抽獎、比賽和抽彩的正式規則必須在App 中注明,并且必須明確表示Apple 不是贊助者,也沒有以任何形式參與活動。

5.3.3 App 不得通過App 內購買項目購買點數或貨幣,以用于任何種類的真實貨幣游戲;不得向用戶出售彩票或抽彩券;不得在App 內進行資金轉賬。

5.3.4提供真實貨幣游戲(例如體育下注、撲克、賭場游戲、賽馬) 或彩票的App 必須在使用該App 的地區獲得必要的許可和批準,且只能在這些地區發布,此類App 在App Store 中必須免費提供。App Store 上不允許發布非法的賭博輔助工具,包括記牌器。彩票App 必須有報酬、幾率及獎品。


請尊重每一個人,無論是在您對App Store 評論、客戶支持請求的回復中,還是在與蘋果的溝通中,包括在分辨率中心的回復中。不要從事任何形式的騷擾、歧視行為、恐嚇、欺凌,也不要鼓勵他人從事上述任何一種行為。

客戶信任是App Store 成功的基石。App 不應該捕食用戶或企圖敲詐顧客,誘騙他們制造不必要的購買,迫使他們共享不必要的數據,提高價格以復雜的方式收費或內容不交付,或進行任何 App 內外部的其他操作。

最近更新:2018 年6 月4 日


在App Store Connect 中提交App 和元數據之后,您隨即就會進入審核流程。請謹記以下幾點:

時間安排:App Review 團隊將盡快檢查您的App。然而,如果您的App 很復雜或者出現了新的問題,它可能需要更多的審查和考慮。記住,如果您的App 因為同樣的準則被反復拒絕,或者您試圖操作App 評審過程,那么評審將需要更長的時間來完成。進一步了解App Review。

狀態更新: App 的當前狀態會反映在App Store Connect 中,所以請多留意此處。


發布日期:如果您設定在未來某個日期發布App,在此日期到來之前,即使這個App 已獲得App Review 團隊的批準,也不會顯示在App Store 上。請注意,您的App 可能需要長達24 小時才能顯示在所有選定的商店中。

拒絕:我們的目標是公平、持續地遵循這些準則,但是人無完人。如果您的App 被拒絕,但您存在疑問,或希望提供其他信息,請使用解決方案中心,以與App Review 團隊直接溝通。這樣可以幫助您的App 出現在商店中,也可幫助我們改進App Review 流程,并在我們的政策中發現需要闡明的部分。如果您仍對結果不滿意,請提交申訴(英文)。


新的App Store

1、應用榜與游戲榜展示的App 從200 個減少為50 個。 2、詳情頁刪除分類與排名,增加「版權」信息。


This article was compiled and published by @Qimai Research Institute by (Qinggua Media). Please indicate the author information and source when reprinting!

Product promotion services: APP promotion services, advertising platform, Longyou Games

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