Mini Program Development Page Sample Code

Mini Program Development Page Sample Code

Page(Object object)

Dongguan mini program development page sample code, register a page in the mini program. Accepts an Object type parameter, which specifies the page's initial data, lifecycle callbacks, event handling functions, etc.


Object object
property type default value Required illustrate
data Object Initial data of the page
onLoad Function Lifecycle callbacks - listen for page loading
onShow Function Lifecycle callback—monitoring page display
onReady Function Lifecycle callback - listen for the completion of the initial rendering of the page
onHide Function Lifecycle callback - listen for page hiding
onUnload Function Lifecycle callback - listen for page uninstallation
onPullDownRefresh Function Monitor user pull-down actions
onReachBottom Function The processing function of the bottom-out event on the page
onShareAppMessage Function The user clicks on the upper right corner to forward
onPageScroll Function The page scroll trigger event processing function
onResize Function Triggered when the page size changes, see Responding to display area changes for details
onTabItemTap Function When the current page is a tab, it is triggered when the tab is clicked
other any Developers can add any functions or data to the Object parameter and use this to access them in the page function.

Dongguan applet development page sample code

  data: {
    text: "This is page data."
  onLoad: function(options) {
    // Do some initialize when page load.
  onReady: function() {
    // Do something when page is ready.
  onShow: function() {
    // Do something when page show.
  onHide: function() {
    // Do something when page hide.
  onUnload: function() {
    // Do something when page close.
  onPullDownRefresh: function() {
    // Do something when pull down.
  onReachBottom: function() {
    // Do something when page reaches bottom.
  onShareAppMessage: function () {
    // return custom share data when user share.
  onPageScroll: function() {
    // Do something when page scroll
  onResize: function() {
    // Do something when page resize
  onTabItemTap(item) {
  // Event handler.
  viewTap: function() {
      text: 'Set some data for updating view.'
    }, function() {
      // this is setData callback
  customData: {
    hi: 'MINA'

Small program development data

data is the initial data used when the page is first rendered.

When the page is loaded, data will be passed from the logic layer to the rendering layer in the form of a JSON string, so the data in data must be a type that can be converted to JSON: string, number, Boolean value, object, array.

The rendering layer can bind data via WXML.

Mini program development data sample code:

Preview the effect in the developer tools

  data: {
    text: 'init data',
    array: [{msg: '1'}, {msg: '2'}]

Mini Program Development Life Cycle Callback Function

For details on triggering the life cycle and page routing, see

onLoad(Object query)

Fired when the page loads. A page will only be called once, and the parameters in the path of the current page can be obtained in the onLoad parameters.


name type illustrate
query Object Open the parameters in the current page path


Fired when the page is displayed/cut into the foreground.


Fired when the initial rendering of the page is complete. A page is called only once, indicating that the page is ready to interact with the view layer.

Note: APIs that set interface content, such as wx.setNavigationBarTitle, should be executed after onReady. See Life Cycle for details.


Triggered when the page is hidden/entered the background. For example, wx.navigateTo or the bottom tab switches to other pages, and the mini program goes to the background.


Fired when the page is unloaded. Such as wx.redirectTo or wx.navigateBack to other pages.

Page event handling function


Listen for the user's pull-to-refresh event.

  • You need to enable enablePullDownRefresh in the window option of app.json or in the page configuration.
  • You can trigger a pull-down refresh through wx.startPullDownRefresh, which triggers the pull-down refresh animation. The effect is the same as the user manually pulling down to refresh.
  • After processing the data refresh, wx.stopPullDownRefresh can stop the pull-down refresh of the current page.


Listen for the user's pull-up bottoming event.

  • You can set the trigger distance onReachBottomDistance in the window option of app.json or in the page configuration.
  • This event will only be triggered once while sliding within the trigger distance.

onPageScroll(Object object)

Listen for user page sliding events.

ParametersObject object:

property type illustrate
scrollTop Number The distance the page has scrolled vertically (in px)

Note: Please define this method in the page only when necessary, and do not define an empty method. To reduce the impact of unnecessary event dispatch on rendering layer-logic layer communication. Note: Please avoid executing operations such as setData too frequently in onPageScroll that cause communication between the logic layer and the rendering layer. In particular, when a large amount of data is transmitted each time, it will affect the communication time.

onShareAppMessage(Object object)

Monitor the user's behavior of clicking the forward button on the page (button component open-type="share") or the "Forward" button in the upper right corner menu, and customize the forwarded content.

