Many friends like to play Douyin. When they see the products in the videos, they like them very much and click on the links to buy them. This is also why so many people open small stores on Douyin. There is no shortage of traffic. So, is it reliable to buy things from Douyin store ? Friends in need can refer to it. Is it reliable to buy things from Douyin store? There is no guarantee. Because Douyin is quite chaotic, the quality of the goods cannot be guaranteed. Once a problem occurs, you can't find anyone and there is no platform to solve it for you. Moreover, due to the platform's lack of effective supervision of sellers, many merchants do not implement return and exchange policies in accordance with relevant e-commerce regulations, and their after-sales service attitude is poor. The anchors on Douyin often exaggerate the products they promote. Many consumers have complained before that the products they purchased on the Douyin platform were seriously inconsistent with the products in the live video, and false advertising has become a "routine operation" by merchants. So don't buy things on Douyin. If you want to buy something, you can go to the official flagship store to buy it. What should I do if the goods are not delivered after I paid on Douyin Store? 1. If you buy products from the yellow cart recommended by influencers on Douyin, you must first check whether it is from the Douyin store or Taobao store. This can be distinguished when you pay. 2. If it is a Douyin store, then in the Douyin background, click on the three bars in the upper right corner, you can see an order, then click in, you can see the goods you bought, click on the gold to go to the goods, you can contact customer service in the lower right corner to urge them to ship the goods. 3. Normally, Douyin Store’s products will be shipped within the specified time. Otherwise, Douyin will deduct a deposit of 50 yuan from Douyin Store for each delayed order. 4. If it is a product from a Taobao store, then go to your Taobao and click on the unshipped product, and communicate with the store’s customer service. Relatively speaking, many of Douyin's systems still need to be improved, the quality of its products is mixed, and the platform's management is not mature enough. Sometimes there may be problems and no one will take care of them. However, we can file a complaint by directly contacting Douyin customer service. This is the end of this article about whether it is reliable to buy things from Douyin store and what to do if the goods are not delivered? This is the end of the article. For more relevant Douyin store shopping content, please search for Dongguan Feng Chao’s previous articles or continue to browse the related articles below. I hope everyone will support Dongguan Feng Chao in the future! |
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