A must-learn for Pinduoduo merchants to open a store, a literacy course for beginners with zero basics (58 video courses) Course Catalog: 1Quickly understand the types and differences of platform stores 2. Procedures and rules for personal store check-in 3Enterprise store check-in process and rules 4 Different types of deposits and deposit payment procedures 5. Logistics delay in delivery 6. Fake delivery in logistics 7 The most severe punishment for inducing unofficial transactions 8 Pinduoduo sD Taocoupon 9Pinduoduo Withdrawal Rules 10How to check orders on Pinduoduo 11How does Pinduoduo deliver goods? 12 Pinduoduo shipping template settings 13. Management and after-sales processing skills 14 Rules for return shipping 15How to set up a sub-account on Pinduoduo 16. Live broadcast on August 9 (newbies don’t need to watch) 16. Store Violation Information Query 17Pinduoduo Image Space Management 18Various types of coupon settings 19 You must know how to use this tool. 20Pinduoduo customer service set up diversion management assessment 21Choice is more important than effort. How to find the right category? 22Market analysis found blue ocean categories 23 Discover the blue ocean price range of the category through data analysis 24. Find potential hits based on market analysis 26. Get pictures from suppliers and process them 27-piece video and video processing for suppliers 28Pinduoduo new product release process 29. Find words in new product titles 30. Filter keywords for new product titles 31 New product title combination title 32 Title modification and optimization 33. The Importance of the Main Image 34How to design a main picture with high click-through rate 35Correct commodity pricing logic 36 Classification and standard products of products 37Determine the basic sales volume of standard products and non-standard products 38. How to solve basic sales and evaluation problems for high-priced products 39Low customer price solution to basic sales method 40sD solves basic sales and evaluation methods 41Fanli.com solves basic sales and evaluation 42Search Car Custom Plan Creation 43Search Car Intelligent Plan Creation 44 scenario car custom plan creation 45 scene car OCPX plan creation 46 Search Car Customization Optimization Tips 47 Scenario Vehicle Customized Plan Optimization Tips 48 Search and Scene Smart Car Optimization Tips 49 Direct Train Test Model Practical Demonstration 50 Direct Train Mapping Practical Demonstration 51 Pinduoduo live broadcast promotion 52 The logic of Duoduojinbao 53 Duoduojinbao's background introduction 54 Several ways to find Duoduo promoters 55 Duoduojinbao creates a popular gameplay 56 Limited Time Flash Sale Rules and Registration Tips 57 store group courses |