Note: Only when this event handler is defined, the "Forward" button will be displayed in the upper right corner menu

ParametersObject object:

parameter type illustrate Minimum version
from String Forward event source.
button: forward button in the page;
menu: Forward menu in the upper right corner
target Object If the from value is button, then target is the button that triggered the forwarding event, otherwise it is undefined 1.2.4
webViewUrl String When the page contains a web-view component, it returns the URL of the current web-view 1.6.4

This event handler function needs to return an Object for custom forwarding content. The returned content is as follows:

Starting from the custom forwarding content basic library 2.8.1, shared pictures support cloud pictures.

Fields illustrate default value Minimum version
title Forward Title Current applet name
path Forwarding Path The current page path must be a complete path starting with /
imageUrl The custom image path can be a local file path, a code package file path, or a network image path. Supports PNG and JPG. The aspect ratio of the displayed image is 5:4. Use default screenshot 1.5.0

Sample Code

Preview the effect in the developer tools

  onShareAppMessage: function (res) {
    if (res.from === 'button') {
      // From the forward button in the page console.log(
    return {
      title: 'Custom forwarding title',
      path: '/page/user?id=123'

onResize(Object object)

Support is available starting from basic library 2.4.0, and compatibility with lower versions is required.

Triggered when the applet screen is rotated. See Response Display Area Changes for details.

onTabItemTap(Object object)

Support is available starting from the basic library 1.9.0, and compatibility with lower versions is required.

Triggered when tab is clicked

Object Parameter Description:

parameter type illustrate Minimum version
index String The sequence number of the clicked tabItem, starting from 0 1.9.0
pagePath String The page path of the clicked tabItem 1.9.0
text String The button text of the clicked tabItem 1.9.0

Sample code:

  onTabItemTap(item) {

Component event handling function

Component event handling functions can also be defined in Page. Add event binding to the component of the rendering layer. When the event is triggered, the event processing function defined in the Page will be executed.

Sample code:

Preview the effect in the developer tools

 <view bindtap="viewTap"> click me </view>
  viewTap: function() {
    console.log('view tap')


Support is available starting from the basic library 1.2.0, and compatibility with lower versions is required.

The path to the current page, of type String.

  onShow: function() {

Page.prototype.setData(Object data, Function callback)

The setData function is used to send data from the logic layer to the view layer (asynchronous) and change the corresponding value (synchronous).

Mini Program Development Page Parameter Description

Fields type Required describe Minimum version
data Object yes The data to be changed this time
callback Function no Callback function after the interface update caused by setData is rendered 1.5.0

Object is represented in the form of key: value. Change the value corresponding to key in to value.

The key can be given in the form of a data path, which supports changing an item in an array or a property of an object, such as array[2].message, abcd, and does not need to be pre-defined in


  1. Directly modifying without calling this.setData will not change the state of the page and will cause data inconsistency.
  2. Only supports setting JSON-capable data.
  3. The data set at a time cannot exceed 1024kB. Please try to avoid setting too much data at a time.
  4. Please do not set the value of any item in data to undefined, otherwise the item will not be set and may leave some potential problems.

Sample code:

Preview the effect in the developer tools

 <!--index.wxml--><view>{{text}}</view><button bindtap="changeText"> Change normal data </button><view>{{num}}</view><button bindtap="changeNum"> Change normal num </button><view>{{array[0].text}}</view><button bindtap="changeItemInArray"> Change Array data </button><view>{{object.text}}</view><button bindtap="changeItemInObject"> Change Object data </button><view>{{newField.text}}</view><button bindtap="addNewField"> Add new data </button>
 // index.jsPage({
  data: {
    text: 'init data',
    num: 0,
    array: [{text: 'init data'}],
    object: {
      text: 'init data'
  changeText: function() {
    // = 'changed data' // Do not modify directly
    // should use setData
      text: 'changed data'
  changeNum: function() {
    // Alternatively, you can modify and then immediately use setData to set the modified field = 1
      num: })
  changeItemInArray: function() {
    // For object or array fields, you can directly modify a subfield below it, which is usually better than modifying the entire object or array this.setData({
      'array[0].text':'changed data'
  changeItemInObject: function(){
      'object.text': 'changed data'
  addNewField: function() {
      'newField.text': 'new data'

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